444 research outputs found

    Binding energy and dephasing of biexcitons in In0.18Ga0.82As/GaAs single quantum wells

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    Biexciton binding energies and biexciton dephasing in In0.18Ga0.82As/GaAs single quantum wells have been measured by time-integrated and spectrally resolved four-wave mixing. The biexciton binding energy increases from 1.5 to 2.6 meV for well widths increasing from 1 to 4 nm. The ratio between exciton and biexciton binding energy changes from 0.23 to 0.3 with increasing inhomogeneous broadening, corresponding to increasing well width. From the temperature dependence of the exciton and biexciton four-wave mixing signal decay, we have deduced the acoustic-phonon scattering of the exciton-biexciton transition. It is found to be comparable to that of the exciton transition, indicating that the deformation potential interactions for the exciton and the exciton-biexciton transitions are comparable

    Retarded Casimir-Polder force on an atom near reflecting microstructures

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    We derive the fully retarded energy shift of a neutral atom in two different geometries useful for modelling etched microstructures. First we calculate the energy shift due to a reflecting cylindrical wire, and then we work out the energy shift due to a semi-infinite reflecting half-plane. We analyze the results for the wire in various limits of the wire radius and the distance of the atom from the wire, and obtain simple asymptotic expressions useful for estimates. For the half-plane we find an exact representation of the Casimir-Polder interaction in terms of a single, fast converging integral, which is easy to evaluate numerically.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Reinforcement Learning vs. Gradient-Based Optimisation for Robust Energy Landscape Control of Spin-1/2 Quantum Networks

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    We explore the use of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning for quantum control via energy landscape shaping of XX-Heisenberg spin chains in a model agnostic fashion. Their performance is compared to finding controllers using gradient-based L-BFGS optimisation with restarts, with full access to an analytical model. Hamiltonian noise and coarse-graining of fidelity measurements are considered. Reinforcement learning is able to tackle challenging, noisy quantum control problems where L-BFGS optimization algorithms struggle to perform well. Robustness analysis under different levels of Hamiltonian noise indicates that controllers found by reinforcement learning appear to be less affected by noise than those found with L-BFGS.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Casimir Force on Real Materials - the Slab and Cavity Geometry

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    We analyse the potential of the geometry of a slab in a planar cavity for the purpose of Casimir force experiments. The force and its dependence on temperature, material properties and finite slab thickness are investigated both analytically and numerically for slab and walls made of aluminium and teflon FEP respectively. We conclude that such a setup is ideal for measurements of the temperature dependence of the Casimir force. By numerical calculation it is shown that temperature effects are dramatically larger for dielectrics, suggesting that a dielectric such as teflon FEP whose properties vary little within a moderate temperature range, should be considered for experimental purposes. We finally discuss the subtle but fundamental matter of the various Green's two-point function approaches present in the literature and show how they are different formulations describing the same phenomenon.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; expanded discussion, one appendix added, 1 new figure and 10 new references. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Casimir energy and entropy between dissipative mirrors

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    We discuss the Casimir effect between two identical, parallel slabs, emphasizing the role of dissipation and temperature. Starting from quite general assumptions, we analyze the behavior of the Casimir entropy in the limit T->0 and link it to the behavior of the slab's reflection coefficients at low frequencies. We also derive a formula in terms of a sum over modes, valid for dissipative slabs that can be interpreted in terms of a damped quantum oscillator.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    The Dynamics of a Meandering River

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    We present a statistical model of a meandering river on an alluvial plane which is motivated by the physical non-linear dynamics of the river channel migration and by describing heterogeneity of the terrain by noise. We study the dynamics analytically and numerically. The motion of the river channel is unstable and we show that by inclusion of the formation of ox-bow lakes, the system may be stabilised. We then calculate the steady state and show that it is in agreement with simulations and measurements of field data.Comment: Revtex, 12 pages, 2 postscript figure

    The Casimir Problem of Spherical Dielectrics: Numerical Evaluation for General Permittivities

