2,565 research outputs found

    Gravitational self-force and the effective-one-body formalism between the innermost stable circular orbit and the light ring

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    We compute the conservative piece of the gravitational self-force (GSF) acting on a particle of mass m_1 as it moves along an (unstable) circular geodesic orbit between the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) and the light ring of a Schwarzschild black hole of mass m_2>> m_1. More precisely, we construct the function h_{uu}(x) = h_{\mu\nu} u^{\mu} u^{\nu} (related to Detweiler's gauge-invariant "redshift" variable), where h_{\mu\nu} is the regularized metric perturbation in the Lorenz gauge, u^{\mu} is the four-velocity of m_1, and x= [Gc^{-3}(m_1+m_2)\Omega]^{2/3} is an invariant coordinate constructed from the orbital frequency \Omega. In particular, we explore the behavior of h_{uu} just outside the "light ring" at x=1/3, where the circular orbit becomes null. Using the recently discovered link between h_{uu} and the piece a(u), linear in the symmetric mass ratio \nu, of the main radial potential A(u,\nu) of the Effective One Body (EOB) formalism, we compute a(u) over the entire domain 0<u<1/3. We find that a(u) diverges at the light-ring as ~0.25 (1-3u)^{-1/2}, explain the physical origin of this divergence, and discuss its consequences for the EOB formalism. We construct accurate global analytic fits for a(u), valid on the entire domain 0<u<1/3 (and possibly beyond), and give accurate numerical estimates of the values of a(u) and its first 3 derivatives at the ISCO, as well as the O(\nu) shift in the ISCO frequency. In previous work we used GSF data on slightly eccentric orbits to compute a certain linear combination of a(u) and its first two derivatives, involving also the O(\nu) piece \bar d(u) of a second EOB radial potential {\bar D}(u,\nu). Combining these results with our present global analytic representation of a(u), we numerically compute {\bar d}(u)$ on the interval 0<u\leq 1/6.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures. Extended discussion in Section V and minor typographical corrections throughout. Version to be published in PR

    Introductory lectures on the Effective One Body formalism

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    The Effective One Body (EOB) formalism is an analytical approach which aims at providing an accurate description of the motion and radiation of coalescing binary black holes. We present a brief review of the basic elements of this approach.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, lectures given at the Second ICRANet Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories (Pescara, Italy, September 3-8, 2007); to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Constraints on the variability of quark masses from nuclear binding

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    Based on recent work on nuclear binding, we update and extend the anthropic constraints on the light quark masses, with results that are more tightly constrained than previously obtained. We find that heavy nuclei would fall apart (because the attractive nuclear central potential becomes too weak) if the sum of the light quark masses m_u+m_d would exceed their physical values by 64% (at 95% confidence level). We summarize the anthropic constraints that follow from requiring the existence both of heavy atoms and of hydrogen. With the additional assumption that the quark Yukawa couplings do not vary, these constraints provide a remarkably tight anthropic window for the Higgs vacuum expectation value: 0.39 < v/v_physical < 1.64.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Photon rockets and gravitational radiation

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    The absence of gravitational radiation in Kinnersley's ``photon rocket'' solution of Einstein's equations is clarified by studying the mathematically well-defined problem of point-like photon rockets in Minkowski space (i.e. massive particles emitting null fluid anisotro\-pically and accelerating because of the recoil). We explicitly compute the (uniquely defined) {\it linearized} retarded gravitational waves emitted by such objects, which are the coherent superposition of the gravitational waves generated by the motion of the massive point-like rocket and of those generated by the energy-momentum distribution of the photon fluid. In the special case (corresponding to Kinnersley's solution) where the anisotropy of the photon emission is purely dipolar we find that the gravitational wave amplitude generated by the energy-momentum of the photons exactly cancels the usual 1/r1/r gravitational wave amplitude generated by the accelerated motion of the rocket. More general photon anisotropies would, however, generate genuine gravitational radiation at infinity. Our explicit calculations show the compatibility between the non-radiative character of Kinnersley's solution and the currently used gravitational wave generation formalisms based on post-Minkowskian perturbation theory.Comment: 21 pages, LATEX, submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Accuracy and effectualness of closed-form, frequency-domain waveforms for non-spinning black hole binaries

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    The coalescences of binary black hole (BBH) systems, here taken to be non-spinning, are among the most promising sources for gravitational wave (GW) ground-based detectors, such as LIGO and Virgo. To detect the GW signals emitted by BBHs, and measure the parameters of the source, one needs to have in hand a bank of GW templates that are both effectual (for detection), and accurate (for measurement). We study the effectualness and the accuracy of the two types of parametrized banks of templates that are directly defined in the frequency-domain by means of closed-form expressions, namely 'post-Newtonian' (PN) and 'phenomenological' models. In absence of knowledge of the exact waveforms, our study assumes as fiducial, target waveforms the ones generated by the most accurate version of the effective one body (EOB) formalism. We find that, for initial GW detectors the use, at each point of parameter space, of the best closed-form template (among PN and phenomenological models) leads to an effectualness >97% over the entire mass range and >99% in an important fraction of parameter space; however, when considering advanced detectors, both of the closed-form frequency-domain models fail to be effectual enough in significant domains of the two-dimensional [total mass and mass ratio] parameter space. Moreover, we find that, both for initial and advanced detectors, the two closed-form frequency-domain models fail to satisfy the minimal required accuracy standard in a very large domain of the two-dimensional parameter space. In addition, a side result of our study is the determination, as a function of the mass ratio, of the maximum frequency at which a frequency-domain PN waveform can be 'joined' onto a NR-calibrated EOB waveform without undue loss of accuracy.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Recoil during Binary Black Hole Coalescence using the Effective One Body Approach

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    Using the Effective One Body approach, that includes nonperturbative resummed estimates for the damping and conservative parts of the compact binary dynamics, we compute the recoil during the late inspiral and the subsequent plunge of non-spinning black holes of comparable masses moving in quasi-circular orbits. Further, using a prescription that smoothly connects the plunge phase to a perturbed single black hole, we obtain an estimate for the total recoil associated with the binary black hole coalescence. We show that the crucial physical feature which determines the magnitude of the terminal recoil is the presence of a ``burst'' of linear momentum flux emitted slightly before coalescence. When using the most natural expression for the linear momentum flux during the plunge, together with a Taylor-expanded (v/c)4(v/c)^4 correction factor, we find that the maximum value of the terminal recoil is ∼74\sim 74 km/s and occurs for a mass ratio m2/m1≃0.38m_2/m_1 \simeq 0.38. We comment, however, on the fact that the above `best bet estimate' is subject to strong uncertainties because the location and amplitude of the crucial peak of linear momentum flux happens at a moment during the plunge where most of the simplifying analytical assumptions underlying the Effective One Body approach are no longer justified. Changing the analytical way of estimating the linear momentum flux, we find maximum recoils that range between 49 and 172 km/s. (Abridged)Comment: 46 pages, new figures and discussions, to appear in PR
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