50 research outputs found

    How different genders use profanity on Twitter?

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    Social media, is often the go-to place where people discuss their opinions and share their feelings. As some platforms provide more anonymity than others, users have taken advantage of that privilege, by sitting behind the screen, the use of profanity has been able to create a toxic environment. Although not all profanities are used to offend people, it is undeniable that the anonymity has allowed social media users to express themselves more freely, increasing the likelihood of swearing. In this study, the use of profanity by different gender classes is compiled, and the findings showed that different genders often employ swear words from different hate categories, e.g. males tend to use more terms from the “disability” hate group. Classification models have been developed to predict the gender of tweet authors, and results showed that profanity could be used to uncover the gender of anonymous users. This shows the possibility that profiling of cyberbullies can be done from the aspect of gender based on profanity usage

    LETTERS TO EDITOR - Extradural Ependymoma with Extraspinal Extension : Letter to Editor

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    Ependymomas are the most common glial tumors of conus medullaris, filum terminale and cauda equina.1 Ependymomas have also been reported in the extraspinal soft tissues of the sacral region, producing bone deformity and growing to great size.2 These extraspinal ependymal tumors are thought to be congenital in origin.1 We report a case of myxopapillary extradural ependymoma with extraspinal extension in presacral region in a 17 year old male presenting with weakness of the left lower limbs

    Bilateral renal lymphangioma - An incidental finding

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    Letter to the Editor - Fibrous Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone

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    We would like to report a case of fibrous dysplasia of the temporal bone in a 15 year female, who presented with occipital headache for four months. On examination there was deviation of the angle of the mouth towards the right side and partial closure of the left eye while laughing. There was no impaired hearing. There was lower motor neurone palsy of the 7th cranial nerve on the left side with downgoing planters. Plain radiographs of the skull showed ground glass appearance of the temporal bone on the left side (Fig. 1,2). Axial CT showed extensive involvement of the left temporal bone and mastoids by pagetoid fibrous dysplasia producing classic ground glass appearance. There is also extension of the process into the occipital bone, sphenoid bone and posterior cranial fossa

    Giant cell reparative granuloma of the base of the skull presenting as a parapharyngeal mass

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    Giant cell reparative granuloma is an infrequent non-tumoral lesion affecting the maxillary and mandibular bones and only rarely, the cranial bones. We report a case of giant cell reparative granuloma of the base of the skull in a 12-year-old female who presented with a parapharyngeal mass. Computerized Tomography (CT) showed the intracranial extension and destruction of surrounding bones

    The effect of gum arabic on infection and nodulation of cluster clover by Rhizobium

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