5,885 research outputs found

    Summary of potential oil and gas formations in England for use in groundwater vulnerability assessments

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    The joint Environment Agency (EA) and BGS project “3D Groundwater Vulnerability” (3DGWV) will develop a methodology for attributing vulnerability of groundwater to pollution from sub-surface oil and gas exploration and production activities, including unconventional, conventional and hybrid plays. It will also take account of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) exploration, in addition to both near surface and deeper aquifers and groundwater. Outputs will include descriptions and visual representations of potential sources of sub-surface contamination of groundwater from different sources of hydrocarbons. These outputs are designed for use by the EA, Defra, other government departments, local planning authorities, environmental consultants and the public. The project will involve creating an attributed version of UK3D for England with source rock formations and aquifers identified. This report describes the hydrocarbon bearing units in England. The units have been identified primarily from three BGS reports commissioned by DECC (the Department for Energy and Climate Change) in 2013 (DECC, 2013a; 2013b; 2013c) and three additional area-specific reports on shale gas prospectivity in the Bowland Shale (Andrews, 2013), the Weald (Andrews, 2014) and the Wessex area (Greenhalgh, 2016). Note that this report is not intended to be an exhaustive summary of the occurrence of hydrocarbon units in England, rather a high-level overview for hydrogeologists interested in the potential for groundwater contamination. If further detailed information is required about the hydrocarbon characteristics of the units the reader should refer to the source documents (and references therein). The source documents identify units that have potential as conventional oil and gas reservoirs and source rocks (DECC, 2013a), for Coal Bed Methane (CBM) (DECC, 2013b) and shale gas (DECC, 2013c). There is no similar report for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) and therefore coal units have been identified from (DECC, 2013b). This report gives a summary of the potential hydrocarbon resource types; identifies or attributes specific hydrocarbon source rocks on the Generalised Vertical Section (GVS), which identifies the main geologic units for England from BGS’ National Geological Model (NGM) (UK3D v2015 and Waters et al., 2016); and, summarises features of each of the units in the context of the 3D GWV project

    Research Note, June 1981

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    This is issue 17: Some Economic Aspects of the Deadwood Harvest on the Bitterroot National Foresthttps://scholarworks.umt.edu/montana_forestry_notes/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Learning Communities: Opportunities for the Retention of Faculty of Color

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    The purpose of this article is to address how teaching in learning communities can be an effective tool for the retention of faculty of color. The article outlines the on-going, concerning issue of higher education\u27s lack of faculty diversity. Through their shared lens as tenure-track faculty of color at an urban community college, the authors identify common barriers for retention of faculty of color, and types of learning community models. They also recommend the most effective learning community model for faculty of color collaboration, and explain how this model addresses the trends of tokenism, isolation, marginalization and lack of mentorship frequently experienced by faculty of color in higher education

    3D Magnetic Analysis of the CMS Magnet

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    The CMS magnetic system consists of a super-conducting solenoid coil, 12.5 m long and 6 m free bore diameter, and of an iron flux-return yoke, which includes the central barrel, two end-caps and the ferromagnetic parts of the hadronic forward calorimeter. The magnetic flux density in the center of the solenoid is 4 T. To carry out the magnetic analysis of the CMS magnetic system, several 3D models were developed to perform magnetic field and force calculations using the Vector Fields code TOSCA. The analysis includes a study of the general field behavior, the calculation of the forces on the coil generated by small axial, radial displacements and angular tilts, the calculation of the forces on the ferromagnetic parts, the calculation of the fringe field outside the magnetic system, and a study of the field level in the chimneys for the current leads and the cryogenic lines. A procedure to reconstruct the field inside a cylindrical volume starting from the values of the magnetic flux density on the cylinder surface is considered. Special TOSCA-GEANT interface tools have being developed to input the calculated magnetic field into the detector simulation package.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 equation, 14 reference

    Economic Analysis of Wildlife Management Costs in the U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region

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    Paper published as Bulletin 47 in the UM Bulletin Forestry Series.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/umforestrybulletin/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Isotope harvesting at heavy ion fragmentation facilities

