44 research outputs found

    The ventral epithelium of Trichoplax adhaerens deploys in distinct patterns cells that secrete digestive enzymes, mucus or diverse neuropeptides

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Mayorova, T. D., Hammar, K., Winters, C. A., Reese, T. S., & Smith, C. L. The ventral epithelium of Trichoplax adhaerens deploys in distinct patterns cells that secrete digestive enzymes, mucus or diverse neuropeptides. Biology Open, 8, (2019): bio045674, doi:10.1242/bio.045674.The disk-shaped millimeter-sized marine animal, Trichoplax adhaerens, is notable because of its small number of cell types and primitive mode of feeding. It glides on substrates propelled by beating cilia on its lower surface and periodically pauses to feed on underlying microorganisms, which it digests externally. Here, a combination of advanced electron and light microscopic techniques are used to take a closer look at its secretory cell types and their roles in locomotion and feeding. We identify digestive enzymes in lipophils, a cell type implicated in external digestion and distributed uniformly throughout the ventral epithelium except for a narrow zone near its edge. We find three morphologically distinct types of gland cell. The most prevalent contains and secretes mucus, which is shown to be involved in adhesion and gliding. Half of the mucocytes are arrayed in a tight row around the edge of the ventral epithelium while the rest are scattered further inside, in the region containing lipophils. The secretory granules in mucocytes at the edge label with an antibody against a neuropeptide that was reported to arrest ciliary beating during feeding. A second type of gland cell is arrayed in a narrow row just inside the row of mucocytes while a third is located more centrally. Our maps of the positions of the structurally distinct secretory cell types provide a foundation for further characterization of the multiple peptidergic cell types in Trichoplax and the microscopic techniques we introduce provide tools for carrying out these studies.The work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Institutes of Health

    Hyaluronic acid at osteoarthrosis: intraarticulate introduction or synthesis stimulation?

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    In examination comparison of efficiency and safety of local therapy by a hyaluronic acid (HA) specimen and Autologous Conditioned Serum (ACS) is spent. The obtained data testify to the plus clinical effect of intraarticulate introduction ACS surpassing efficiency HA without essential side effects


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    The aim of the study – to investigate the causes of sperm DNA fragmentation, to establish the relationship between DNA disruption and ejaculate quality, and to study the effect of sperm DNA fragmentation on the onset and carrying a pregnancy. Materials and Methods. Bibliosemantic and analytical methods were used in the research. Results and Discussion. During the study, 46 sources of modern foreign literature on sperm DNA fragmentation and its impact on the onset and delivery of pregnancy were analyzed. Conclusions. Analysis of the literature showed that the level of sperm DNA fragmentation in the range of 15–30 % is statistically significant in terms of reducing positive pregnancy outcomes for in vivo, AMI, as well as in terms of increasing the risk of early miscarriage. If the level of DNA fragmentation of the partner’s sperm is> 30 %, IVF or ICSI will be the most effective methods of assisted reproductive technologies. However, the risk of developing fetal malformations associated with these assisted reproduction procedures should be borne in mind. Determining the level of DNA fragmentation can be used as a useful analysis in predicting miscarriages caused by male factor.Цель исследования – изучить причины фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов, установить взаимосвязь между нарушением ДНК и качеством эякулята, а также изучить влияние фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов на наступление и вынашивание беременности. Материалы и методы. В исследовании использованы библиосемантический и аналитический методы. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Во время выполнения исследования было проанализировано 46 источников современной зарубежной литературы о фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов и ее влиянии на наступление и вынашивание беременности. Выводы. Анализ литературных данных показал, что уровень фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов в пределах 15–30 % является статистически значимым к уменьшению положительных исходов беременности in vivo, ВМИ, а также к повышению риска ранних спонтанных выкидышей. Если уровень фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов партнера >30 %, наиболее эффективным методом вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий будет IVF или ICSI. Но в то же время нужно помнить о риске возникновения пороков развития у плода, связанных с этими процедурами вспомогательной репродукции. Определение уровня фрагментации ДНК можно использовать как полезный анализ в прогнозировании выкидышей, вызванных мужским фактором.Мета дослідження – вивчити причини фрагментації ДНК сперматозоїдів, встановити взаємозв’язок між порушенням ДНК та якістю еякуляту, а також вивчити вплив фрагментації ДНК сперматозоїдів на настання та виношування вагітності. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні використано бібліосемантичний та аналітичний методи. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Під час виконання дослідження було проаналізовано 46 джерел сучасної зарубіжної літератури щодо фрагментації ДНК сперматозоїдів та її впливу на настання і виношування вагітності. Висновки. Аналіз літературних даних показав, що рівень фрагментації ДНК сперматозоїдів у межах 15–30 % є статистично значущим щодо зменшення позитивних результатів вагітності для in vivo, ВМІ, а також щодо підвищення ризику ранніх спонтанних викиднів. Якщо рівень фрагментації ДНК сперматозоїдів партнера >30 %, найефективнішим методом допоміжних репродуктивних технологій буде IVF або ICSI. Проте потрібно пам’ятати про ризик виникнення вад розвитку у плода, пов’язаних із цими процедурами допоміжної репродукції. Визначення рівня фрагментації ДНК можна використовувати як корисний аналіз у прогнозуванні викиднів, спричинених чоловічим фактором


