232 research outputs found

    HIV in pregnancy

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    HIV is a disease caused by retrovirus (HIV-1 or HIV-2) the that attacks the immune system of the body, leaving it susceptible to various dangerous infections. HIV can have profound effects on pregnancy and pregnancy may in turn cause an aggravation of signs and symptoms HIV.A pregnant woman living with HIV can pass on the virus to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth and through breastfeeding. This is called Vertical transmission of HIV. Without any intervention, the rate of vertical transmission of HIV is as much as 15-45%. National PPTCT program of India run by NACO (National AIDS Control Organization) aims at preventing HIV transmission from mother to child. Women who are known HIV positives or those who are diagnosed as HIV positive for the first-time during pregnancy, are given Triple Dose Anti Retro-viral therapy comprising of Tenofovir, Lamivudine and Efavirenz. Special precautions are taken during their delivery. Whether LSCS is to be performed depends on the indications and on which guidelines are followed. Infant- feeding is advised to be carried out as per the guidelines stated in the PPTCT act so as to minimize the chances of HIV transmission to the infant

    A retrospective study to analyse the rate of caesarean section according to Robson's 10 group classification in a peripheral hospital in a metropolitan city

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    Background: In the past several decades, a pattern of rapid increases in Caesarean section (CS) delivery rates has been observed worldwide, as also in India. It is important to identify the reason behind the rising rates of CS since they can pose unnecessary risks to the mother and the neonate. The aim of the study was to analyse the CS rate in the ten groups as per Robson’s ten group classification, in a peripheral hospital in a metropolitan city. By this study we have tried to identify specific groups of women to be targeted to reduce CS rates.Methods: This is a retrospective study carried out at a peripheral hospital in Mumbai, India. It included all women who had delivered in the hospital from January, 2019 to December, 2019. The sample size was 2603.Results: Under this study, we found out that the rate of CS delivery is higher than what is recommended by WHO in Robson’s group 2, 5 and 6.Conclusions: This study will help us carry out targeted interventions so as to reduce the CS rates in these groups

    Analysis of trapping parameters of KCaSO4Cl:Eu phosphor prepared by acid method

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    This paper reports the systematic study of KCaSO4Cl:Eu phosphor synthesised by acid distillation method. Single glow peak at 432 is observed in KCaSO4Cl:Eu phosphor. The study of trapping parameters is done with the help of Chen’s peak shape method

    Hemp Concrete: A Sustainable Green Material for Conventional Concrete

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    Concrete is one of the most important building material and day by day theutilization of concrete is increasing to meet the infrastructure developmentrequirement. On one hand it is unavoidable but some alternative to beexplored to reduce the global environmental impact caused by the concrete.To overcome this from the last decade the world is looking towards thefact of sustainability due to rapid industrialization. The growth in theconstruction industry increased the demand of concrete as constructionmaterial. This concrete produces significant amount of greenhouse emissionin the environment. There is a need to find an alternative solution tominimize the greenhouse emission emitted from the concrete manufacturingplant.Hempcrete is a building material prepared from hemp yarns, lime andwater. This composite material has several beneficial properties like lowin cost, easily available, thermal and acoustic insulation, low density andsustainable cause of no adverse impact of carbon footprint on production.In this study the properties and several benefits of the hempcrete werediscussed in detail


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    The purpose of this study were to determine the profile, internal and external factors and strategies for the development of the corn industry at PIPL (Pengembangan Industri Pangan Lokal) Gapoktan Muda Mandiri at Oesao Village, East Kupang Subdistrict, Kupang Regency. The type of research was a qualitative research with survey method with interview and direct observation technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis method, SWOT analysis with IFAS and EFAS calculations. The results of this study are PIPL Gapoktan Muda Mandiri is an industry engaged in corn processing located of Oesao Village, East Kupang District, with a land area of ​​106 hectares and led by Mr. Viktor Ndoki. The number of Gapoktan members is 94 people. The internal factors in the PIPL of the Gapoktan Muda Mandiri which are the biggest strengths are that they already have a business license and the relationship between the owner/chairman of the Gapoktan Muda Mandiri and the employees or workforce is very good. The weakness of PIPL Gapoktan is that the number of products produced is still lacking, and they still use manual tools. External factors that are opportunities are raw materials that are easy to obtain and have no competitors around PIPL Gapoktan, while the threats are technological developments and unstable raw material prices. The strategies implemented for the development of maize agro-industry at PIPL Gapoktan Muda Mandiri are: (1) optimizing capacity, (2) increasing market share, (3) increasing sales through media and government programs, (4) maintaining product quality, (5) cooperation with members of farmer groups, (6) increase efficiency, (7) improve production equipment technology, (8) improve technology for promotion, (9) optimize development, (10) utilize labor for capacity expansion

