7 research outputs found

    An Overview of ochratoxin research

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    A review of recently introduced<i> Aspergillus,</i><i> Penicillium,</i><i> Talaromyces</i> and other <i>Eurotiales</i> species

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    The order Eurotiales is diverse and includes species that impact our daily lives in many ways. In the past, its taxonomy was difficult due to morphological similarities, which made accurate identification of species difficult. This situation improved and stabilised with recent taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions that modernised Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromyces. This was mainly due to the availability of curated accepted species lists and the publication of comprehensive DNA sequence reference datasets. This has also led to a sharp increase in the number of new species described each year with the accepted species lists in turn also needing regular updates. The focus of this study was to review the 160 species described between the last list of accepted species published in 2020 until 31 December 2022. To review these species, single-gene phylogenies were constructed and GCPSR (Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition) was applied. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses were performed to further determine the relationships of the newly introduced species. As a result, we accepted 133 species (37 Aspergillus, two Paecilomyces, 59 Penicilium, two Rasamsonia, 32 Talaromyces and one Xerochrysium), synonymised 22, classified four as doubtful and created a new combination for Paraxerochrysium coryli, which is classified in Xerochrysium. This brings the number of accepted species to 453 for Aspergillus, 12 for Paecilomyces, 535 for Penicillium, 14 for Rasamsonia, 203 for Talaromyces and four for Xerochrysium. We accept the newly introduced section Tenues (in Talaromyces), and series Hainanici (in Aspergillus sect. Cavernicolarum) and Vascosobrinhoana (in Penicillium sect. Citrina). In addition, we validate the invalidly described species Aspergillus annui and A. saccharicola, and series Annuorum (in Aspergillus sect. Flavi), introduce a new combination for Dichlaena lentisci (type of the genus) and place it in a new section in Aspergillus subgenus Circumdati, provide an updated description for Rasamsonia oblata, and list excluded and recently synonymised species that were previously accepted. This study represents an important update of the accepted species lists in Eurotiales

    Classification of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Talaromyces and related genera (Eurotiales) : an overview of families, genera, subgenera, sections, series and species

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    The Eurotiales is a relatively large order of Ascomycetes with members frequently having positive and negative impact on human activities. Species within this order gain attention from various research fields such as food, indoor and medical mycology and biotechnology. In this article we give an overview of families and genera present in the Eurotiales and introduce an updated subgeneric, sectional and series classification for Aspergillus and Penicillium. Finally, a comprehensive list of accepted species in the Eurotiales is given. The classification of the Eurotiales at family and genus level is traditionally based on phenotypic characters, and this classification has since been challenged using sequence-based approaches. Here, we re-evaluated the relationships between families and genera of the Eurotiales using a nine-gene sequence dataset. Based on this analysis, the new family Penicillaginaceae is introduced and four known families are accepted: Aspergillaceae, Elaphomycetaceae, Thermoascaceae and Trichocomaceae. The Eurotiales includes 28 genera: 15 genera are accommodated in the Aspergillaceae (Aspergillago, Aspergillus, Evansstolkia, Hamigera, Leiothecium, Monascus, Penicilliopsis, Penicillium, Phialomyces, Pseudohamigera, Pseudopenicillium, Sclerocleista, Warcupiella, Xerochrysium and Xeromyces), eight in the Trichocomaceae (Acidotalaromyces, Ascospirella, Dendrosphaera, Rasamsonia, Sagenomella, Talaromyces, Thermomyces, Trichocoma), two in the Thermoascaceae (Paecilomyces, Thermoascus) and one in the Penicillaginaceae (Penicillago). The classification of the Elaphomycetaceae was not part of this study, but according to literature two genera are present in this family (Elaphomyces and Pseudotulostoma). The use of an infrageneric classification system has a long tradition in Aspergillus and Penicillium. Most recent taxonomic studies focused on the sectional level, resulting in a well-established sectional classification in these genera. In contrast, a series classification in Aspergillus and Penicillium is often outdated or lacking, but is still relevant, e.g., the allocation of a species to a series can be highly predictive in what functional characters the species might have and might be useful when using a phenotype-based identification. The majority of the series in Aspergillus and Penicillium are invalidly described and here we introduce a new series classification. Using a phylogenetic approach, often supported by phenotypic, physiologic and/or extrolite data, Aspergillus is subdivided in six subgenera, 27 sections (five new) and 75 series (73 new, one new combination), and Penicillium in two subgenera, 32 sections (seven new) and 89 series (57 new, six new combinations). Correct identification of species belonging to the Eurotiales is difficult, but crucial, as the species name is the linking pin to information. Lists of accepted species are a helpful aid for researchers to obtain a correct identification using the current taxonomic schemes. In the most recent list from 2014, 339 Aspergillus, 354 Penicillium and 88 Talaromyces species were accepted. These numbers increased significantly, and the current list includes 446 Aspergillus (32 % increase), 483 Penicillium (36 % increase) and 171 Talaromyces (94 % increase) species, showing the large diversity and high interest in these genera. We expanded this list with all genera and species belonging to the Eurotiales (except those belonging to Elaphomycetaceae). The list includes 1 187 species, distributed over 27 genera, and contains MycoBank numbers, collection numbers of type and ex-type cultures, subgenus, section and series classification data, information on the mode of reproduction, and GenBank accession numbers of ITS, beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) gene sequences.Supplementary Fig. S1. Phylogenetic relationship within the Eurotiales based on a combined ML phylogeny using nine loci (RPB1, RPB2, Cct8, Tsr1, CaM, BenA, SSU, LSU, ITS) and a partition containing a binary matrix of indels present in the Tsr1, CaM, BenA and ITS dataset. Bootstrap values are above or below branches. The phylogram is based on 263 species belonging to the order Eurotiales and 16 species from the order Onygenales (used an outgroup).Supplementary Fig. S2. Combined phylogeny for BenA, CaM and RPB2 data sets showing the phylogenetic relation of species within the genus Hamigera. The new combination Hamigara brevicompacta is shown in bold font. The BI posterior probability (pp) values and bootstrap percentages of the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis are presented at the nodes; fully supported branches are thickened. Values less than 70 % bootstrap support (ML) or less than 0.95 posterior probability (Bayesian analysis) are indicated with a hyphen or not shown. The bar indicates the number of substitutions per site. The phylogram is rooted with Aspergillus glaucus.Supplementary Fig. S3. Combined phylogeny for BenA, CaM and RPB2 data sets showing the phylogenetic relation of species within the genus Talaromyces. The new combinations Tal. resinae and Tal. striatoconidium are shown in bold font. The BI posterior probability (pp) values and bootstrap percentages of the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis are presented at the nodes; fully supported branches are thickened. Values less than 70 % bootstrap support (ML) or less than 0.95 posterior probability (Bayesian analysis) are indicated with a hyphen or not shown. The bar indicates the number of substitutions per site. The phylogram is rooted with Ascospirella lutea.Supplementary Fig. S4. Phylogenetic trees based on BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequence data sets showing the relationship between Penicillium cellarum and P. aurantiogriseum. The data of species mentioned in the phylogram can be found in the “accepted species” list in this article. The BI posterior probability (pp) values and bootstrap percentages of the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis are presented at the nodes; fully supported branches are thickened. Values less than 70 % bootstrap support (ML) or less than 0.95 posterior probability (Bayesian analysis) are indicated with a hyphen or not shown. The bar indicates the number of substitutions per site. The phylogram is rooted with Penicillium chrysogenum NRRL 20818.Supplementary Table S1. Sequence data used for 9-gene phylogeny.Agilent for a Thought leader award from Agilent, the Danish National Research Foundation for the Center of Excellence CeMiSt (DNRF137) and the Hungarian Research Fund.http://www.studiesinmycology.orgam2021BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov., an uniseriate black Aspergillus species isolated from grapes in Europe

