848 research outputs found

    Multiscale expansion of the lattice potential KdV equation on functions of infinite slow-varyness order

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    We present a discrete multiscale expansion of the lattice potential Korteweg-de Vries (lpKdV) equation on functions of infinite order of slow-varyness. To do so we introduce a formal expansion of the shift operator on many lattices holding at all orders. The lowest secularity condition from the expansion of the lpKdV equation gives a nonlinear lattice equation, depending on shifts of all orders, of the form of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equationComment: 9 pages, submitted to Journ. Phys.

    Explicit Form of the Evolution Operator of Tavis-Cummings Model : Three and Four Atoms Cases

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    In this letter the explicit form of evolution operator of the Tavis-Cummings model with three and four atoms is given. This is an important progress in quantum optics or mathematical physics.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages. We combined quant-ph/0404034(the three atoms case) and quant-ph/0406184(the four atoms case) into an article. to appear in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    A Comparative Analysis of Genistein and Daidzein in Affecting Lipid Metabolism in Rat Liver

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    Effects of soy isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, on the hepatic gene expression profile and indices for lipid metabolism were compared in rats. In the first experiment (Expt. 1), animals were fed diets containing 2 g/kg of either genistein or daidzein, or a control diet free of isoflavone for 14 days. In the second experiment (Expt. 2), rats were fed diets containing 1 or 2 g/kg of genistein, or an isoflavone-free diet for 16 days. Genistein at a dietary level of 2 g/kg reduced serum triacylglycerol concentrations in both experiments, and serum concentrations of cholesterol in Expt. 2. However, daidzein at 2 g/kg did not decrease serum lipid concentrations in Expt. 1. A DNA microarray analysis in Expt. 1 showed that genistein was stronger than daidzein in affecting gene expression in liver, targeting many genes involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Detailed analyses indicated that alterations in the expression of genes related to lipogenesis are primarily responsible for the serum lipid-lowering effect of genistein. This notion was supported by analyses of the activity of enzymes involved in lipogenesis in Expt. 2

    Aquagrams: Water spectral pattern as characterization of hydrogenated nanomaterial

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    Akvafotomika je novi pristup u nauci o određivanju osobina vode, vodenih rastvora i prisustva u malim koncentracijama biomolekula i nanomaterijala u vodi. Ova metoda se zasniva na karakterističnim frekvencijama vode u infracrvenom (IR) spektru na osnovu kojih se izrađuje dijagram oblika 'paukove mreže'. Promene u spektralnom dijagramu 'paukove mreže' čiste vode, daje informaciju o prisustvu i organizaciji dodate materije u vodu. Intenzitet poremećaja spektara je proporcionalan koncentraciji i organizaciji unete materije. Umesto da se identifikuju čestice (mikro, nano) u vodi, kao što je do sada bio slučaj (a što je dosta teško kada se radi o malim koncentracijama), u akvagramu se identifikuju najmanje promene matriksa vode na karakterističnim frekvencijama. Karakter i intenzitet tih promena u našem istraživanju omogućio je analizu interakciju vode i hidrogenizovanog fulerenskog nanomaterijala. Infracrvena spektroskopija, sa novim razvijenim konceptom, 'paukovom mrežom', se koristi da se ispita organizacija novo nastale supstance, kao mešavina harmonizovanog hidrogeniranog fulerena (NHS) i demineralizovane vode. Analiza akvagrama pokazuje da se NHS organizovao u formu Fibonačijevog niza (Φ/φ) i da preko vodoničnih veza deluje na okruženje. Efekat razblaživanja NHS supstance na vodu se takođe analizira pomoću akvagrama. Kako su neki biološki molekuli (mikrotubule, kolagen, klatrin i dr) uređeni po Fibonačijevom nizu to prisustvo NHS u biološkim tkivima može postati pokretačka snaga prirodnog procesa samo-reparacije, koja je u stanju da obnovi oštećene funkcije biomolekula. Ova istraživanja otvaraju mogućnost razvoja nanomedicine na bazi hidrogenizovanih nanomaterijala u vodi koji su uređeni i sposobni da generišu vibracione modove po Fibonačijemom nizu.Aquaphotomics is a novel approach in science to water and aqueous solutions investigation. It is based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), which in our current research is used for the analysis of interaction of water and hydrogenated nanomaterial. Infrared spectroscopy, with a new developed concept that of aquaphotomics, is used to investigate the organization of matter as a mixture of harmonized hydrogenated fullerene (nano-harmonized substance-NHS) and pure water. Composition of matter follows a harmonized form by Fibonacci law (Φ/φ). The effect of dilution on nano-harmonized substance is analyzed and the results of near infrared spectra are presented in the form of aquagrams. The presence of NHS in biological tissues is a driving force of natural self-assembly process, which is capable of restoration of damaged functions of biomolecules

    Aquagrams: Water spectral pattern as characterization of hydrogenated nanomaterial

