14 research outputs found
Anger and aggression in borderline personality disorder and attention deficithyperactivity disorder – does stress matter?
BACKGROUND: The impact of stress on anger and aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has not been thoroughly investigated. The goal of this study was to investigate different aspects of anger and aggression in patients with these disorders. METHODS: Twenty-nine unmedicated female BPD patients, 28 ADHD patients and 30 healthy controls (HC) completed self-reports measuring trait anger, aggression and emotion regulation capacities. A modified version of the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm and a state anger measurement were applied under resting and stress conditions. Stress was induced by the Mannheim Multicomponent Stress Test (MMST). RESULTS: Both patient groups scored significantly higher on all self-report measures compared to HCs. Compared to ADHD patients, BPD patients reported higher trait aggression and hostility, a stronger tendency to express anger when provoked and to direct anger inwardly. Furthermore, BPD patients exhibited higher state anger than HCs and ADHD patients under both conditions and showed a stress-dependent anger increase. At the behavioral level, no significant effects were found. In BPD patients, aggression and anger were positively correlated with emotion regulation deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a significant impact of stress on self-perceived state anger in BPD patients but not on aggressive behavior towards others in females with BPD or ADHD. However, it appears to be pronounced inwardly directed anger which is of clinical importance in BPD patients. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40479-017-0057-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
Das DockingPrinzip - Klimaschutz durch emissionsreduzierte Nahverkehrssysteme: Gemeinsamer Schlussbericht des Projektverbundes Fraunhofer IVI und Bombardier Transportation; Bearbeitungszeitraum: 01.08.2006 - 31.12.2009, Förderkennzeichen: 01LS05018, 01LS05111
Das Projekt "Das DockingPrinzip - Klimaschutz durch emissionsreduzierte Nahverkehrssysteme" war eines der im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms "KlimaZwei" vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Vorhaben. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse, die durch den Projektverbund erarbeitet wurden, dar. Elektrisch betriebene Fahrzeuge, die lokal emissionsfrei und hoch effizient betrieben werden können und mit geringen Investitions- und Betriebsaufwendungen verbunden sind, stellen einen entscheidenden Beitrag für den Klimaschutz und die urbane Mobilität der Zukunft dar. Bisher konnten die konventionellen ÖPNV-Fahrzeuge mit elektrischer Energieübertragung diese Anforderungen nur eingeschränkt erfüllen. Durch den Projektverbund wurde ein neuartiges elektrisches Antriebskonzept - das Docking-Prinzip - an einem Straßenbahnfahrzeug realisiert. Hierfür erarbeitete Bombardier Transportation den Aufbau eines elektrischen Energiespeichersystems sowie dessen Integration in ein Neufahrzeug. Das Fraunhofer IVI entwickelte begleitend ein Koppelsystem für die Schnellladung des Energiespeichers während regulärer Betriebshalte, ein Energiemanagement, basierend auf der Leistungsprädiktion des schienengebundenen Fahrzeuges, und erarbeitete Studien sowohl zur Ermittlung der wirtschaftlichen Erfolgsaussichten als auch zu ökologischen Vorteilen der Technologie
Electron Beam Evaporated Nickel Oxide Hole Transport Layers for Perovskite Based Photovoltaics
High amp; 8208;quality charge carrier transport materials are of key importance for stable and efficient perovskite amp; 8208;based photovoltaics. This work reports on electron amp; 8208;beam amp; 8208;evaporated nickel oxide NiOx layers, resulting in stable power conversion efficiencies PCEs of up to 18.5 when integrated into solar cells employing inkjet amp; 8208;printed perovskite absorbers. By adding oxygen as a process gas and optimizing the layer thickness, transparent and efficient NiOx hole transport layers HTLs are fabricated, exhibiting an average absorptance of only 1 . The versatility of the material is demonstrated for different absorber compositions and deposition techniques. As another highlight of this work, all amp; 8208;evaporated perovskite solar cells employing an inorganic NiOx HTL are presented, achieving stable PCEs of up to 15.4 . Along with good PCEs, devices with electron amp; 8208;beam amp; 8208;evaporated NiOx show improved stability under realistic operating conditions with negligible degradation after 40 h of maximum power point tracking at 75 C. Additionally, a strong improvement in device stability under ultraviolet radiation is found if compared to conventional perovskite solar cell architectures employing other metal oxide charge transport layers e.g., titanium dioxide . Finally, an all amp; 8208;evaporated perovskite solar mini amp; 8208;module with a NiOx HTL is presented, reaching a PCE of 12.4 on an active device area of 2.3 cm
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Photovoltaic Devices: Electron‐Beam‐Evaporated Nickel Oxide Hole Transport Layers for Perovskite‐Based Photovoltaics (Adv. Energy Mater. 12/2019)
High‐quality inorganic charge extraction layers are of key importance for efficient and stable perovskite‐based photovoltaics. In article number 1802995, Tobias Abzieher, Ulrich W. Paetzold, and co‐workers introduce oxygen‐assisted electron beam evaporation of NiOx as a promising approach for the fabrication of highly transparent hole transport layers. By integrating these layers in inkjet‐printed and all‐evaporated perovskite solar cells, record PCEs are achieved