169 research outputs found

    Impact of Situational Factors on Attention to Detail

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    The present study examined the ensuing person-situation debate. The independent variables included situational strength (strong verses weak), conscientiousness, and attention to detail. The dependent variable was performance on two different tasks, where good performance required high levels of thorough and focused behavior. This study sought to test the hypothesis that in strong situations there would be more uniform behaviors (less influence of personality) then in weak situations. It also examined the hypothesis that in a weak situation, narrow traits would be a stronger predictor of tasks performance than broad traits, but in a strong situation, there would not be a difference between broad and narrow traits. The hypothesis was not supported. Results of the study indicated that there were no significant main effects. The three-way interaction was not significant either. However, there was a significant two-way interaction of conscientious and the situation on the memo recall task performance. Specifically, participants with low levels of conscientiousness performed better when there were no consequences present. The findings are to be interpreted with caution as the sample size is too low to generalize

    Association of recent exposure to ambient metals on fractional exhaled nitric oxide in 9–11 year old inner-city children

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    Exposure to ambient metals in urban environments has been associated with wheeze, and emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to respiratory illness. However, the effect of ambient metals exposure on airway inflammation, and how these associations may be modified by seroatopy, has not been determined. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a reliable proxy marker of airway inflammation. We hypothesized that recent ambient concentrations of Ni, V, Zn and Fe would be associated differentially with proximal and distal fractions of exhaled NO, and that these associations would be modified by seroatopy. As part of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCCEH) birth cohort study, 9–11 year old children (n = 192) were evaluated. Ambient measures of Ni, V, Zn and Fe were obtained from a local central monitoring site and averaged over 9 days based on three 24 h measures every third day. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) samples were obtained at constant flows of 50 (FENO50), 83 and 100 mL/s, and used to determine surrogate measures for proximal (JNO) and alveolar (Calv) inflammation. Seroatopy was determined by specific IgE at age 7. Data were analyzed using multivariable linear regression. Ambient V and Fe concentrations were associated positively with FENO50 (p = 0.018, p = 0.027). Ambient Fe was associated positively with JNO (p = 0.017). Ambient Ni and V concentrations were associated positively with Calv (p = 0.004, p = 0.018, respectively). A stronger association of Ni concentrations with Calv was observed among the children with seroatopy. These results suggest that ambient metals are associated differentially with different fractions of FENO production, and this relationship may be modified by seroatopy

    Infant rhinitis and watery eyes predict school-age exercise-induced wheeze, emergency department visits and respiratory-related hospitalizations

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    Background: Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are often linked to asthma development through an allergic pathway. However, runny nose and watery eyes can result from nonallergic mechanisms. These mechanisms can also underlie exercise-induced wheeze (EIW), which has been associated with urgent medical visits for asthma, independent of other indicators of asthma severity or control. Objective: To test the hypothesis that rhinitis or watery eyes without cold symptoms (RWWC) in infancy predict development of EIW and urgent respiratory-related medical visits at school age, independent of seroatopy. Methods: Within a prospective birth cohort of low-income, urban children (n = 332), RWWC was queried during the first year of life. Relative risks (RRs) for EIW, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma and other breathing difficulties at 5 to 7 years of age were estimated with multivariable models. Seroatopy was determined at 7 years of age. Results: Infant RWWC was common (49% of children) and predicted school-age EIW (RR, 2.8; P < .001), ED visits (RR, 1.8; P = .001), and hospitalizations (RR, 9.8; P = .002). These associations were independent of infant wheeze. They were also independent of birth order, an indicator of increased risk of exposure to viruses in infancy, and infant ear infections, an indicator of sequelae of upper airway infections. The association between infant RWWC and ED visits at 5 to 7 years of age was attenuated (RR, 1.2; P = .23) when EIW at 5 to 7 years of age was included in the model, suggesting EIW mediates the association. Adjustment for seroatopy did not diminish the magnitudes of any of these associations. Conclusion: These findings suggest a nonallergic connection between infant nonwheeze symptoms and important consequences of urban respiratory health by school age through EI

    Asthma in Inner-City Children at 5–11 Years of Age and Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates: The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health Cohort

