5 research outputs found

    Linking rain into ice microphysics across the melting layer in stratiform rain: A closure study

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    This study investigates the link between rain and ice microphysics across the melting layer in stratiform rain systems using measurements from vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars. A novel methodology to examine the variability of the precipitation rate and the mass-weighted melted diameter (Dm) across the melting region is proposed and applied to a 6 h long case study, observed during the TRIPEx-pol field campaign at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution Core Facility and covering a gamut of ice microphysical processes. The methodology is based on an optimal estimation (OE) retrieval of particle size distributions (PSDs) and dynamics (turbulence and vertical motions) from observed multi-frequency radar Doppler spectra applied both above and below the melting layer. First, the retrieval is applied in the rain region; based on a one-to-one conversion of raindrops into snowflakes, the retrieved drop size distributions (DSDs) are propagated upward to provide the mass-flux-preserving PSDs of snow. These ice PSDs are used to simulate radar reflectivities above the melting layer for different snow models and they are evaluated for a consistency with the actual radar measurements. Second, the OE snow retrieval where Doppler spectra are simulated based on different snow models, which consistently compute fall speeds and electromagnetic properties, is performed. The results corresponding to the best-matching models are then used to estimate snow fluxes and D m, which are directly compared to the corresponding rain quantities. For the case study, the total accumulation of rain (2.30 mm) and the melted equivalent accumulation of snow (1.93 mm) show a 19 % difference. The analysis suggests that the mass flux through the melting zone is well preserved except the periods of intense riming where the precipitation rates were higher in rain than in the ice above. This is potentially due to additional condensation within the melting zone in correspondence to high relative humidity and collision and coalescence with the cloud droplets whose occurrence is ubiquitous with riming. It is shown that the mean mass-weighted diameter of ice is strongly related to the characteristic size of the underlying rain except the period of extreme aggregation where breakup of melting snowflakes significantly reduces Dm. The proposed methodology can be applied to long-term observations to advance our knowledge of the processes occurring across the melting region; this can then be used to improve assumptions underpinning spaceborne radar precipitation retrievals

    Triple frequency Doppler spectra closure study across the melting layer: Lessons learnt

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    By exploiting novel measurements from vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars, this study investigates the link between rain and ice microphysics across the melting layer in stratiform rain, the main source of precipitation in the mid-latitudes. A closure study is proposed in this paper where Drop Size Distributions (DSD) are retrieved from multi-frequency radar Doppler spectra and propagated upward to predict the Particle Size Distributions (PSD) in the overlying snow. Snow PSDs are retrieved above the freezing level for several ice models from the full Doppler spectra measured at such level. The model that best matches the measured triple frequency spectra is used to infer the PSDs, which are then compared to the PSDs predicted from rain from a melting-only steady-state assumption. Overall, the predicted and the retrieved mean mass weighted diameters (Dm) of ice are highly correlated, with the retrieved Dm being on average circa 15 % larger. Although, a correlation between the precipitation rates above and below the melting zone is weaker (CC = 0.66), the melted equivalent accumulation over 6 h period is nearly perfectly matched (1 % difference only). This novel methodology can be applied to assess the validity of some assumptions like the constant precipitation rate across the melting region via long-term observations; this will advance our knowledge of the processes occurring across the melting region. This has the potential to improve space-borne radar precipitation retrievals as well, especially those from the Dual Frequency Precipitation Radar on-board of the Global Precipitation Measurement core satellite

    The Microphysics of Stratiform Precipitation During OLYMPEX: Compatibility Between Triple-Frequency Radar and Airborne In Situ Observations

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    The link between stratiform precipitation microphysics and multifrequency radar observables is thoroughly investigated by exploiting simultaneous airborne radar and in situ observations collected from two aircraft during the OLYMPEX/RADEX (Olympic Mountain Experiment/Radar Definition Experiment 2015) field campaign. Above the melting level, in situ images and triple-frequency radar signatures both indicate the presence of moderately rimed aggregates. Various mass-size relationships of ice particles and snow scattering databases are used to compute the radar reflectivity from the in situ particle size distribution. At Ku and Ka band, the best agreement with radar observations is found when using the self-similar Rayleigh-Gans approximation for moderately rimed aggregates. At W band, a direct comparison is challenging because of the non-Rayleigh effects and of the probable attenuation due to ice aggregates and supercooled liquid water between the two aircraft. A variational method enables the retrieval of the full precipitation profile above and below the melting layer, by combining the observations from the three radars. Even with three radar frequencies, the retrieval of rain properties is challenging over land, where the integrated attenuation is not available. Otherwise, retrieved mean volume diameters and water contents of both solid and liquid precipitation are in agreement with in situ observations and indicate local changes of the degree of riming of ice aggregates, on the scale of 5 km. Finally, retrieval results are analyzed to explore the validity of using continuity constraints on the water mass flux and diameter within the melting layer in order to improve retrievals of ice properties

    Aware in West Antarctica: Clouds, climate, and critical ice melt

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    Rapid climate change on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has challenged previous explanations of Antarctic climate change that focused on strengthening of circumpolar westerlies. A recent study linked surface melting conditions on the WAIS to atmospheric blocking over the Amundsen Sea region and to a negative phase of the southern annular mode, both of which correlate with El Niño in the tropical Pacific. [Opening paragraph

    AWARE: The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) West Antarctic Radiation Experiment

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    The U.S. Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE) performed comprehensive meteorological and aerosol measurements and ground-based atmospheric remote sensing at two Antarctic stations using the most advanced instrumentation available. A suite of cloud research radars, lidars, spectral and broadband radiometers, aerosol chemical and microphysical sampling equipment, and meteorological instrumentation was deployed at McMurdo Station on Ross Island from December 2015 through December 2016. A smaller suite of radiometers and meteorological equipment, including radiosondes optimized for surface energy budget measurement, was deployed on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet between 4 December 2015 and 17 January 2016. AWARE provided Antarctic atmospheric data comparable to several well-instrumented high Arctic sites that have operated for many years and that reveal numerous contrasts with the Arctic in aerosol and cloud microphysical properties. These include persistent differences in liquid cloud occurrence, cloud height, and cloud thickness. Antarctic aerosol properties are also quite different from the Arctic in both seasonal cycle and composition, due to the continent's isolation from lower latitudes by Southern Ocean storm tracks. Antarctic aerosol number and mass concentrations are not only non-negligible but perhaps play a more important role than previously recognized because of the higher sensitivities of clouds at the very low concentrations caused by the large-scale dynamical isolation. Antarctic aerosol chemical composition, particularly organic components, has implications for local cloud microphysics. The AWARE dataset, fully available online in the ARM Program data archive, offers numerous case studies for unique and rigorous evaluation of mixed-phase cloud parameterization in climate models