208 research outputs found

    Effect of shir-e-khesht (billinaster drop) consumption by the neonates or their mothers on the neonatal icter

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    زمینه و هدف: زردی یکی از مشکلات شایع دوران نوزادی است که برای درمان آن از نور درمانی، دارو درمانی، تعویض خون و یا طب سنتی استفاده می کنند. در طب سنتی ایران از ماده ای به نام شیر خشت، (استخراج شده از گیاهان جنس Cotoneaster) جهت درمان زردی نوزادی استفاده می گردد. هدف این تحقیق تعیین تاثیر مصرف شیر خشت (قطره بیلی ناستر) توسط نوزاد یا مادر در بهبودی زردی نوزادان تحت فتوتراپی بود. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی 120 نوزاد مبتلا به زردی مراجعه کننده به بخش اطفال بیمارستان هاجر شهرکرد بر اساس روش در دسترس انتخاب و به ترتیب مراجعه در 4 گروه قرار داده شدند. در گروه اول مادر شیر خشت، در گروه دوم مادر و نوزاد هر دو شیرخشت، در گروه سوم نوزاد شیرخشت و درگروه چهارم نوزاد فقط پلاسبو (آب مقطر) دریافت کرد. فتوتراپی در شرایط یکسان برای تمام نوزادان انجام شد. آزمایشات لازم جهت رد نمودن عامل پاتولوژیک زردی انجام گرفت. داده ها به کمک آزمون های آماری کای دو، آنالیز واریانس مشاهدات تکرار شده، آنالیز واریانس، دانت و کروسکال والیس بین گروه ها مقایسه شد. یافته ها: میــزان بیلی روبین طی مطالعه در هر 4 گروه کاهش معنی داری داشت (05/0

    A correlated frailty model for analysing risk factors in bilateral corneal graft rejection for Keratoconus: a Bayesian approach

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    There are many unknown causes that increase the rate of corneal graft rejection. In bilateral cases, some of these unknown causes are common, and some are individual factors. In this paper, we use a correlated frailty model to analyse risk factors for bilateral corneal graft in Keratoconus. Applying the piecewise constant baseline hazard model, we have performed a Bayesian analysis of the correlated frailty model using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. The correlated frailty model and the shared frailty model are compared by deviance information criterion. The results show more accurate and better fit for the correlated frailty model. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Quantitative (Non-qualitative) Changes of IgG Anti-Mumps After Freeze-‎Thaw Cycles

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    Object. The result of freeze-thaw (FT) tested sera is always doubtful, and is a matter of question which is accompanied by false negative results. Aim: To determine the effect of repeated FT cycles, on the assay results of mumps IgG antibody. Material and Methods. This prospective laboratory study includes 25 volunteers. 25 sera underwent tests for first Mumps IgG antibody, and then were frozen at -20 degrees centigrade. One week later, they were thawed and stored again at 4 degrees centigrade for one more week when the second assays, were performed. The results for mumps IgG ELISA as an effect of two FT cycles and storage temperature were reported. The results were recorded by first and second Immune Serum Ratio (ISR) value (for first and second assay) and the percentage change of ISR. A linear regression model applied for analyzing ISR change percentage. Results. There were three kinds of ISR value change as: 1-The stable ISR value (44%). 2-The decreasing change of ISR value (32%) mainly among males, older in age (14-19 years) and the first ISR more than the value of four. 3-The increasing change of ISR value (24%) which occurred in males 10-12 years with the first ISR value of 1-2 (lowest concentration). Based on regression model, level of the first ISR and group of test were significant factor for change percentage of ISR, but neither gender nor age, were significant. Discussions. Mumps IgG antibody , as a function of two FT cycles, was affected by quantitative but not qualitative alteration. If the first ISR has value of 3-4, most probably it wills no any significant changes due to at least two FT cycles

    Effect of valerian capsules in patients with migraine attacks treated with sodium valproate: a randomized clinical trial

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    Background and aims: Nowadays so many preventive drugs for migraine with different effects are used all around the world. One of the plants that are used traditionally in the treatment of migraine is Valeriana officinalis. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of valerian capsule (350 mg, three times daily) on frequency, duration and intensity of migraine attacks. Method: The present study is a Randomized, single-blind clinical trial that is carried out on 84 female patients suffering from migraine headaches. The patients were randomly allocated to case (n=42) and control groups (n=42) and treated during three consecutive phases of 45 days. In the first phase, both groups received sodium valproate tablet, (200 mg, twice daily) and indomethacin capsule (25 mg, in attacks). In the second phase, valerian capsule (350 mg, three times daily) was added to other drugs of case group. Control group received placebo instead of valerian. Finally, in the third phase, both groups were treated the same as the first phase. And then the data obtained from the drug influence on pain intensity were analyzed based on Mann-Whitney and K2. Results: All 84 patients cooperated to the end of study. The results indicated that valerian capsule significantly reduced the frequency, duration and intensity of migraine attacks in a way that the mean of migraine attacks reduced from 6.2±2.3 to 2.2±1.2, the duration reduced from 17.0± 9.2 to 5.7±3.7 hours and intensity from 8.7±1.2 to 3.0±1.3. Conclusion: According to the remarkable effect of valerian capsule on the prevention of migraine attacks, it seems that it can be a potential alternative to common migraine medications

