231 research outputs found

    LigaSure in total thyroidectomy.

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    PURPOSE: LigaSure is a bipolar diathermy system, which achieves vessel sealing with reduced thermal spread. The device has been used successfully in abdominal operations and because of its features, it has been applied recently in thyroid surgery to minimize the risk of complications such as laryngeal nerve palsy and hypocalcemia, and also to reduce the operating time. METHODS: Between June and December 2005, we performed total thyroidectomy for various disorders in 105 patients. We used the LigaSure diathermy system in 53 patients and traditional hemostatic procedures in the other 52. We evaluated the demographic features, histopathological diagnosis, operating times, and relevant postoperative complications. RESULTS: The two study groups had similar demographic and histopathological features. The mean operating time +/- SD was not significantly shorter in the LigaSure group than in the traditional group (104 +/- 12.7 vs 110 +/- 15.6 min). None of the patients in either group suffered hemorrhage, definitive hypocalcemia, or definitive laryngeal nerve palsy. Transient hypocalcemia and transient laryngeal nerve palsy developed in 7.54% and in 1.88%, respectively, of the patients in the LigaSure group, and in 7.69% and 1.92%, respectively, of the patients in the traditional group; these differences were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: LigaSure is a safe and effective method of hemostasis control, but it did not reduce the incidence of complications or operating times compared with traditional hemostatic procedures; moreover, the operative costs were higher

    Validity of needle core biopsy in the histological characterisation of mammary lesions

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    Over the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in the use of needle core biopsy (CB) for the histopathological characterisation of suspect lesions of the breast. The aim of this study was to verify the diagnostic reliability of CB by comparing the histological results obtained with the use of this technique with those obtained from the whole of the surgically resected specimen. We studied 198 out of 426 patients with clinically and/or radiologically suspect breast lesions. We found correspondence between the histological examination of the whole of the excised specimen and that of the CB in 94.9% of the cases of infiltrating carcinoma and in 71.4% of those involving ductal carcinomas in situ. The predictive value of CB was 98.9%, sensitivity was 96.1% and specificity 93.3%. These results confirmed that CB is an extremely reliable diagnostic tool in the definition of breast lesions

    Hashimoto ThYroiditis Coexistent with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Several studies report a higher rate of papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT), indicating a possible correlation between the two diseases. We studied a group of 89 subjects undergoing surgery for thyroid carcinomas compared with a control group of 89 subjects operated on for normofunctioning goiter, and a second group of 47 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for HT. Association with HT was found in 19 of the 71 PTC subjects (26.7%) and in 8 goiter patients (8.9%), which was a significant difference (P < 0.02). Thirteen of the HT patients, mostly with the nodular form, showed coexistent PTC (27.6%). HT and PTC coexisted in several morphological, immunohistochemical, and biomolecular aspects; increased incidence of PTC in HT patients might therefore indicate that HT is a precursor of thyroid cancer. Further studies are required, however, in order to confirm this hypothesis; until then, HT patients should undergo careful clinical and technical follow-up

    Association between Hashimoto's thyroiditis and papillary thyroid carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 305 patients

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    Background: The association between Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is a controversial question that is still under debate, its pathological significance and the eventual clinical implications of this association remaining unclear. Methods: The data regarding 305 patients were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided in two different groups. A first group made up of 142 patients undergoing surgery for differentiated thyroid carcinoma was compared to a control group of 142 analogous subjects operated for normofunctioning goiter. A second group was made up of 163 patients who had undergone total thyroidectomy (TT) with pre-operative diagnosis of HT. Results: In the first group of patients an association with HT was found in 28,6% of the patients with final histopathological diagnosis of PTC versus 7,7% of the patients with histopathological diagnosis of multinodular goiter, which was a significant difference (p &lt; 0.001). In the second group, the association with PTC was found in 43 (40,2%) cases of HT nodular variant and in 3 cases (8,1%) of HT diffuse variant (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: The relationship between HT and PTC is still far from clear and represents an unresolved issue. Our own study has underlined the frequent coexistence of these two pathologies, an aspect not to be neglected in clinical practice. Patients receiving HT diagnosis should undergo careful follow-up and, especially those with the nodular variant, should undergo a frequent both clinical and cytological evaluation of the nodular lesions, taking always into great consideration the surgical approach of total thyroidectomy