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    Introduction The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) is a national nuclear physics facility in which heavy ion beams are fragmented to produce exotic nuclei. In this process of fragmentation many nuclei are created, however, only one isotope is selected for experimentation. The remaining isotopes that are created go unused. The future upgrade of the NSCL to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) will increase the incident energy of these heavy ion beams and amplify the current by three orders of magnitude. An aqueous beam dump will be created to collect the unused isotopes created in the process of fragmentation. Several of these isotopes are of interest for many applications including nuclear security, medical imaging, and therapy and are not currently available or are only available in very limited supply. Harvesting these isotopes from the aqueous beam dump could provide a consistent supply of these im-portant isotopes as an ancillary service to the existing experimental program. Material and Methods A liquid water target system was designed and tested to serve as a mock beam dump for exper-iments at the NSCL1. A 25 pnA 130 MeV/u 76Ge beam was fragmented using a 493 mg/cm2 thick beryllium production target. After fragmentation the beam was separated using the A1900 frag-ment separator2 set up for maximum 67Cu pro-duction using a 240 mg/cm2 aluminum wedge and a 2% momentum acceptance. The secondary beam was collected for four hours in the liquid water target system before being transferred to a collection vessel. Four additional four hour collections were made before finally shipping the five collections to Washington University and Hope College for chemical separation. Four of the five samples were separated using a two part separation scheme. First they were passed through and 3M Empore iminodiacetic acid functionalized chelation disk in a 1.25M ammonium acetate solution at pH 5. The flow through was collected and analyzed using an HPGe detector. Then 10mL of 6M HCl acid was passed through the chelation disk to remove the 2+ transition metals. The 10mL of 6M HCl acid was collected after passing through the disk and added to an anion-exchange column with 2.5 g AG1-X8 resin. The eluate was collected and then an additional 10mL of 6M HCl was passed through the column to remove the nickel. The 67Cu was then collected by passing 10mL of 0.5M HCl and the eluate was collected in 1mL fractions each analyzed by HPGe for 67Cu concentration and purity. The two highest 67Cu fractions were heated to dryness and reconstituted in 50 ΌL 0.1M ammonium acetate pH 5.5. 2 ΌL of 7.9 mg/mL NOTA-Bz-Trastuzumab was added to 45 ΌL of 67Cu and 3 ΌL 0.1M ammonium acetate pH 5.5. This solution was placed in a shaking incubator at 37 °C for twenty minutes and then analyzed by radio-instant thin layer chromatography in order to determine the per-cent of 67Cu bound to the antibody. Results and Conclusion 67Cu was collected into the liquid water target system with an average efficiency of 85 ± 5 %. The secondary beam was 73 % pure with the impurities, half-lives greater than 1 minute, listed in TABLE 1. Separation of 67Cu from the impurities resulted in an average recovery of 88 ± 3 % for a total recovery of 67Cu from the beam and separation of 75 ± 4 %. No detectable radioactive impurities were found in the final samples when analyzed using an HPGe detector. TABLE 2 shows the amount of 67Cu collected from the beam and the amount recovered decay corrected to end of bombardment. Labeling NOTA-Bz-Trastuzumab with 67Cu resulted in > 95 % radiochemical yield. Collection of the 73 % pure 67Cu beam in water and the resulting separation proved successful. These results demonstrate that radioisotopes can be collected from fragmented heavy ion beams and isolated in usable quantities and purity for many radiochemical applications. Further experimentation with an unpurified beam to better simulate conditions in the beam dump at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams will be performed in the near future

    Understanding Soft Errors in Uncore Components

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    The effects of soft errors in processor cores have been widely studied. However, little has been published about soft errors in uncore components, such as memory subsystem and I/O controllers, of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC). In this work, we study how soft errors in uncore components affect system-level behaviors. We have created a new mixed-mode simulation platform that combines simulators at two different levels of abstraction, and achieves 20,000x speedup over RTL-only simulation. Using this platform, we present the first study of the system-level impact of soft errors inside various uncore components of a large-scale, multi-core SoC using the industrial-grade, open-source OpenSPARC T2 SoC design. Our results show that soft errors in uncore components can significantly impact system-level reliability. We also demonstrate that uncore soft errors can create major challenges for traditional system-level checkpoint recovery techniques. To overcome such recovery challenges, we present a new replay recovery technique for uncore components belonging to the memory subsystem. For the L2 cache controller and the DRAM controller components of OpenSPARC T2, our new technique reduces the probability that an application run fails to produce correct results due to soft errors by more than 100x with 3.32% and 6.09% chip-level area and power impact, respectively.Comment: to be published in Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Design Automation Conferenc