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    Akvafotomika je novi pristup u nauci o određivanju osobina vode, vodenih rastvora i prisustva u malim koncentracijama biomolekula i nanomaterijala u vodi. Ova metoda se zasniva na karakterističnim frekvencijama vode u infracrvenom (IR) spektru na osnovu kojih se izrađuje dijagram oblika 'paukove mreže'. Promene u spektralnom dijagramu 'paukove mreže' čiste vode, daje informaciju o prisustvu i organizaciji dodate materije u vodu. Intenzitet poremećaja spektara je proporcionalan koncentraciji i organizaciji unete materije. Umesto da se identifikuju čestice (mikro, nano) u vodi, kao što je do sada bio slučaj (a što je dosta teško kada se radi o malim koncentracijama), u akvagramu se identifikuju najmanje promene matriksa vode na karakterističnim frekvencijama. Karakter i intenzitet tih promena u našem istraživanju omogućio je analizu interakciju vode i hidrogenizovanog fulerenskog nanomaterijala. Infracrvena spektroskopija, sa novim razvijenim konceptom, 'paukovom mrežom', se koristi da se ispita organizacija novo nastale supstance, kao mešavina harmonizovanog hidrogeniranog fulerena (NHS) i demineralizovane vode. Analiza akvagrama pokazuje da se NHS organizovao u formu Fibonačijevog niza (Φ/φ) i da preko vodoničnih veza deluje na okruženje. Efekat razblaživanja NHS supstance na vodu se takođe analizira pomoću akvagrama. Kako su neki biološki molekuli (mikrotubule, kolagen, klatrin i dr) uređeni po Fibonačijevom nizu to prisustvo NHS u biološkim tkivima može postati pokretačka snaga prirodnog procesa samo-reparacije, koja je u stanju da obnovi oštećene funkcije biomolekula. Ova istraživanja otvaraju mogućnost razvoja nanomedicine na bazi hidrogenizovanih nanomaterijala u vodi koji su uređeni i sposobni da generišu vibracione modove po Fibonačijemom nizu.Aquaphotomics is a novel approach in science to water and aqueous solutions investigation. It is based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), which in our current research is used for the analysis of interaction of water and hydrogenated nanomaterial. Infrared spectroscopy, with a new developed concept that of aquaphotomics, is used to investigate the organization of matter as a mixture of harmonized hydrogenated fullerene (nano-harmonized substance-NHS) and pure water. Composition of matter follows a harmonized form by Fibonacci law (Φ/φ). The effect of dilution on nano-harmonized substance is analyzed and the results of near infrared spectra are presented in the form of aquagrams. The presence of NHS in biological tissues is a driving force of natural self-assembly process, which is capable of restoration of damaged functions of biomolecules

    Homogeneity of Stellar Populations in Early-Type Galaxies with Different X-ray Properties

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    We have found the stellar populations of early-type galaxies are homogeneous with no significant difference in color or Mg2 index, despite the dichotomy between X-ray extended early-type galaxies and X-ray compact ones. Since the X-ray properties reflect the potential gravitational structure and hence the process of galaxy formation, the homogeneity of the stellar populations implies that the formation of stars in early-type galaxies predat es the epoch when the dichotomy of the potential structure was established.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Reconstructing the XUV Spectra of Active Sun-like Stars Using Solar Scaling Relations with Magnetic Flux

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    Kepler Space Telescope and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite unveiled that Sun-like stars frequently host exoplanets. These exoplanets are subject to fluxes of ionizing radiation in the form of X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) radiation that may cause changes in their atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. While X-ray fluxes can be observed directly, EUV fluxes cannot be observed because of severe interstellar medium absorption. Here, we present a new empirical method to estimate the whole stellar XUV (X-ray plus EUV) and FUV spectra as a function of total unsigned magnetic fluxes of stars. The response of the solar XUV and FUV spectrum (0.1-180 nm) to the solar total unsigned magnetic flux is investigated by using the long-term Sun-as-a-star dataset over 10 yrs, and the power-law relation is obtained for each wavelength with a spectral resolution of 0.1-1 nm. We applied the scaling relations to active young Sun-like stars (G-dwarfs), EK Dra (G1.5V), π1\pi^1 Uma (G1.5V) and κ1\kappa^1 Ceti (G5V), and found that the observed spectra (except for the unobservable longward EUV wavelength) are roughly consistent with the extension of the derived power-law relations with errors of an order of magnitude. This suggests that our model is a valuable method to derive the XUV/FUV fluxes of Sun-like stars including the EUV band mostly absorbed at wavelengths longward of 36 nm. We also discuss differences between the solar extensions and stellar observations at the wavelength in the 2-30 nm band and concluded that simultaneous observations of magnetic and XUV/FUV fluxes are necessary for further validations.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Upregulation of Aquaporin-3 Is Involved in Keratinocyte Proliferation and Epidermal Hyperplasia

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    Aquaporin-3 (AQP3) is a water/glycerol-transporting protein expressed in keratinocytes of the epidermis. We previously showed that AQP3-mediated transport of water and glycerol is involved in keratinocyte migration and proliferation, respectively. However, the involvement of AQP3 in epidermal hyperplasia in skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis (AD), is unknown. In this study, we found significantly increased AQP3 transcript and protein expression in the epidermis of human AD lesions. The upregulation of AQP3 expression in human keratinocytes by transfection with human AQP3 DNA plasmid was associated with increased cellular glycerol and ATP, as well as increased cell proliferation. Among several cytokines and chemokines produced in the skin, CCL17, which is highly expressed in AD, was found to be a strong inducer of AQP3 expression and enhanced keratinocyte proliferation. In mouse AD models, AQP3 was strongly overexpressed in the epidermis in wild-type mice. Epidermal hyperplasia was reduced in AQP3-deficient mice, with a decreased number of proliferating keratinocytes. These results suggest the involvement of AQP3 in epidermal hyperplasia by a mechanism involving upregulated AQP3 expression and consequent enhancement of keratinocyte proliferation
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