    SARS-CoV2 and immunosuppression. A double-edged sword

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov2) outbreak has caused a pandemic rapidly impacting on the way of life of the entire world. This impact in the specific setting of transplantation and immunosuppression has been poorly explored to date. Discordant data exist on the impact of previous coronavirus outbreaks on immunosuppressed patients. Overall, only a very limited number of cases have been reported in literature, suggesting that transplanted patients not necessarily present an increased risk of severe SARS-Cov2-related disease compared to the general population. We conducted a literature review related to the impact of immunosuppression on coronavirus infections including case reports and series describing immunosuppression management in transplant recipients. The role of steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and mycophenolic acid has been explored more in detail. A point-in-time snapshot of the yet released literature and some considerations in relation to the use of immunosuppression in SARS-Cov2 infected transplant recipients are provided here for the physicians dealing with immunocompromised patients

    Effects of the number of removed lymph nodes on survival outcome in patients with sentinel node-negative breast cancer

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    Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is the gold standard surgical technique for axillary staging in patients with clinically node-negative. However, it is still uncertain what is the optimal number of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) to be removed to reduce the false-negative rate. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with a single negative SLN have a worse prognosis than those with two or more negative SLNs. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on a large series of SLN-negative breast cancer patients. Survival outcomes and regional recurrence rate were evaluated according to the number of removed SLNs. Secondly, the contribution of different adjuvant therapies on disease-free survival was explored. Statistical analysis included the chi-square, Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test, and Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Results: A total of 1080 patients were included in the study. A first group consisted of 328 patients in whom a single SLN was retrieved, and a second group consisted of 752 patients in whom two or more SLNs were retrieved. There was no relevant difference in median DFS (64.9 vs 41.4) for SLN = 1 vs SLN &gt; 1 groups (HR 0.76, CI 95% 0.39–1.46; p = 0.38). A statistically significant difference in mDFS was showed only for HT-treated patients who were SLN = 1 if compared to SLN &gt; 1 (100.6 months versus 35.3 months). Conclusions: There is likely a relationship between the number of resected SNL and mDFS. Our results, however, showed no relevant difference in median DFS for SLN = 1 vs SLN &gt; 1 group, except for a subset of the patients treated with hormone therapy

    Evaluation of Clinical and Ultrasonographic Parameters in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated with Adalimumab: A Retrospective Study

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and US-PD parameters in PsA during adalimumab treatment. Methods. A retrospective study has been conducted in forty patients affected by moderate-to-severe peripheral PsA. Clinical, laboratory, and US-PD evaluations were performed at baseline, after 4, 12, and 24 weeks of treatment. They included erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), visual analogue scale (VAS), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) modified for Spondyloarthritis, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) score, the 28-joint Disease Activity Score (DAS 28), and US-PD assessment. US-PD findings were scored according to a semiquantitative scale (ranging 0–3) for synovial proliferation (SP), joint effusion (SE), bone erosions (BE), and PD. Results. Data obtained for clinical, laboratory findings and US-PD evaluation showed statistical significant improvement in all the measures performed except for BE. A significant parallel decrease in SE, SP, and PD values were demonstrated. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that US-PD is a valid technique in monitoring the response to adalimumab in moderate-to-severe PsA

