9,967 research outputs found

    Genetic architecture of biparental progenies for yi eld in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

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    The type of gene action for yield and its components was determined using biparental progenies devel-oped from the F2 generation of an intervarietal cross Swarna Pratibha × Hisar Shyamal (SP × H-8) of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using North Carolina Design - 1. The experiment was conducted during the Kharif (April- November) 2012 and 2013. The biparental and F3 progenies differed. Biparental progenies were superior in mean performance than were F3’s generated by selfing. Dominance variances were greater than additive variance for most characters. For fruit diameter, plant height, branches per plant and total soluble solid, the additive component of genetic variance was of higher magnitude. The average degree of dominance was in over-dominance range for most traits. Plant height, branches per plant, fruit diameter and total soluble solids was in the partial dominance range. Heritability estimates were generally low to medium. Fruit weight exhibited moderate to high heritability. The pre-ponderance of additive and non-additive genetic components of variance for most traits indicated role for addi-tive and non-additive gene action for inheritance of marketable fruit yield and its component traits. These could be utilized through reciprocal recurrent selection and heterosis breeding for the development of high yielding and quality cultivars in eggplant

    Revisiting νμ(νˉμ)\nu_\mu(\bar\nu_\mu) and νe(νˉe)\nu_e(\bar\nu_e) Induced Quasielastic Scattering from Nuclei in Sub-GeV Energy Region

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    We present the results of charged current quasielastic(CCQE) scattering cross sections from free as well as bound nucleons like in 12C^{12}C, 16O^{16}O, 40Ar^{40}Ar and 208Pb^{208}Pb nuclear targets in Eν(νˉ) ≤ E_\nu(_{\bar\nu})~\le~ 1 GeV energy region. The results are obtained using local Fermi gas model with and without RPA effect. The differences those may arise in the electron and muon production cross sections due to the different lepton mass, uncertainties in the axial dipole mass MAM_A and pseudoscalar form factor, and due to the inclusion of second class currents have been highlighted for neutrino/antineutrino induced processes.Comment: Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (NuInt-2015
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