    Plasma complement biomarkers distinguish multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are autoimmune demyelinating diseases distinguished clinically by selective involvement in NMOSD of optic nerves and spinal cord. Early clinical manifestations are similar, complicating clinical management. Aquaporin-4 autoantibody measurement aids diagnosis of NMOSD but is frequently negative, creating unmet need for alternative biomarkers. Objective: We investigated whether plasma complement proteins are altered in MS and NMOSD and whether these provide biomarkers that reliably distinguish the diseases. Methods: Plasma from 53 NMOSD, 49 MS and 69 control donors was tested in multiplex assays measuring complement activation products and proteins. Logistic regression was used to test whether combinations of complement analyte measurements distinguish NMOSD from controls and MS. Results: All activation products were significantly elevated in NMOSD compared to either control or MS. Four complement proteins (C1inh, C1s, C5, FH) were significantly higher in NMOSD compared to MS or controls. A model comprising C1 inhibitor and TCC distinguished NMOSD from MS (area under curve (AUC) 0.98), while C1 inhibitor and C5 distinguished NMOSD from controls (AUC 0.94). Conclusions: NMOSD is distinguished from MS by plasma complement activation

    Characterising the vertical separation of shale-gas source rocks and aquifers across England and Wales (UK)

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    Shale gas is considered by many to have the potential to provide the UK with greater energy security, economic growth and jobs. However, development of a shale gas industry is highly contentious due to environmental concerns including the risk of groundwater pollution. Evidence suggests that the vertical separation between exploited shale units and aquifers is an important factor in the risk to groundwater from shale gas exploitation. A methodology is presented to assess the vertical separation between different pairs of aquifers and shales that are present across England and Wales. The application of the method is then demonstrated for two of these pairs—the Cretaceous Chalk Group aquifer and the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation, and the Triassic sandstone aquifer and the Carboniferous Bowland Shale Formation. Challenges in defining what might be considered criteria for ‘safe separation’ between a shale gas formation and an overlying aquifer are discussed, in particular with respect to uncertainties in geological properties, aquifer extents and determination of socially acceptable risk levels. Modelled vertical separations suggest that the risk of aquifer contamination from shale exploration will vary greatly between shale–aquifer pairs and between regions and this will need to be considered carefully as part of the risk assessment and management for any shale gas development

    KIF5A and the contribution of susceptibility genotypes as a predictive biomarker for multiple sclerosis

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    There is increasing interest in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) biomarkers that reflect central nervous system tissue injury to determine prognosis. We aimed to assess the prognostic value of kinesin superfamily motor protein KIF5A in MS by measuring levels of KIF5A in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) combined with analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs12368653 and rs703842) located within a MS susceptibility gene locus at chromosome 12q13–14 region. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure KIF5A in CSF obtained from two independent biobanks comprising non-inflammatory neurological disease controls (NINDC), clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and MS cases. CSF KIF5A expression was significantly elevated in progressive MS cases compared with NINDCs, CIS and relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS). In addition, levels of KIF5A positively correlated with change in MS disease severity scores (EDSS, MSSS and ARMSSS), in RRMS patients who had documented disease progression at 2-year clinical follow-up. Copies of adenine risk alleles (AG/AA; rs12368653 and rs703842) corresponded with a higher proportion of individuals in relapse at the time of lumbar puncture (LP), higher use of disease-modifying therapies post LP and shorter MS duration. Our study suggests that CSF KIF5A has potential as a predictive biomarker in MS and further studies into the potential prognostic value of analysing MS susceptibility SNPs should be considered
