11,648 research outputs found
M-theory and Seven-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Sasaki-Einstein Manifolds
Seven-dimensional inhomogeneous Sasaki-Einstein manifolds
present a challenging example of AdS/CFT correspondence. At present, their
field theory duals for base are proposed only within a
restricted range as quiver Chern-Simons-matter
theories with gauge group, nine bifundamental
chiral multiplets interacting through a cubic superpotential. To further
elucidate this correspondence, we use particle approximation both at classical
and quantum level. We setup a concrete AdS/CFT mapping of conserved quantities
using geodesic motions, and turn to solutions of scalar Laplace equation in
. The eigenmodes also provide an interesting subset of Kaluza-Klein
spectrum for supergravity in , and are dual
to protected operators written in terms of matter multiplets in the dual
conformal field theory.Comment: v2 refs added. 19 pages 1 figur
Uniqueness and examples of compact toric Sasaki-Einstein metrics
In [11] it was proved that, given a compact toric Sasaki manifold of positive
basic first Chern class and trivial first Chern class of the contact bundle,
one can find a deformed Sasaki structure on which a Sasaki-Einstein metric
exists. In the present paper we first prove the uniqueness of such Einstein
metrics on compact toric Sasaki manifolds modulo the action of the identity
component of the automorphism group for the transverse holomorphic structure,
and secondly remark that the result of [11] implies the existence of compatible
Einstein metrics on all compact Sasaki manifolds obtained from the toric
diagrams with any height, or equivalently on all compact toric Sasaki manifolds
whose cones have flat canonical bundle. We further show that there exists an
infinite family of inequivalent toric Sasaki-Einstein metrics on for each positive integer .Comment: Statements of the results are modifie
Operator Counting and Eigenvalue Distributions for 3D Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
We give further support for our conjecture relating eigenvalue distributions
of the Kapustin-Willett-Yaakov matrix model in the large N limit to numbers of
operators in the chiral ring of the corresponding supersymmetric
three-dimensional gauge theory. We show that the relation holds for
non-critical R-charges and for examples with {\mathcal N}=2 instead of
{\mathcal N}=3 supersymmetry where the bifundamental matter fields are
nonchiral. We prove that, for non-critical R-charges, the conjecture is
equivalent to a relation between the free energy of the gauge theory on a three
sphere and the volume of a Sasaki manifold that is part of the moduli space of
the gauge theory. We also investigate the consequences of our conjecture for
chiral theories where the matrix model is not well understood.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 5 figure
Energy properness and Sasakian-Einstein metrics
In this paper, we show that the existence of Sasakian-Einstein metrics is
closely related to the properness of corresponding energy functionals. Under
the condition that admitting no nontrivial Hamiltonian holomorphic vector
field, we prove that the existence of Sasakian-Einstein metric implies a
Moser-Trudinger type inequality. At the end of this paper, we also obtain a
Miyaoka-Yau type inequality in Sasakian geometry.Comment: 27 page
Operator Counting for N=2 Chern-Simons Gauge Theories with Chiral-like Matter Fields
The localization formula of Chern-Simons quiver gauge theory on nicely
reproduces the geometric data such as volume of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds in
the large- limit, at least for vector-like models. The validity of
chiral-like models is not established yet, due to technical problems in both
analytic and numerical approaches. Recently Gulotta, Herzog and Pufu suggested
that the counting of chiral operators can be used to find the eigenvalue
distribution of quiver matrix models. In this paper we apply this method to
some vector-like or chiral-like quiver theories, including the triangular
quivers with generic Chern-Simons levels which are dual to in-homogeneous
Sasaki-Einstein manifolds . The result is consistent
with AdS/CFT and the volume formula. We discuss the implication of our
analysis.Comment: 23 pages; v2. revised version; v3. corrected typos and clarified
A note on dimer models and McKay quivers
We give one formulation of an algorithm of Hanany and Vegh which takes a
lattice polygon as an input and produces a set of isoradial dimer models. We
study the case of lattice triangles in detail and discuss the relation with
coamoebas following Feng, He, Kennaway and Vafa.Comment: 25 pages, 35 figures. v3:completely rewritte
New Results in Sasaki-Einstein Geometry
This article is a summary of some of the author's work on Sasaki-Einstein
geometry. A rather general conjecture in string theory known as the AdS/CFT
correspondence relates Sasaki-Einstein geometry, in low dimensions, to
superconformal field theory; properties of the latter are therefore reflected
in the former, and vice versa. Despite this physical motivation, many recent
results are of independent geometrical interest, and are described here in
purely mathematical terms: explicit constructions of infinite families of both
quasi-regular and irregular Sasaki-Einstein metrics; toric Sasakian geometry;
an extremal problem that determines the Reeb vector field for, and hence also
the volume of, a Sasaki-Einstein manifold; and finally, obstructions to the
existence of Sasaki-Einstein metrics. Some of these results also provide new
insights into Kahler geometry, and in particular new obstructions to the
existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. Invited contribution to the proceedings of the
conference "Riemannian Topology: Geometric Structures on Manifolds"; minor
typos corrected, reference added; published version; Riemannian Topology and
Geometric Structures on Manifolds (Progress in Mathematics), Birkhauser (Nov
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