    Analysis of Blood Transfusion Data Using Bivariate Zero-Inflated Poisson Model: A Bayesian Approach

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    Recognizing the factors affecting the number of blood donation and blood deferral has a major impact on blood transfusion. There is a positive correlation between the variables "number of blood donation" and "number of blood deferral": as the number of return for donation increases, so does the number of blood deferral. On the other hand, due to the fact that many donors never return to donate, there is an extra zero frequency for both of the above-mentioned variables. In this study, in order to apply the correlation and to explain the frequency of the excessive zero, the bivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression model was used for joint modeling of the number of blood donation and number of blood deferral. The data was analyzed using the Bayesian approach applying noninformative priors at the presence and absence of covariates. Estimating the parameters of the model, that is, correlation, zero-inflation parameter, and regression coefficients, was done through MCMC simulation. Eventually double-Poisson model, bivariate Poisson model, and bivariate zero-inflated Poisson model were fitted on the data and were compared using the deviance information criteria (DIC). The results showed that the bivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression model fitted the data better than the other models. © 2016 Tayeb Mohammadi et al

    Artificial Neural Network to Modeling Zero-inflated Count Data: Application to Predicting Number of Return to Blood Donation.

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    BACKGROUND Traditional statistical models often are based on certain presuppositions and limitations that may not presence in actual data and lead to turbulence in estimation or prediction. In these situations, artificial neural networks (ANNs) could be suitable alternative rather than classical statistical methods. STUDY DESIGN  A prospective cohort study. METHODS The study was conducted in Shahrekord Blood Transfusion Center, Shahrekord, central Iran, on blood donors from 2008-2009. The accuracy of the proposed model to prediction of number of return to blood donations was compared with classical statistical models. A number of 864 donors who had a first-time successful donation were followed for five years. Number of return for blood donation was considered as response variable. Poisson regression (PR), negative binomial regression (NBR), zero-inflated Poisson regression (ZIPR) and zero-inflated negative binomial regression (ZINBR) as well as ANN model were fitted to data. MSE criterion was used to compare models. To fitting the models, STATISTICA 10 and, R 3.2.2 was used RESULTS: The MSE of PR, NBR, ZIPR, ZINBR and ANN models was obtained 2.71, 1.01, 1.54, 0.094 and 0.056 for the training and 4.05, 9.89, 3.99, 2.53 and 0.27 for the test data, respectively. CONCLUSIONS The ANN model had the least MSE in both training, and test data set and has a better performance than classic models. ANN could be a suitable alternative for modeling such data because of fewer restrictions

    A hybrid ANN-GA model to prediction of bivariate binary responses: Application to joint prediction of occurrence of heart block and death in patients with myocardial infarction

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    Background: In medical studies, when the joint prediction about occurrence of two events should be anticipated, a statistical bivariate model is used. Due to the limitations of usual statistical models, other methods such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and hybrid models could be used. In this paper, we propose a hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm (ANN-GA) model to prediction the occurrence of heart block and death in myocardial infarction (MI) patients simultaneously. Methods: For fitting and comparing the models, 263 new patients with definite diagnosis of MI hospitalized in Cardiology Ward of Hajar Hospital, Shahrekord, Iran, from March, 2014 to March, 2016 were enrolled. Occurrence of heart block and death were employed as bivariate binary outcomes. Bivariate Logistic Regression (BLR), ANN and hybrid ANN-GA models were fitted to data. Prediction accuracy was used to compare the models. The codes were written in Matlab 2013a and Zelig package in R3.2.2. Results: The prediction accuracy of BLR, ANN and hybrid ANN-GA models was obtained 77.7%, 83.69% and 93.85% for the training and 78.48%, 84.81% and 96.2% for the test data, respectively. In both training and test data set, hybrid ANN-GA model had better accuracy. Conclusions: ANN model could be a suitable alternative for modeling and predicting bivariate binary responses when the presuppositions of statistical models are not met in actual data. In addition, using optimization methods, such as hybrid ANN-GA model, could improve precision of ANN model. © 2016, Health Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Knowledge, attitude and practice about breast cancer screening and related factors among women referred to health care centers in Boroujen in 2005

