386 research outputs found

    Increased cell efficiency in InGaAs thin film solar cells with dielectric and metal back reflectors

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    Compound single junction and multijunction solar cells enable very high photovoltaic efficiencies by virtue of employing different band gap materials in seriesconnected tandem cells to access the full solar spectrum. Researchers focused on improving the electrical properties of solar cells by optimizing the material growth conditions, however relatively little work to date has been devoted to light trapping and enhanced absorption in III-V compound solar cells using back reflectors. We studied absorption enhancement in InGaAs and InGaAsP thin film solar cells by means of numerical modeling. Flat dielectric and metal back reflectors that might be introduced into the solar cell via wafer-bonding, epitaxial lift-off or deposition techniques have been shown to increase the short circuit current and the photovoltaic efficiency of solar cells

    Maskin-Monotonic Scoring Rules

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We characterize which scoring rules are Maskin-monotonic for each social choice problem as a function of the number of agents and the number of alternatives. We show that a scoring rule is Maskin-monotonic if and only if it satisfies a certain unanimity condition. Since scoring rules are neutral, Maskin-monotonicity turns out to be equivalent to Nash-implementability within the class of scoring rules. We propose a class of mechanisms such that each Nash-implementable scoring rule can be implemented via a mechanism in that class. Moreover, we investigate the class of generalized scoring rules and show that with a restriction on score vectors, our results for the standard case are still valid

    Robustness of One-Dimensional Photonic Bandgaps Under Random Variations of Geometrical Parameters

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    The supercell method is used to study the variation of the photonic bandgaps in one-dimensional photonic crystals under random perturbations to thicknesses of the layers. The results of both plane wave and analytical band structure and density of states calculations are presented along with the transmission cofficient as the level of randomness and the supercell size is increased. It is found that higher bandgaps disappear first as the randomness is gradually increased. The lowest bandgap is found to persist up to a randomness level of 55 percent.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on April 8 200

    Self-selective social choice functions verify arrow and gibbard-satterthwaite theorems

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    This paper introduces a new notion of consistency for social choice functions, called self-selectivity, which requires that a social choice function employed by a society to make a choice from a given alternative set it faces should choose itself from among other rival such functions when it is employed by the society to make this latter choice as well. A unanimous neutral social choice function turns out to be universally self-selective if and only if it is Paretian and satisfies independence of irrelevant alternatives. The neutral unanimous social choice functions whose domains consist of linear order profiles on nonempty sets of any finite cardinality induce a class of social welfare functions that inherit Paretianism and independence of irrelevant alternatives in case the social choice function with which one starts is universally self-selective. Thus, a unanimous and neutral social choice function is universally self-selective if and only if it is dictatorial. Moreover, universal self-selectivity for such functions is equivalent to the conjunction of strategy-proofness and independence of irrelevant alternatives or the conjunction of monotonicity and independence of irrelevant alternatives again

    Learning in Bayesian regulation: Desirable or undesirable?

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    We examine the social desirability of learning about the regulated agent in a generalized principal-agent model with incomplete information. An interesting result we obtain is that there are situations in which the agent prefers a Bayesian regulator to have more, yet incomplete, information about his private type

    Multiprincipals multiagents incentive design

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    This paper studies a simple setting in which the contractual arrangements which determine the incentives for agents are not designed by a single central planner, but are themselves the outcome of a game among multiple non-cooperatively acting principals. The notion of an Epsilon Contracting Equilibrium is introduced to predict the outcome of the contract-design game among principals. Symmetric pure strategy Epsilon Contracting Equlibria may not exist in perfectly symmetric environments. In a symmetric Epsilon Contracting Equilibrium in mixed strategies coordination failure may lead to a suboptimal institutional network in which the agents "cheat" their principals. © Springer-Verlag 2001

    Characterization of self-selective social choice functions on the tops-only domain

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    Self-selectivity is a new kind of consistency pertaining to social choice rules. It deals with the problem of whether a social choice rule selects itself from among other rival such rules when a society is also to choose the choice rule that it will employ in making its choice from a given set of alternatives. Koray shows that a neutral and unanimous social choice function is universally self-selective if and only if it is dictatorial. In this paper, we confine the available social choice functions to the tops-only domain and examine whether such restriction allow us to escape the dictatoriality result. A neutral, unanimous, and tops-only social choice function, however, turns out to be self-selective relative to the tops-only domain if and only if it is top-monotonic, and thus again dictatorial

    Blockchain Characteristics and Implications: Assessing the Impact on Sustainability in Turkish Sectors

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    Technological advances are accelerating the activation of the saving, preserving and using information in various economic models. Blockchain technology is one of the latest technologies used by many international institutions and organizations. Compared to other banking or technological technologies, it transmits and accumulates information transparently, instantly, and reliably at a low cost. As Turkey plays a significant economic role in the Middle East and Europe regions, this article highlights a sample of Turkish companies that use blockchain technology of the version 4.0. It is an attempt to measure the variables of the coefficient of trust, immutability, transparency, and cost reduction in combination with blockchain applications by scientists, administrative authors, and blockchain technologists. A quantitative descriptive approach has been adopted to examine the interrelation between blockchain applications and increase in transparency, confidence, stability, and cost reduction, based on the SPSS statistical software to produce accurate results. 19 Turkish companies were selected from 62 Turkish companies that have adopted blockchain, according to the official agency «BTCR» that tracks these organizations in Turkey. The selected companies, operating in banking, telecommunications, industry, and non-governmental associations, make large contributions to Turkey’s GDP. The study found that all four variables in the sectors improved significantly after the introduction of blockchain technology, but the systems for monitoring and tracking their influence were complex ones