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    The Casimir mutual free energy F for a system of two dielectric concentric nonmagnetic spherical bodies is calculated, at arbitrary temperatures. The present paper is a continuation of an earlier investigation [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 051101 (2001)], in which F was evaluated in full only for the case of ideal metals (refractive index n=infinity). Here, analogous results are presented for dielectrics, for some chosen values of n. Our basic calculational method stems from quantum statistical mechanics. The Debye expansions for the Riccati-Bessel functions when carried out to a high order are found to be very useful in practice (thereby overflow/underflow problems are easily avoided), and also to give accurate results even for the lowest values of l down to l=1. Another virtue of the Debye expansions is that the limiting case of metals becomes quite amenable to an analytical treatment in spherical geometry. We first discuss the zero-frequency TE mode problem from a mathematical viewpoint and then, as a physical input, invoke the actual dispersion relations. The result of our analysis, based upon the adoption of the Drude dispersion relation at low frequencies, is that the zero-frequency TE mode does not contribute for a real metal. Accordingly, F turns out in this case to be only one half of the conventional value at high temperatures. The applicability of the Drude model in this context has however been questioned recently, and we do not aim at a complete discussion of this issue here. Existing experiments are low-temperature experiments, and are so far not accurate enough to distinguish between the different predictions. We also calculate explicitly the contribution from the zero-frequency mode for a dielectric. For a dielectric, this zero-frequency problem is absent.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 7 ps figures; expanded discussion, especially in Sec. 5. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Geometry of River Networks II: Distributions of Component Size and Number

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    The structure of a river network may be seen as a discrete set of nested sub-networks built out of individual stream segments. These network components are assigned an integral stream order via a hierarchical and discrete ordering method. Exponential relationships, known as Horton's laws, between stream order and ensemble-averaged quantities pertaining to network components are observed. We extend these observations to incorporate fluctuations and all higher moments by developing functional relationships between distributions. The relationships determined are drawn from a combination of theoretical analysis, analysis of real river networks including the Mississippi, Amazon and Nile, and numerical simulations on a model of directed, random networks. Underlying distributions of stream segment lengths are identified as exponential. Combinations of these distributions form single-humped distributions with exponential tails, the sums of which are in turn shown to give power law distributions of stream lengths. Distributions of basin area and stream segment frequency are also addressed. The calculations identify a single length-scale as a measure of size fluctuations in network components. This article is the second in a series of three addressing the geometry of river networks.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Resonantly excited exciton dynamics in two-dimensional MoSe2 monolayers

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    We report on the exciton and trion density dynamics in a single layer of MoSe2, resonantly excited and probed using three-pulse four-wave mixing (FWM), at temperatures from 300 K to 77 K. A multiexponential third-order response function for amplitude and phase of the heterodyne-detected FWM signal including four decay processes is used to model the data. We provide a consistent interpretation within the intrinsic band structure, not requiring the inclusion of extrinsic effects. We find an exciton radiative lifetime in the subpicosecond range consistent to what has been recently reported by Jakubczyk et al. [Nano Lett. 16, 5333 (2016)]. After the dominating radiative decay, the remaining exciton density, which has been scattered from the initially excited direct spin-allowed radiative state into dark states of different nature by exciton-phonon scattering or disorder scattering, shows a slower dynamics, covering 10-ps to 10-ns time scales. This includes direct spin-allowed transitions with larger in-plane momentum, as well as indirect and spin-forbidden exciton states. We find that exciton-exciton annihilation is not relevant in the observed dynamics, in variance from previous finding under nonresonant excitation. The trion density at 77 K reveals a decay of the order of 1 ps, similar to what is observed for the exciton. After few tens of picoseconds, the trion dynamics resembles the one of the exciton, indicating that trion ionization occurs on this time scale

    Casimir Force between Vortex Matter in Anisotropic and Layered Superconductors

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    We present a new approach to calculate the attractive long range vortex-vortex interaction of the van der Waals type present in anisotropic and layered superconductors. The mapping of the statistical mechanics of vortex lines onto the imaginary time quantum mechanics of two dimensional charged bosons allows us to define a 2D Casimir problem: Two half-spaces of (dilute) vortex matter separated by a gap of width R are mapped to two dielectric half-planes of charged bosons interacting via a massive gauge field. We determine the attractive Casimir force between the two half-planes and show, that it agrees with the pairwise summation of the van der Waals force between vortices previously found by Blatter and Geshkenbein [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4958 (1996)]Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
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