86 research outputs found

    Increase of efficiency of diamond and abrasive textural processing of the natural stone

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    Описано процес фінішної фактурної алмазно-абразивної обробки поверхонь деталей з природного каменю. Досліджено закономірності витягування алмазно-поліефірного волокна з розплаву. Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень впливу розмірів алмазних зерен і діаметру волокна, а також їх співвідношення на якість оброблених поверхонь. Показано, що завдяки виготовленню робочого шару інструменту з алмазно-поліефірного волокна, а також його калібруванню за діаметром забезпечується можливість бездефектної фактурної обробки природного каменю. Визначено найбільш доцільні конструкції інструменту, виходячи з розподілу коефіцієнта заповнення його поверхні робочим шаром і вимог до обробленої поверхні за шорсткістю та відбиваючою здатністю.Purpose. Research of laws of influence of a design and the characteristic of the tool, the size of diamond grains and diameter of an diamond-polyester fibre of which its working layer, on quality of the processed surfaces is formed, and also working out of tools which raise efficiency of impressive diamond and abrasive textural processing of the natural stone. Design/methodology/approach. Research of evolution of the form of a working layer of the tool is based on results of calculation of its wear rate on circular zones, use of a method of computer modelling and материализации models by way Rapid Prototyping. Findings. Laws pulling from melt diamond-polyester are investigated. Results of experimental researches of influence of the sizes of diamond grains and diameter a fibre, and also their relations on quality of the processed surfaces are resulted. It is shown, that thanks to manufacturing of a working layer of the tool from an diamond-polyester fibre, and also to its calibration on diameter possibility of faultless impressive processing of a natural stone is provided. Originality/value. The most rational designs of the tool, proceeding from distribution of factor of filling of its surface by a working layer and requirements to the processed surface on a roughness and reflectivity are defined.Описан процесс финишной фактурной алмазно-абразивной обработки поверхностей деталей с природного камня. Исследованы закономерности вытягивания алмазно-полиэфирного волокна из расплава. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований влияния размеров алмазных зерен и диаметра волокно, а также их отношения на качество обработанных поверхностей. Показано, что благодаря изготовлению рабочего слоя инструмента из алмазно-полимерного волокна, а также его калибровке по диаметру обеспечивается возможность бездефектной фактурной обработки природного камня. Определены наиболее рациональные конструкции инструмента, исходя из распределения коэффициента заполнения его поверхности рабочим слоем и требований к обработанной поверхности по шероховатости и отражающей способности

    Microwave susceptibility observation of interacting many-body Andreev states

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    Electrostatic charging affects the many-body spectrum of Andreev states, yet its influence on their microwave properties has not been elucidated. We developed a circuit quantum electrodynamics probe that, in addition to transition spectroscopy, measures the microwave susceptibility of different states of a semiconductor nanowire weak link with a single dominant (spin-degenerate) Andreev level. We found that the microwave susceptibility does not exhibit a particle-hole symmetry, which we qualitatively explain as an influence of Coulomb interaction. Moreover, our state-selective measurement reveals a large, π\pi-phase shifted contribution to the response common to all many-body states which can be interpreted as arising from a phase-dependent continuum in the superconducting density of states

    Video-Based Content Recognition of Bank Cards with Mobile Devices

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    In this paper, we propose an algorithm for detection and recognition of all information fields at the bank card front side based on video sequences. The algorithm is intended for use on mobile devices. This algorithm consists of the following basic steps: detection of the card boundaries in a frame, segmenting the information fields, improving the quality of segments, localizing the boundaries of symbols, and recognizing blocks of symbols. We also conduct a series of experiments. Experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve higher detection rates of 88% for all information fields and 92.5% for the bank card number and expiration date. The processing time per frame at different resolutions for each step by using iPhone 7 is presented. The experimental results confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach

    Controlling ion kinetic energy distributions in laser produced plasma sources by means of a picosecond pulse pair

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    The next generation of lithography machines uses extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light originating from laser-produced plasma (LPP) sources, where a small tin droplet is ionized by an intense laser pulse to emit the requested light at 13.5 nm. Numerous irradiation schemes have been explored to increase conversion efficiency (CE), out of which a double-pulse approach comprising a weak picosecond Nd:YAG pre-pulse followed by a powerful pulse is considered to be very promising [1]. Nevertheless, even for such CE-optimized schemes, ion debris ejected from the plasma with kinetic energies up to several keV remain a factor that hampers the maximum performance of LPP sources. In this letter we propose a novel pre-pulse scheme consisting of a picosecond pulse pair at 1064 nm, which decreases the amount of undesirable fast ions, avoids back-reflections to the lasers and enables one to tailor the target shape.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 45 reference

    Sn ion energy distributions of ns- and ps-laser produced plasmas

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    Ion energy distributions arising from laser-produced plasmas of Sn are measured over a wide laser parameter space. Planar-solid and liquid-droplet targets are exposed to infrared laser pulses with energy densities between 1 J cm(-2) and 4 kJ cm(-2) and durations spanning 0.5 ps to 6 ns. The measured ion energy distributions are compared to two self-similar solutions of a hydrodynamic approach assuming isothermal expansion of the plasma plume into vacuum. For planar and droplet targets exposed to ps-long pulses, we find good agreement between the experimental results and the self-similar solution of a semi-infinite simple planar plasma configuration with an exponential density profile. The ion energy distributions resulting from solid Sn exposed to ns-pulses agrees with solutions of a limited-mass model that assumes a Gaussian-shaped initial density profile.</p