    Overview of the design of the ITER heating neutral beam injectors

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    The heating neutral beam injectors (HNBs) of ITER are designed to deliver 16.7MWof 1 MeVD0 or 0.87 MeVH0 to the ITER plasma for up to 3600 s. They will be the most powerful neutral beam\uf0a0(NB) injectors ever, delivering higher energy NBs to the plasma in a tokamak for longer than any previous systems have done. The design of the HNBs is based on the acceleration and neutralisation of negative ions as the efficiency of conversion of accelerated positive ions is so low at the required energy that a realistic design is not possible, whereas the neutralisation ofH 12 andD 12 remains acceptable ( 4856%). The design of a long pulse negative ion based injector is inherently more complicated than that of short pulse positive ion based injectors because: \u2022 negative ions are harder to create so that they can be extracted and accelerated from the ion source; \u2022 electrons can be co-extracted from the ion source along with the negative ions, and their acceleration must be minimised to maintain an acceptable overall accelerator efficiency; \u2022 negative ions are easily lost by collisions with the background gas in the accelerator; \u2022 electrons created in the extractor and accelerator can impinge on the extraction and acceleration grids, leading to high power loads on the grids; \u2022 positive ions are created in the accelerator by ionisation of the background gas by the accelerated negative ions and the positive ions are back-accelerated into the ion source creating a massive power load to the ion source; \u2022 electrons that are co-accelerated with the negative ions can exit the accelerator and deposit power on various downstream beamline components. The design of the ITER HNBs is further complicated because ITER is a nuclear installation which will generate very large fluxes of neutrons and gamma rays. Consequently all the injector components have to survive in that harsh environment. Additionally the beamline components and theNBcell, where the beams are housed, will be activated and all maintenance will have to be performed remotely. This paper describes the design of theHNBinjectors, but not the associated power supplies, cooling system, cryogenic system etc, or the high voltage bushingwhich separates the vacuum of the beamline fromthehighpressureSF6 of the high voltage (1MV) transmission line, through which the power, gas and coolingwater are supplied to the beam source. Also themagnetic field reduction system is not described

    Interpretation of intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring according to the Rome criterion in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Intraoperative parathyroid hormone dosage allows real-time monitoring of the decrease in PTH levels during parathyroidectomy and verify procedure’s efficacy. Currently, none of the interpretative criteria used has absolute accuracy. The aim of this study is to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of the Rome criterion verifying diagnostic significance of the individual assays. A total of 205 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism from a single adenoma were retrospectively evaluated and monitored with baseline PTH, PTH at 10&nbsp;min and PTH at 20&nbsp;min after adenoma excision. The accuracy of the latter two assays compared with baseline was compared by ROC curves. In addition, was evaluated the influence on these data of localization diagnostics (ultrasounds and scintigraphy), definitive histology, and type of surgery performed. The ratio of 20-min sampling to baseline in the Rome criterion showed highest diagnostic significance. This finding was not influenced by the type of surgery performed, definitive histologic examination, or intraoperative localization of the adenoma. The Rome criterion has shown its high reliability in detecting persistence. The ratio of sampling at 20&nbsp;min to baseline is by far the best performing. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether sampling at 10&nbsp;min after adenoma excision can be considered not mandatory

    Serum Anti-Thyroglobulin Autoantibodies Are Specific in Predicting the Presence of Papillary-like Nuclear Features and Lymphocytic Infiltrate in the Thyroid Gland

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    (1) Background: Previous studies have reported a correlation between serum anti-Thyroglobulin-antibodies (TgAb) and papillary thyroid carcinoma. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether serum TgAb and anti-thyroid-peroxidase antibody (TPO) positivity was also related to pre-neoplastic histological changes such as papillary-like nuclear features (PLNF) and with the presence of lymphocytic infiltrate (LI) in thyroid surgical specimens. (2) Methods: The study was retrospectively carried out on 70 consecutively recruited patients who underwent thyroidectomy for benign process and whose TgAb and TPOAb values were retrieved from clinical records. Histological sections of thyroid surgical samples were revised, looking for PLNF and lymphocytic infiltrate. HBME1 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. (3) Results: Our results showed a significant association between TgAb, PLNF, and lymphocytic infiltrate. The presence of TgAb was highly specific, but less sensitive, in predicting the presence of PLNF (sensitivity = 0.6, specificity = 0.9; positive predictive value (PPV) = 0.88; negative predictive value (NPV) = 0.63). TgAb positivity showed a good association with the presence of lymphocytic infiltrate (sensitivity = 0.62, specificity = 0.9; PPV = 0.88 and NPV = 0.68). HBME1 immunoreactivity was observed in the colloid of follicles showing PLNF and/or closely associated with LI. (4) Conclusions: The presence of PLNF and LI is associated with serum TgAb positivity. The presence of TgAb and of LI could be triggered by an altered thyroglobulin contained in the HBME1-positive colloid, and could be a first defense mechanism against PLNF that probably represent early dysplastic changes in thyrocytes