1,662 research outputs found

    Human impact on limestone favement

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    Human impact on limestone pavement

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    [cat] Els paviments calcaris de les Illes Britàniques forneixen interessants exemples de l’activitat humana com a agent de canvi geomorfològic. Aquest article contempla la historia de la influencia humana en els paviments calcaris, especialment a l’Anglaterra nord-occidental, examina danys recents, i discuteix les accions realitzades per protegir aquestes formes paisatgístiques tan belles corn fascinants. Han estat diverses les activitats que han afectat els paviments, i la importància de les activitats individuals ha canviat amb el temps. Darrerament la pressió s'ha incrementat i els organismes conservacionistes s'han interessat pel problema per tal de protegir els paviments de nous estralls. Durant els darrers 30 anys, molts pocs paviments calcaris de les Illes Britàniques han deixat d'esser afectats per agressions o alteracions, i alguns han patit molt seriosament.[eng] The limestone pavements of the British Isles provide an interesting example of human activity as an agent of geomorphological change. This paper looks at the history of human influences on limestone pavements, especially in northwestern England, examines recent damage, and discusses the actions being taken to protect these fascinating and beautiful landforms. The activities which have affected the pavements have been varied, and the importance of any individual activity has changed over time. In recent decades the pressures have increased and conservation bodies have become concerned with the problem in order to protect pavement sites from further damage. Very few pavement sites in the British Isles have been unaffected by damage or alteration in the past 30 years, and come have suffered very severely

    An Empirical Analysis of a Model for Student Success using a Case Study Approach

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    Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) play a critical role in the national college completion agenda within the United States of America (U.S.). With high enrolments of minority, first-generation, and economically disadvantaged students, HBCUs serve as essential access points to higher education and the American dream. Given the high needs student population of HBCUs, these institutions can serve as national and international models for improving college completion and demonstrating efficacy in promoting access to higher education among students from diverse backgrounds
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