    Review on Process, Application and Performance of Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)

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    Abstract- The rotating biological contactor is an attached growth biological treatment used in removal of biodegradable matter present in wastewater is popular due to its simplicity low energy requirement, low land requirement, stable in various shock loading and recirculation not required and low hydraulic retention time. This review paper focuses on various controlling parameter of RBC like organic loading, hydraulic retention time, speed of rotation, dissolve oxygen, staging, temperature, submergence etc. The paper also highlights on the performance studies of RBC for different types of wastewater. Index Terms- Rotating biological contactor, organic loading, speed of rotation, dissolves oxygen, staging and submergence. A I

    A comparative study of efficacy of misoprostol with methyl ergometrine and carboprost in active management of third stage of labour

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    Background: To assess the efficacy and safety of Misoprostol 800ug per rectally in active management of third stage of labour.Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 200 pregnant women who delivered after 34 weeks of gestation at a tertiary teaching institute were included. The women were divided in to 4 groups by using randomization depending on the drug given at birth of anterior shoulder. Group A were given 800ug of Misoprostol per rectally, Group B were given 0.2mg of methyl ergometrine, Group C were given 125ug of Carboprost and Group D was the control group. The duration of third stage of labor and the blood loss was calculated and the results of all four groups were compared.Results: Out of 200 antenatal women, the average duration of third stage of labor was shortest in the misoprostol group (8.88 minutes).The reduction in blood loss was significant with misoprostol as compared to ergometrine (p=0.016) and carboprost (0.009).The difference in pre and post-delivery hemoglobin was also significantly significant with misoprostol as compared to methyl ergometrine (0.048), carboprost (0.0001) and control (0.006).Conclusions: Misoprostol 800ug per rectally is an effective alternative in the active management of third stage of labor as compared to methyl ergometrine and carboprost

    Screening of gestational diabetes mellitus: comparison of glucose challenge test done in non fasting state (DIPSI criteria) and fasting state (WHO criteria): a prospective study

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    Background: The recent data shows 16.55% prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in India. Hence universal screening has become important and we need a simple procedure which is economical and feasible to perform in the Indian context. The comparison of screening methods for gestational diabetes mellitus by 75 gm oral glucose challenge testing done in fasting state (WHO) and non-fasting (DIPSI) state was done.Methods: Cross sectional prospective study done on 225 antenatal women between 20-24 weeks coming to tertiary level hospital in a single working unit were included. They were subjected to two screening glucose challenge tests for detection of gestational diabetes mellitus. Results of glucose challenge tests using 75 gm of anhydrous glucose done in fasting and non fasting state were compared. Values of standard 100 gm oral glucose tolerance test done were considered gold standard.Results: The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus was found to be 12.4% by oral glucose tolerance testing. Glucose challenge test with 75 gm done in fasting state was abnormal in 14.7% and abnormal in 15.6% done in non fasting state. The sensitivity of 75 gm GCT done in fasting was 60.7% and the sensitivity of 75 gm GCT done in non fasting state was 67.9%. The specificity of 75 gm GCT done in fasting state was 91.9% and the specificity of 75 gm GCT done in non fasting state was 91.9%.Conclusions: Sensitivity and specificity of the screening tests done by 75 gm GCT done in non fasting state is comparable with screening done in fasting state. Screening done by 75 gm GCT done in non fasting state is convenient and more feasible in Indian setup

    A Brief Review of the Medicinally Important Indole Derivatives

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    Indole is an exceptional heterocyclic molecule with a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity owing to various modes of action. It is also a versatile pharmacophore and a favored scaffold. For drug development, it is an excellent moiety whose only characteristic is that it resembles many protein structures. Plenty of research has been taking place in recent years to synthesize and explore the various therapeutic prospective of this moiety. This review summarizes some of the recent effective chemical synthesis (2014-2018) for indole ring. Some of the most recent efficient chemical synthesis for the indole ring (from 2014 to 2018) is compiled in this review. The structure-activity relationship (SAR) was also given a lot of weight in this review in order to pinpoint the active pharmacophores of different indole analogues that have been the subject of studies for the past five years and are responsible for a variety of effects, including antiviral, antitubercular, anticancer, and anticonvulsant ones. The goals and framework of every research issue are explained in detail to help medicinal chemists have a deeper understanding of the circumstances contextually. Researchers will undoubtedly use this review as a platform to strategically design a variety of novel indole derivatives with lower toxicity and side effects and a range of intriguing pharmacological activit
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