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    Background: Studies suggest that phthalate exposures may adversely affect child respiratory health. Objectives: We evaluated associations between asthma diagnosed in children between 5 and 11 years of age and prenatal exposures to butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), and diethyl phthalate (DEP). Methods: Phthalate metabolites were measured in spot urine collected from 300 pregnant inner-city women. Children were examined by an allergist or pulmonologist based on the first parental report of wheeze, other respiratory symptoms, and/or use of asthma rescue/controller medication in the preceding 12 months on repeat follow-up questionnaires. Standardized diagnostic criteria were used to classify these children as either having or not having current asthma at the time of the physician examination. Children without any report of wheeze or the other asthma-like symptoms were classified as nonasthmatics at the time of the last negative questionnaire. Modified Poisson regression analyses were used to estimate relative risks (RR) controlling for specific gravity and potential confounders. Results: Of 300 children, 154 (51%) were examined by a physician because of reports of wheeze, other asthma-like symptoms, and/or medication use; 94 were diagnosed with current asthma and 60 without current asthma. The remaining 146 children were classified as nonasthmatic. Compared with levels in nonasthmatics, prenatal metabolites of BBzP and DnBP were associated with a history of asthma-like symptoms (p 70% higher among children with maternal prenatal BBzP and DnBP metabolite concentrations in the third versus the first tertile. Conclusion: Prenatal exposure to BBzP and DnBP may increase the risk of asthma among inner-city children. However, because this is the first such finding, results require replication. Citation: Whyatt RM, Perzanowski MS, Just AC, Rundle AG, Donohue KM, Calafat AM, Hoepner LA, Perera FP, Miller RL. 2014. Asthma in inner-city children at 5–11 years of age and prenatal exposure to phthalates: the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health Cohort. Environ Health Perspect 122:1141–1146; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.130767

    Prenatal phthalate and early childhood bisphenol A exposures increase asthma risk in inner-city children

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    To the Editor: We previously reported that inner-city childhood asthma was independently associated with measures of early childhood exposure to bisphenol A (BPA)1 and prenatal, but not childhood, exposures to di-n-butyl phthalate and butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP). 2 Here, we evaluate whether these 2 classes of endocrine-disrupting chemicals interact to increase the risk of asthma. We evaluated 292 inner-city women and their children aged 5 to 11 years from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health birth cohort of pregnant women who delivered between 1998 and 2006. Enrollment, exclusion criteria, and a description of the cohort have been reported previously.3 Subjects were selected for the present study on the basis of the availability of (1) measurements of phthalates in spot urine collected from the mother during pregnancy (33.9 ± 3.1 weeks' gestation) and BPA in child urine at ages 3 (n = 237), 5 (259), and/or 7 (n = 161) years; (2) data on child asthma and wheeze-related outcomes; and (3) availability of model covariates. Demographic characteristics of Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health subjects are provided in Table E1 in this article's Online Repository at www.jacionline.org. All participants gave written informed consent

    Different Fumaric Acid Esters Elicit Distinct Pharmacologic Responses.

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    OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that dimethyl fumarate (DMF, Tecfidera) elicits different biological changes from DMF combined with monoethyl fumarate (MEF) (Fumaderm, a psoriasis therapy), we investigated DMF and MEF in rodents and cynomolgus monkeys. Possible translatability of findings was explored with lymphocyte counts from a retrospective cohort of patients with MS. METHODS In rodents, we evaluated pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects induced by DMF and MEF monotherapies or in combination (DMF/MEF). Clinical implications were investigated in a retrospective, observational analysis of patients with MS treated with DMF/MEF (n = 36). RESULTS In rodents and cynomolgus monkeys, monomethyl fumarate (MMF, the primary metabolite of DMF) exhibited higher brain penetration, whereas MEF was preferentially partitioned into the kidney. In mice, transcriptional profiling for DMF and MEF alone identified both common and distinct pharmacodynamic responses, with almost no overlap between DMF- and MEF-induced differentially expressed gene profiles in immune tissues. The nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2)-mediated oxidative stress response pathway was exclusively regulated by DMF, whereas apoptosis pathways were activated by MEF. DMF/MEF treatment demonstrated that DMF and MEF functionally interact to modify DMF- and MEF-specific responses in unpredictable ways. In patients with MS, DMF/MEF treatment led to early and pronounced suppression of lymphocytes, predominantly CD8+ T cells. In a multivariate regression analysis, the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) was associated with age at therapy start, baseline ALC, and DMF/MEF dosage but not with previous immunosuppressive medication and sex. Furthermore, the ALC increased in a small cohort of patients with MS (n = 6/7) after switching from DMF/MEF to DMF monotherapy. CONCLUSIONS Fumaric acid esters exhibit different biodistribution and may elicit different biological responses; furthermore, pharmacodynamic effects of combinations differ unpredictably from monotherapy. The strong potential to induce lymphopenia in patients with MS may be a result of activation of apoptosis pathways by MEF compared with DMF
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