400 research outputs found

    Sejarah Perkembangan Tari Zapin Desa Meskom Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    The area is located in the traffic lane Riau International trade, facilitating contacts with various ethnic cultures. So ongoing cultural values espoused mainly dance Zapin society. This situation began to gradually causes the loss of symbols and the intrinsic meaning contained in Zapin dance. he purpose of this research is to know the background of the existence of Zapin dance Village Meskom Bengkalis District of Bengkalis, To know the meaning of Clothing used in the Dance Village Zapin Meskom Bengkalis District of Bengkalis, To know the meaning of the Movement in Dance Zapin Bengkalis District Subdistrict Village Meskom Bengkalis, To know Zapin Tari development Meskom Rural District of Bengkalis . The method used is the method Historically, data were collected through observation, interviews, kepustaka studies and documentation. In analyzing the data using qualitative descriptive. When the study began in the submission title until the completion of a revised proposal last essay writer. Results from this study indicate that the Zapin dance comes from the Arabic and then disseminated disiak and finally in Bengkalis Meskom village. Zapin dance Meskom has been progressing in accordance with people\u27s daily life Meskom. However, fixed in accordance with the rules and norms of customary resam Malay culture itself. Plus Zapin Tari was formerly intended for the symbols of Da\u27wa, cheerfully invites also behave politely to anyone this is shown in every meaning of the Zapin dance movement itself

    Sejarah Pembentukan Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (2008-2014)

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    Indonesian region is a dynamic region which has developed from time backwards, towards progress. Regional expansion is just one example is one example of the changes taking place in Indonesia. Expansion of a district is a reflection of regional autonomy, through the expansion process occurs because the powers of administrative autonomy in Indonesia. In this reform era, the development of the area will increase the overall national development. This is the concept of regional autonomy in Indonesia runs. As the main hope of autonomy territory is achieving the tasks of government well. Through regional expansion, the relationship between government officials and the public is getting closer, and the government apparatus it self increasingly have the ability to carry out the development of the nation and provide services to the community. This is because the relationship between government and society is getting shorter, as well as development planning is getting smaller. Along with the authority of local autonomy, Natuna then regional expansion districts, which by the end of 2008 to 19 districts with the addition, District Palmatak, Subi, Bunguran North Sea island, Pulau Tiga, Bunguran Northeast, Bunguran Central, Bunguran South, Serasan South, East Siantan, South Siantan, Jemaja East and Central Siantan. Along with the expansion of district that aims to shorten the control range, appears aspiration to make the Group of Anambas as its own autonomous region. Through a long struggle both at central and regional levels, Anambas Island finally formed through Law No. 33 Year 2008 dated June 24, 2008. Anambas Island consists of 7 District of the District Siantan, District East Siantan, District of South Siantan, District Central Siantan, District Palmatak. Jemaja sub-district and District East Jemaja

    Sejarah Pembangunan Penjara (Jeil) Peninggalan Belanda di Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Jail is one place where men be boxed in and drawn the line by itsfreedom. Penitentiary position don\u27t despite one scene which happens at the momentColonial nation come to gain control Indonesia. On year 1883, Dutch Colonialgovernment, build one jail which is known by the name of Huis Behauring\u27s Van (inDutch language) at Bengkalis\u27s Regency. This jail is utilized to bate captive and rebelthat tries to drive out Dutch of Bengkalis\u27s Regency area. This research intent (1 ) toknow how instructions E.H.Doorleben at Regency Bengkalis, (2 ) to know history bebuilt penitentiary at Bengkalis\u27s Regency, (3 ) to know form and building part prisonDutch remainder at Regency Bengkalis, (4 ) to know life form prisoners at penitentiaryone built by Dutch at Regency Bengkalis. Method that is utilized in this research iskualitatif\u27s observational method. Method kualitatif is a methodic that don\u27t utilizenumber in data collecting and deep give interpretation to its result. Acquired data ofyielding interview then dianalisis in lingual alone. There is location even its researchwhich is at Bengkalis\u27s Regency, correct it at Clears A Root Hero. Observational time tobe begun of proposal seminar until with Paper test. Data collecting tech that is utilizedwhich is interview tech, tech documents, studi\u27s tech studi\u27s library and techcomparability

    Pemberontakan Petani Unra 1943 (Studi Kasus Mengenai Gerakan Sosial di Sulawesi Selatan pada Masa Pendudukan Jepang)

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    The research aims to describe the beckground, condition, and factors leading to the uprising of peasants in Unra during the era of Japanese occupation in South Sulawesi in the year 1943. In the analysis of the revolt of Unra peasants as a social movement, I examine the factors, conditions, and community structures that served as the bases of the uprising. Factors such as ideologies and leadershipare also considered in order to know the extent to which they motivated and contributed to the event. In the same way, the study also focuses on the cultural and religious backgrounds within the historical context of the revolt, along with the social, economic, and political climates in Unra during the Japanese occupation. In order to reconstruct this historic movement, a qualitative research method is employed from a historical perspective. A historical method is used to analyze the process and developmental stages in a chronological fashion. Historical analysis was done using approaches from other disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and political science in order to obtain a broader understanding of the revolt. The goal of this approach is to discover the processes of social change and other social indications that may have been involved such as social conflict, disorganization, and lack of integration among rural communities. Research results showthat during the time of Japanese rule in Indonesia, particularly in the year 1943 in Unra, a rapid social change occurred and a wartime economic policy was forced upon the people. This then became the motivating factor behind the uprising of peasants as a social movement