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    FMDV can be shed with milk of infected animals and infect susceptible animals. The possibility of using real-time qRT-PCR for FMD virus detection in cattle milk was assessed. To prepare samples of FMDV infected milk the following strains were used: А No. 2177/ Amursky/2013, О No. 2123/South Ossetia/2011, Asia-1 No. 1987/Amursky/2005, С No. 564, SAT-1 No. 2033/Botswana, SAT-2/Saudi Arabia, SAT-3/Bech 1/65. For specifcity test swine vesicular disease O-72 strain, Vesicular Exanthema of Swine A-48 strain and vesicular stomatitis virus Indiana strain from FGBI “ARRIAH” collection were used. The obtained data showed that real time qRT-PCR can be successfully used for the virus detection in milk of infected cows as well as in epithelium and cell cultures. Analytical sensitivity of real-time qRT-PCR in milk samples is 1–10 TCD50/ml, the method specifcity is 100%. When identifying basic validation characteristics of the method it was proven that real-time qRT-PCR demonstrates precision and sensitivity and can detect FMDV in its genetic diversity. So, the detected data showed that the real-time qRT-PCR is a precious method of milk and dairy product control

    Local administration of autologous platelet-rich plasma in a female patient with skin ulcer defect

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    The paper describes a clinical observation of the efficiency of local therapy with autologous platelet-rich plasma for .skin ulcer defect in a female with chronic lymphocytic leukemi


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    The paper presents the results of adaptation of FMDV Type O isolates obtained from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency to pig cell cultures and organisms as well as studies of their infectivity, antigenic activity as well as stability during passages in the PSGK continuous cell culture. Antigenic matching of FMDV Type O isolates, 2014-2015, obtained from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of the Republic of Korea, with Russian and foreign FMDV Type O production strains was studied. Special attention was given to determination of the inoculation dose for virus cultivation in PSGK-30 for the purpose of subsequent preparation of antigenic preparations and FMD vaccines. The results of strain studies served a basis for their depositing into the FGBI “ARRIAH” strain collection


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    Aim. The aim is to study the effect of bactericidal installation in combination with a device for creating a water curtain on the microclimate in the poultry house and environment. Methods. Epizootic research was carried out according to "epizootic methodology", FGI «Federal Centre for Animal Health» (FGI «ARRIAH»). Gas composition of air was investigated by means of universal gas-analyzer (UG-2); the content of carbon dioxide was measured by Subbotin-Nagorskiy titrimetric method; the amount of dust in the air was measured by a gravimetric (weight) method. Air humidity was calculated by means of August statistical psychrometer. Evaluation of the microbial contamination of air was carried out using the Krotov’s device. Results. The performed studies before and after the air bactericidal purification in a poultry farm showed a reduction of carbon dioxide and ammonia by 2-2.5 times, the total microbial contamination of air by 1.9 times and the dust by 4.3 times. We found a direct link between the increases in the amount of microbial bodies of air depending on the age of the bird. Thus, after air-cleaning in the poultry house room where they kept 15-d-old chicks, we calculated 5 thousand microbial cells per one m3 found (E.coli), and at the age of 45 days, the level of contamination reached 11 thousand microbial bodies. Conclusion. Research in the poultry house reveals that using bactericidal installation paired with water curtain device can significantly reduce the concentration of gases, dust and microorganisms in the air of the house and decrease the release into the environment, which will undoubtedly have an impact on the ecological situation of the environment, animal and human health

    Validation of the technique aimed at the determination of FMD antibodies in liquid phase blocking sandwich Elisa

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    The paper describes the process of the validation of the technique aimed at the determination of FMD antibodies in liquid phase blocking sandwich ELISA for FMD types A, 0 and Asial. The results were analyzed and the following main validation characteristics were determined: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, consistency, predictability of positive and negative results, reproducibility and intermediate precision under the conditions of repeatability and reproducibility. The results of the ELISA procedure validation were in compliance with the acceptability criteria

    Immunogenicity of Modern Vaccine Viruses of Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 According to Graphical Analysis

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    Antiepidemic measures were limited effectiveness for several years Objectives of this research were formulated as an assessment of the immunogenicity activity of the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 in the composition of modern trivaccines Immunogenicity of the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 in the vaccinated by vaccine was assessed by graphing, reflecting the dynamics of the multiplicity growth of antibodies (MG) and medium ratio of antibodies increasing (MR) in sera for several groups vaccinated. For comparison of vaccinated immunity was determined by traditional methods of evaluation of the immune response. As a result of the research, differences in the immunogenicity activity of the virus were revealed, which are reflected in antibody titers and the multiplicities of their growth from 2 to 4 - 8 times with the applying of similar quality vaccines. These changes couldn’t be observed with accounting study of the immune response. When immunized with a vaccine with an antigen dose of 5 mg HA identified a group of«silent» volunteers (8%) who did not respond to promotion with antigen A(H1N1)pdm09. Increasing dose of the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 to 15 mg/dose in the split vaccine were result of the elimination of the group of«silent» volunteers. Simultaneously was observed a significant increase in the immune response in serum titers (up to 32-fold) and antibody growth rates Accordingly, using of the graphical form of accounting made it possible to better assess the details of the formation of collective immunity to the virus A(H1N1)pdm09 and the nature of its deviations in a number of cases

    Synthesis and investigation of fullerene-based acceptor materials

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    We synthesised a range of new fullerene compounds that showed significantly different photoluminescence quenching abilities in the blends with a polyconjugated polymer; the observed influence of the size and shape of the groups attached to the fullerene cage on the photoinduced charge separation can potentially be used for improvement of power conversion efficiencies in plastic solar cells