217 research outputs found
Model of Empowerment to Improve Autonomy Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) Tuberculosis Patients
Empowerment as not yet optimal health promotion efforts done to enhance the autonomy of Directly Observed Treatment (DOT), which affect the success of the recovery of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The purpose of research was to develop a model empowerment based on Health Promotion and Health Literacy with approach to nursing intervention in an effort enhance the autonomy of the DOT - pulmonary TB patients. The method was an observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Multistage random sampling was DOT-pulmonary TB patients to decide the district and simple random sampling was assigned to choose the participants, a total of 253 DOT- pulmonary TB patients new case with acid resistant bacilli positive on the advanced phase in this study. The study conducted in five districts in Surabaya City (center, north, south, east and west). Data were collected by questionnaire on variables namely personal, cognitive and affective, nursing intervention, commitment, family supports, health literacy and DOT- autonomy. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL is used for constructing predictive model. Result : This study found a new model which was developed based on combination of Health Promotion Model (HPM) and Health Literacy (HL). Statistical result confirm that personal, cognitive and affective, health literacy and family support considered as important factors in improving DOT-autonomy. Conclusion : DOT- autonomy will improve by considering four main factors, personal, cognitive and affective, health literacy, family support. This model can be adapted by District Health Office Surabaya City as the main actor regional health development. In addition, this model may become a reference for other district in improving their nursing intervention in community setting
Pengembangan Peranan Wanita di Pedesaan dan Antisipasi Kkn
Wanitapedesaan adalah sumber pQtensi nasional yangbisa menjadi kekuatan nyata bagi kemajuan bangsa dan"negara. Wanita pedesaan dalam struktur kependudukan Indonesiamenempati porsi yang jauh lebih besar bila dibandingkandengan wanita perkotaan. Dengan demikian. secara kuantitatifwanita pedesaan adalah sumber kekuatan nasional,yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber tenaga kerja. Namun,secara kualitatif masih dililit oleh berbagai permasalahimyang berkait dengan kesehatan, gizi. pendidikan, tenaga kerjadan kegiatan ekonomi yang memerlukan uluran berbagai pi~akagar potensi yang dimiliki betul-betul bisa menjadi kekuatannasional dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup keluargadan masrarakat. Program KKN yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswadapat membantu memecahkan masalah-masalah wanitapedesaan dengan menempatkan did sebagai motivator danfasilitator yang mampu menyusun program-program aksi yangdapat (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan wanitapedesaan sesuai kebutuhan agar semakin mampu meraihpeluang kerja yang tersedia, "(2) meningkatkan kemandirianwanita dalam sektor ekonomi yang mampu memberikankontribusi ekonomi bagi keluarga dan sekaligus meningkatkan.harkat dan martabat wanita sebagai manusia, (3) meningkatkanwawasan berpikir wanita pedesaan agar senantiasamampu secara selaras, serasi dan seimbang menempatkandirinya dalam mengemban peran ganda sebagai ibu rumahtangga yang sekaligus juga mampu memberikan kontribusiekonomi bagi kesejahteraan keluarga
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix), Jeruk Limau (Citrus Amblycarpa), Dan Jeruk Bali (Citrus Maxima) Terhadap Larva Aedes Aegypti
The used of chemicals as larvicidal may causing resistance, health problem, and environment problem. Leaf extracts of Citrus as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae can be used as an alternative larvicidal. The aims of this study is to find out the species of Citrus in the study sample, which is the most effective as biolarvicidal. This study was conducted using nested experiment design, with six treatments and five replicates. Larvae mortality was observed after 24 and 48 hours. Then, data were analyzed by probit. The results of this study show that (1) the LC95 value after 24 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 3,176 ppm; 4,174 ppm; and 6,369 ppm. (2) the LC95 value after 48 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 2,499 ppm; 3,256 ppm; and 4,886 ppm. (3) leaf extract of Citrus hystrix is the most effective among others as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae. Leaf extract of Citrus hystrix can be used as alternative biolarvicidal
Hubungan antara Self Care dengan Insidensi Neuropaty Perifer pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II RSUD Cibabat Cimahi 2018
Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan kenaikan kadar glukosa dalam darah dan dapat menyebabkan komplikasi akut ataupun kronik jika tidak ditangani. Neuropati Perifer merupakan komplikasi kronik yang banyak terjadi pada pasien DM. Perawatan diri (Self Care) yang baik dapat membantu mencegah terjadinya komplikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Self Care dengan kejadian komplikasi Neuropati Perifer pada pasien DM tipe II. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan sampel 69 responden, yang diperoleh melalui teknik Accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan modifikasi kuesioner Summary Diabetes Self Care Activity (SDSCA) dan kuesioner kejadian komplikasi Neuropati Perifer. Hasil penelitian menggunakanujikorelasi Chi square ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara self care dengan kejadian komplikasi neuropati perifer pada pasien DM tipe II dengan p value 0,010 (p<0,05). Dari 69 responden, 33 responden memiliki self care baik, 24 diantaranya menunjukkan tidak terjadi komplikasi neuropati perifer dan 9 diantaranya menunjukkan terjadi komplikasi neuropati perifer. Sebanyak 36 responden memiliki self care kurang, 14 diantaranya menunjukkan tidak terjadi komplikasi neuropati perifer dan 22 diantaranya menunjukkan terjadi komplikasi neuropati perifer. Peran perawat sebagai edukator sangat penting untuk membekali pasien DM agar memiliki perawatan diri yang baik
Rancangan Sistem Aplikasi E-learning: Studi Kasus SMK Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang
Teaching and learning process in SMK Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang are still conventional, where the students and teacher activities are only conducted in classroom. Various teaching concepts and techniques have been developed to complement the conventional methods that rely solely on a one-way method of learning andteaching in the classroom. One of teaching methods is currently being developed is e-learning. E-learning is Teachers\u27aid in distributing their materials where they must not attend in classroom, but use internet access. It is the best way to maximized the studying time in limited rooms.E-learning could help teaching and learning process more efficient. To realize E-learning Application in SMK Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang, it can be carried out by Learning Management System (LMS) design using Moodle. Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is one off the free LMS that can be downloaded, be utilized and be modified with a license as GPU (General Public License). The E-learning website will be used as additional discussion media for discussing unfinished learning materials, and multiple-choice exams and submitted tasks
A Qualitative Study on the Role of Exclusive Breastfeeding Counselor at Muhammadiyah Hospital, Gresik, East Java
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding aims to ensure the fulfillment of the right of the infant for good nutrition needs. Breast milk contains antibodies and almost all the nutrients the baby needs. Exclusive ASI coverage in 2015 in Indonesia was 55.7%, East Java 74.1%, Gresik Regency 70.9%. In 2016 exclusive ASI coverage declined, in Indonesia 29.5%, East Java 48.1%, and Gresik Regency 55.72%. Conceptually, increasing the role of ASI counselors, family support, and women’s organizations is an important part of efforts to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. This study aimed to assess the performance of exclusive breastfeeding counselors at Muhammadiyah hospital, Gresik and the formation of women’s organizations (Aisyiyah) exclusive breastfeeding supporters in Gresik Regency.
Subjects and Method: This was a descriptive qualitative study. The study population was 600 breastfeeding counselors in Gresik Regency, East Java. The main informants were 2 breastfeeding counsellors at Muhammadiyah Hospital, Gresik (RSMG), East Java. The key informant included the head of the Hospital Training, head of the Nursing Department, and head of the Maternal and Child Health. Supporting informants included midwife coordinator of out-patients and in-patients. The data were collected by in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The study instrument was an interview guide. Data were analyzed by triangulation.
Results: Breastfeding counselors have done a good job program. The drawback was the lack of documentation. Monitoring of follow-up mothers and babies born in RSMG needs to be addressed. Aisyiyah breastfeeding group has been formally established in all branches of Gresik Regency.
Conclusion: Communication Information Education (KIE) needs to be done through online social media. A special monitoring and evaluation team needs to be established so that exclusive breastfeeding coverage can be properly monitored and followed up to increase coverage of exclusive breastfeeding mothers.
Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, counselo
Peningkatan Soft Skills Tanggung Jawab Dan Disiplin Terintegrasi Melalui Pembelajaran Praktik Patiseri
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan soft skills tanggung jawab dan disiplin mahasiswa pendidikan Teknik Boga FT UNY yang terintegrasi melalui pembelajaran praktik Patiseri. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan subjek mahasiswa peserta kuliah Patiseri I yang berjumlah 38 mahasiswa. Instrumen pengumpul data berupa ekspresi diri dan evaluasi antarteman yang dikembangkan dari rambu-rambu tanggung jawab dan disiplin. Data dianalisis dengan teknik diskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembelajaran praktik, baik dalam kerja kelompok maupun individu mahasiswa telah mampu menunjukkan kinerja tanggung jawab persiapan diri, persiapan kerja, proses produksi, penyajian, dan berkemas antara hampir selalu dan konsisten. Demikian halnya dengan kinerja disiplin telah memberi makna bagi penguasaan soft skills antara hampir selalu dan konsisten
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