    Kembalinya Irian Barat ke Nkri Tahun 1969

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    Abstrack: Historically, the area of ​​Indonesia is the territory of the former Dutch East Indies colony or territory of the former Dutch East Indies. Dutch East Indies archipelago is an area that is separated by seas. Evidence that the Dutch East Indies is fragmentary and does not constitute a single unit is used provided that the territorial sea Indies 3-mile (5.55 km). Indonesia As a nation that never colonized, has a separate area, is clearly a big loss for the people of Indonesia. The circumstances do not support our efforts to realize an independent nation, united, sovereign and towards a just and prosperous nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution as a continuation of West Irian issue of dispute between Indonesia and th

    Sejarah Berdirinya SD Negeri 01 Siak Sejak 1915 Hingga Kemerdekaan RI 1945

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    Education is one way for people to reach a level of progress, as a means to free itself from underdevelopment, and various social shackles that impede the achievement of the common welfare, reciprocation of a nation depends on whether or not the quality of education obtained.Dutch colonial period with regard to education is a dark history. Occupiers make education as a tool to reap profits through cheap labor. Schools were also made at low cost, in order not to burden the government coffers.Educational facilities of high quality is always maintained during the colonial period that keep children Netherlands always get a better education of the children of Indonesia because the Dutch government did not want any indigenous children who will be able to compete with the Dutch Later onset of the notion that profits acquired by the Dutch over the colonies should be paid back. The events that can be viewed as an expression of a new idea that came to be known as the Ethical Policy. Finally built a school for indigenous people, equivalent to the school for the Europeans. This study aimed to determine the background of the establishment of the State Elementary School 01 Siak, know the development of the State Elementary School 01 Siak year 1915-1945, to know what the role of the State Elementary School 01 for the community Siak.Results of research in general researchers can say that the establishment of SD Negeri 01 Siak due to the pressure exerted by the Dutch against the kingdom Siak which the school stood in 1915 during the 12th Sultan Kingdom of Sia

    Quantitative Data Analysis using PLS-SEM (SmartPLS): Issues and Challenges in Ethical Consideration

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    In research, ethical issues are crucial, including the preservation of participants' rights, privacy, and well-being to secure informed consent and minimize potential harm. Throughout the study, researchers must maintain transparency, honesty, and integrity, promoting trust and credibility in the pursuit of knowledge. In the realm of quantitative research, the process of data analysis plays a fundamental role, serving as a critical element in the generation of reliable and precise findings. The purpose of this concept paper is to provide the growing recognition of the ethical importance of quantitative data analysis in research. This paper delves into the ethical aspects of quantitative data analysis, underscoring the necessity for researchers to approach matters related to data collection, storage, and analysis with meticulous attention when using SmartPLS. This study highlights that preserving privacy and confidentiality requires the secure handling of various data types, especially those containing personally identifiable or health information. Additionally, it is crucial to subject biases and discrimination in data analysis to rigorous examination to ensure fair representation and mitigate potential negative consequences. The current prevalence of privacy breaches and the accompanying ethical concerns underscore the critical importance of prioritizing ethical considerations. This paper also explores the ethical complexities unique to Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), a widely used statistical technique across multiple disciplines by using SmartPLS software. SmartPLS enables researchers to analyse intricate relationships, facilitating the derivation of significant conclusions. Nevertheless, researchers employing SmartPLS must remain attentive to distinct ethical dilemmas, particularly those related to the interpretation, management, and disclosure of data. The exercise of ethical vigilance becomes essential when the conclusions drawn from SmartPLS have an impact on various stakeholders, such as employees, consumers, and shareholders. Researchers can ensure the integrity, accountability, and ethicality of their research endeavours by adhering to ethical guidelines, conducting comprehensive analyses, and exercising caution when making generalizations while utilizing SmartPLS

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Learning Together Berbasis Media Powerpoint Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh

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    Model pembelajaran learning together mempunyai ciri khas adanya interaksi tatap muka, interdependensi positif, tanggung jawab individual, kemampuan interpersonal dan kelompok kecil. Model learning together divariasikan dengan media powerpoint, maka akan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa; aktivitas guru dan siswa; keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran; dan respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran learning together berbasis media powerpoint. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII-1 SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 31 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar soal, pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa, pengamatan keterampilan guru mengelola pembelajaran, dan respon siswa terhadap model learning together berbasis media powerpoint. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitan menunjukan bahwa; terjadinya peningkatan persentase hasil belajar siswa secara individu. Persentase ketuntasan klasikal meningkat dari 60 persen siklus I, 70 persen siklus II, menjadi 90 persen siklus III; terjadi peningkatan pada aktivitas guru dan siswa, dari 11 aktivitas, diperoleh 6 aktivitas guru dan siswa yang sudah sesuai dengan standar waktu yang ditetapkan, dan 8 aktivitas guru dan siswa yang sudah sesuai pada siklus II, sementara pada siklus III aktivitas guru maupun aktivitas siswa sudah dikatagorikan sesuai dengan standar; terjadi peningkatan pada keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran yaitu dengan skor 2,73 untuk siklus I, 3,14 untuk siklus III dan 3,50 pada siklus III dengan katagori baik; respon siswa setelah mengikuti model pembelajaran learning together berbasis media powerpoint; (a) 93,5 persen siswa menjawab cara guru menerangkan masih baru; (b) 100 persen model pembelajaran yang mereka ikuti masih baru. (c) 90,3 persen siswa menjawab memahami materi pelajaran yang diikuti; (d) sebahagian besar siswa menjawab suasana kelas, penampilan guru, materi, soal evaluasi menarik; (e) 96,8 persen siswa menjawab berminat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model learning together selanjutny