373 research outputs found

    Energy spectrum of graphene multilayers in a parallel magnetic field

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    We study the orbital effect of a strong magnetic field parallel to the layers on the energy spectrum of the Bernal-stacked graphene bilayer and multilayers, including graphite. We consider the minimal model with the electron tunneling between the nearest sites in the plane and out of the plane. Using the semiclassical analytical approximation and exact numerical diagonalization, we find that the energy spectrum consists of two domains. In the low- and high-energy domains, the semiclassical electron orbits are closed and open, so the spectra are discrete and continuous, correspondingly. The discrete energy levels are the analogs of the Landau levels for the parallel magnetic field. They can be detected experimentally using electron tunneling and optical spectroscopy. In both domains, the electron wave functions are localized on a finite number of graphene layers, so the results can be applied to graphene multilayers of a finite thickness.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures. Added to v.2: Appendix A, Fig. 13, Refs. [18-23]. V.3: minor stylistic corrections from the published versio

    On the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integrals: A Constructive Solution of the Infinitesimal Hilbert Sixteenth Problem

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    We prove that the number of limit cycles generated by a small non-conservative perturbation of a Hamiltonian polynomial vector field on the plane, is bounded by a double exponential of the degree of the fields. This solves the long-standing tangential Hilbert 16th problem. The proof uses only the fact that Abelian integrals of a given degree are horizontal sections of a regular flat meromorphic connection (Gauss-Manin connection) with a quasiunipotent monodromy group.Comment: Final revisio

    Field-induced spin density wave in (TMTSF)2_2NO3_3

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    Interlayer magnetoresistance of the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2_2NO3_3 is investigated up to 50 teslas under pressures of a few kilobars. This compound, the Fermi surface of which is quasi two-dimensional at low temperature, is a semi metal under pressure. Nevertheless, a field-induced spin density wave is evidenced at 8.5 kbar above \sim 20 T. This state is characterized by a drastically different spectrum of the quantum oscillations compared to the low pressure spin density wave state.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005

    On the multiplicity of the hyperelliptic integrals

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    Let I(t)=δ(t)ωI(t)= \oint_{\delta(t)} \omega be an Abelian integral, where H=y2xn+1+P(x)H=y^2-x^{n+1}+P(x) is a hyperelliptic polynomial of Morse type, δ(t)\delta(t) a horizontal family of cycles in the curves {H=t}\{H=t\}, and ω\omega a polynomial 1-form in the variables xx and yy. We provide an upper bound on the multiplicity of I(t)I(t), away from the critical values of HH. Namely: $ord\ I(t) \leq n-1+\frac{n(n-1)}{2}if if \deg \omega <\deg H=n+1.Thereasoninggoesasfollows:weconsidertheanalyticcurveparameterizedbytheintegralsalong. The reasoning goes as follows: we consider the analytic curve parameterized by the integrals along \delta(t)ofthe of the nPetrovformsof ``Petrov'' forms of H(polynomial1formsthatfreelygeneratethemoduleofrelativecohomologyof (polynomial 1-forms that freely generate the module of relative cohomology of H),andinterpretthemultiplicityof), and interpret the multiplicity of I(t)astheorderofcontactof as the order of contact of \gamma(t)andalinearhyperplaneof and a linear hyperplane of \textbf C^ n.UsingthePicardFuchssystemsatisfiedby. Using the Picard-Fuchs system satisfied by \gamma(t),weestablishanalgebraicidentityinvolvingthewronskiandeterminantoftheintegralsoftheoriginalform, we establish an algebraic identity involving the wronskian determinant of the integrals of the original form \omegaalongabasisofthehomologyofthegenericfiberof along a basis of the homology of the generic fiber of H.Thelatterwronskianisanalyzedthroughthisidentity,whichyieldstheestimateonthemultiplicityof. The latter wronskian is analyzed through this identity, which yields the estimate on the multiplicity of I(t).Still,insomecases,relatedtothegeometryatinfinityofthecurves. Still, in some cases, related to the geometry at infinity of the curves \{H=t\} \subseteq \textbf C^2,thewronskianoccurstobezeroidentically.Inthisalternativeweshowhowtoadapttheargumenttoasystemofsmallerrank,andgetanontrivialwronskian.Foraform, the wronskian occurs to be zero identically. In this alternative we show how to adapt the argument to a system of smaller rank, and get a nontrivial wronskian. For a form \omegaofarbitrarydegree,weareledtoestimatingtheorderofcontactbetween of arbitrary degree, we are led to estimating the order of contact between \gamma(t)andasuitablealgebraichypersurfacein and a suitable algebraic hypersurface in \textbf C^{n+1}.Weobservethat. We observe that ord I(t)growslikeanaffinefunctionwithrespectto grows like an affine function with respect to \deg \omega$.Comment: 18 page