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    زمینه و هدف: سرطان پستان شایع ترین سرطان در زنان است. به طوری 16 کل سرطان ها را در ایران به خود اختصاص می دهد و در ایالات متحده آمریکا چهارمین علت مرگ زنان به شمار می آید. از آنجایی که روش های غربالگری از جمله بهترین روش های تشخیص زودرس سرطان پستان می باشند که انجام آنها به طور چشمگیری از شیوع سرطان پیشگیری می کند، لذا این مطالعه به منظور بررسی آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد زنان مراجعه کننده به مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر بروجن نسبت به روشهای غربالگری سرطان پستان انجام گردید. روش بررسی: در یک مطالعه توصیفی - تحلیلی تعداد 400 زن بالای 20 سال از طریق نمونه گیری آسان انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات با استفاده از یک پرسشنامه که شامل مشخصات دموگرافیک و سؤالات آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد بود جمع آوری گردید. این اطلاعات توسط آزمون های رگرسیون لوجستیک و آزمون کای دو مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرارگرفت. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد 8/37 افراد از خودآزمائی، 8/7 از معاینه فیزیکی و 6 افراد از ماموگرافی آگاهی داشتند. نگرش کلی در مورد روشهای غربالگری 6/15 منفی 7/67 در حد متوسط و 7/16 مثبت بود. 1/47 افراد به انجام خودآزمائی، 2/71 به معاینه فیزیکی و 9/68 به انجام ماموگرافی تمایل داشتند. 5/4 افراد خودآزمائی را بطور مرتب و ماهیانه انجام می دادند. در 3/16 افراد معاینه فیزیکی توسط پزشک و کارکنان بهداشتی انجام شده بود که فقط 4 به منظور غربالگری صورت گرفته بود. 3/4 افراد ماموگرافی غربالگری انجام داده بودند. مهمترین عامل مؤثر بر خودآزمائی، سابقه وجود بیماری خوش خیم پستان در فرد بود (05/0

    Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis Infection in 2-14 years old Children Referred to Health Care Centers of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province by ELISA Method in 2014

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    چکیده زمینه و هدف: توکسوکاریازیس عارضه بالینی است که عموما بر اثر استقرار لاروهای مرحله دوم گروهی از نماتودهای حیوانی در بافت‌های بدن انسان ایجاد می‌شود. انسان با خوردن تخم انگل به بیماری لاروهای مهاجر به اشکال مختلف شامل لاروهای مهاجر احشایی، لاروهای مهاجر چشمی، لاروهای مهاجر مغزی و توکسوکاریازیس مخفی مبتلا می‌شود. ، مطالعه حاضر به منظور تعیین شیوع سرمی عفونت توکسوکار‌ا‌ کنیس در کودکان 14-2 ساله استان چهارمحال‌ و بختیاری در سال 1393 انجام گرفت. مواد و روش‌ها: در این مطالعه توصیفی– تحلیلی 552 نمونه از کودکان 14-2 ساله استان چهارمحال‌ و بختیاری به روش غیر تصادفی سهمیه‌ای انتخاب شدند. نمونه‌های سرمی تهیه شده از نظر آنتی بادی‌های ضد توکسوکارا کنیس با استفاده از روش الیزا مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند و داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار spss تجزیه و تحلیل آماری گردیدند. یافته‌ها: از 552 نفر مورد مطالعه، 294 نفر پسر و 230 نفر دختر بودند. سیصد و بیست و یک نفر (2/58 درصد) از شهر و بقیه از روستا بودند. از مجموع 552 نمونه 11 نفر (2 درصد) عفونت توکسوکاریازیس را نشان دادند. در این مطالعه بین عفونت توکسوکارا کنیس و شغل پدر (P=0.006)، ارتباط با سگ (P<0.001)و میزان ائوزینوفیلی(P<0.001) ارتباط معنی دار پیدا شد. اما با جنس، شهرستان محل سکونت، محل سکونت (شهر یا روستا) ارتباطی معنی‌دار وجود نداشت. نتیجه‌گیری: وجود 2 درصد آنتی بادی ضد توکسوکارا کنیس نشان دهنده اهمیت توجه به این عفونت‌ انگلی را در جامعه نشان می‌دهد و در این رابطه باید با افزایش آگاهی جمعیت‌ها در رابطه با خطر این عفونت انگلی و همچنین درمان ضد کرمی سگ‌ها توسط دامپزشکان و مهمتر از آن کنترل سگ‌های ولگرد توجه جدی نمود. واژه‌های کلیدی: سرواپیدمیولوژی، توکسوکاریازیس، توکسوکارا کنیس، الیز