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    A novel species, Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov., is described within Aspergillus section Nigri. This species can be distinguished from other black aspergilli based on internal transcribed spacers (ITS), β-tubulin and calmodulin gene sequences, by AFLP analysis and by extrolite profiles. Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov. isolates produced secalonic acid, common to other Aspergillus japonicus-related taxa, and geodin, erdin and dihydrogeodin, which are not produced by any other black aspergilli. None of the isolates were found to produce ochratoxin A. The novel species is most closely related to two atypical strains of Aspergillus aculeatus, CBS 114.80 and CBS 620.78, and was isolated from grape berries in Portugal, Italy, France, Israel, Greece and Spain. The type strain of Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov. is IMI 388523T=CBS 127591T=ITEM 4834T=IBT26606T

    Epidemiology and echinocandin susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis sensu lato species isolated from bloodstream infections at a Spanish university hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this work were to study the epidemiological profiles, differences in echinocandin susceptibilities and clinical relevance of the Candida parapsilosis sensu lato species isolated from proven fungaemia cases at La Fe University Hospital of Valencia (Spain) from 1995 to 2007. RESULTS: The prevalence of these species was: C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 74.4%; Candida orthopsilosis, 23.54%; and Candida metapsilosis, 2.05%. The incidence of the species complex as agents of fungaemia remained stationary until 2005 and doubled in 2006. The incidence of C. orthopsilosis showed an increasing trend during the study period, while C. parapsilosis sensu stricto incidence diminished. Also, an important epidemiological change was observed starting in 2004, when 86.5% of the C. parapsilosis sensu lato strains were found in adult patients, while before that year only 13.5% of the isolates were found in this population. CONCLUSIONS: Echinocandin drug susceptibility testing using the CLSI M27-A3 document showed a wide range of MIC values (0.015–4 mg/L), with micafungin being the most potent in vitro inhibitor followed by anidulafungin and caspofungin (MIC geometric mean of 0.68, 0.74 and 0.87 mg/L, respectively). C. metapsilosis was the most susceptible species of the complex to anidulafungin and micafungin in vitro (MIC(50) for anidulafungin and micafungin: 0.06 mg/L), while there were no differences between C. parapsilosis sensu lato species when caspofungin MIC(50)s were compared (MIC(50) 1.00 mg/L). Differences in caspofungin in vitro susceptibility were observed between the different clinical service departments of La Fe Hospital