    Sign reversals of the quantum Hall effect and helicoidal magnetic-field-induced spin-density waves in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    We study the effect of umklapp scattering on the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases, which are experimentally observed in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family. Within the framework of the quantized nesting model, we show that umklapp processes may naturally explain sign reversals of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) observed in these conductors. Moreover, umklapp scattering can change the polarization of the spin-density wave (SDW) from linear (sinusoidal SDW) to circular (helicoidal SDW). The QHE vanishes in the helicoidal phases, but a magnetoelectric effect appears. These two characteristic properties may be utilized to detect the magnetic-field-induced helicoidal SDW phases experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Deconfined Fermions but Confined Coherence?

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    The cuprate superconductors and certain organic conductors exhibit transport which is qualitatively anisotropic, yet at the same time other properties of these materials strongly suggest the existence of a Fermi surface and low energy excitations with substantial free electron character. The former of these features is very difficult to account for if the material possesses three dimensional coherence, while the latter is inconsistent with a description based on a two dimensional fixed point. We therefore present a new proposal for these materials in which they are categorized by a fixed point at which transport in one direction is not renormalization group irrelevant, but is intrinsically incoherent, i.e. the incoherence is present in a pure system, at zero temperature. The defining property of such a state is that single electron coherence is confined to lower dimensional subspaces (planes or chains) so that it is impossible to observe interference effects between histories which involve electrons moving between these subspaces.Comment: 31 pages, REVTEX, 3 eps figures, epsf.tex macr

    Dispersion Instability in Strongly Interacting Electron Liquids

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    We show that the low-density strongly interacting electron liquid, interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction, could develop a dispersion instability at a critical density associated with the approximate flattening of the quasiparticle energy dispersion. At the critical density the quasiparticle effective mass diverges at the Fermi surface, but the signature of this Fermi surface instability manifests itself away from the Fermi momentum at higher densities. For densities below the critical density the system is unstable since the quasiparticle velocity becomes negative. We show that one physical mechanism underlying the dispersion instability is the emission of soft plasmons by the quasiparticles. The dispersion instability occurs both in two and three dimensional electron liquids. We discuss the implications of the dispersion instability for experiments at low electron densities.Comment: Accepted version for publicatio

    Edge electron states for quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases

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    We develop a microscopic picture of the electron states localized at the edges perpendicular to the chains in the Bechgaard salts in the quantum Hall regime. In a magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave state (FISDW) characterized by an integer N, there exist N branches of chiral gapless edge excitations. Localization length is much longer and velocity much lower for these states than for the edge states parallel to the chains. We calculate the contribution of these states to the specific heat and propose a time-of-flight experiment to probe the propagating edge modes directly.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. V.2: Minor changes to the final version published in PR

    Effect of umklapp scattering on the magnetic-field-induced spin-density waves in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    We study the effect of umklapp scattering on the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phases which are experimentally observed in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family. Within the framework of the quantized nesting model, we show that the transition temperature is determined by a modified Stoner criterion which includes the effect of umklapp scattering. We determine the SDW polarization (linear or circular) by analyzing the Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the free energy. We also study how umklapp processes modify the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the spectrum of the FISDW phases. We find that umklapp scattering stabilizes phases which exhibit a sign reversal of the QHE, as experimentally observed in the Bechgaard salts. These ``negative'' phases are characterized by the simultaneous existence of two SDWs with comparable amplitudes. As the umklapp scattering strength increases, they may become helicoidal (circularly polarized SDWs). The QHE vanishes in the helicoidal phases, but a magnetoelectric effect appears. These two characteristic properties may be utilized to detect the magnetic-field-induced helicoidal SDW phases experimentally.Comment: Revtex, 27 pages, 9 figure

    Collective modes in a system with two spin-density waves: the `Ribault' phase of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    We study the long-wavelength collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phases experimentally observed in organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family, focusing on phases that exhibit a sign reversal of the quantum Hall effect (Ribault anomaly). We have recently proposed that two SDW's coexist in the Ribault phase, as a result of Umklapp processes. When the latter are strong enough, the two SDW's become circularly polarized (helicoidal SDW's). In this paper, we study the collective modes which result from the presence of two SDW's. We find two Goldstone modes, an out-of-phase sliding mode and an in-phase spin-wave mode, and two gapped modes. The sliding Goldstone mode carries only a fraction of the total optical spectral weight, which is determined by the ratio of the amplitude of the two SDW's. In the helicoidal phase, all the spectral weight is pushed up above the SDW gap. We also point out similarities with phase modes in two-band or bilayer superconductors. We expect our conclusions to hold for generic two-SDW systems.Comment: Revised version, 25 pages, RevTex, 7 figure