1,162 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Subtema Indonesiaku, Bangsa Yang Berbudaya Kelas V Banda Aceh.

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Picture And Picture Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Subtema Indonesiaku, Bangsa Yang Berbudaya Kelas V Banda Aceh”. Rumusan Masalah dalam Penelitian ini adalah “Apakah dengan menggunakan pengeruh Model Pembelajaran Picture And Picture Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Subtema Indonesiaku, Bangsa Yang Berbudaya Kelas V Banda Aceh?”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Picture And Picture Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Subtema Indonesiaku, Bangsa Yang Berbudaya Kelas V Banda Aceh.Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, sedangkan jenis penelitian bersifat eksperimen semu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas Va yang berjumlah 22 siswa dan kelas Vb yang berjumlah 23 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan test yang berbentuk uraian berjumah 10 soal. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik uji-t, pada taraf signifikan ᶐ=0,05.Dari analisis data, diperoleh thitung> ttabel =2,004 > 1,68. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian hipotesis, tolak H dan H diterima. Sehingga kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran picture and picture lebih baik daripada tampa menggunakan model pembelajaran picture and picture

    Pembelajaran Proyek Berbasis Multirepresentasi dalam Pemahaman Konsep Gelombang dan Bunyi

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    Gelombang dan bunyi merupakan salah satu konsep fisika yang banyak diamati dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain itu muatan materi gelombang dan bunyi memuat banyak gambar dan persamaan matematis. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode pembelajaran yang mampu mengakses konsep gelombang dan bunyi agar mampu dipahami oleh mahasiswa. Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh metode proyek berbasis multirepresentasi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa PGSD UNS Kampus Kebumen semester III TA 2016/2017 sebanyak 2 kelas. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar tes. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan Mann-Whitney U test. Hasil kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh metode proyek berbasis multirepresentasi terhadap peningkatan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa

    Motivation Variables to Use Contraceptive Among Male in YOGYAKARTA

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    Family Planning program is one of very important national development programs in order to embody wealthy Indonesian families. Role of such program has a big influence to a person's reproductive health, both reproductive health of woman and man. This study aimed to determine factors related to reproductive men's motivations for contraceptive use in Bumijo Village, Jetis District, Yogyakarta City. This study was conducted in Bumijo Village, Jetis Subdistrict, Yogyakarta. Subjects were 161 men in reproductive age older than 30 years old and had two children or more. This study was quantitative with logistic regression analysis. Results of study showed relation between knowledge and motivation (p value = 0.368), sociocultural and motivation (p value = 0.147), education and motivation (p value = 0.968), information and motivation (p value = 0.296), wife's support and motivation (p value = 0.001). There was no relation between knowledge, education, information source, social and culture with motivation. There was a relation between wife's support and motivation

    Perempuan dan Kekerasan pada Masa Orde Baru

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    Many studies about women history, especially which of related to violence issues toward them, are strongly related to the issues of human rights and democratization. Along Indonesian history, the New Order era is assumed as the era that had high frequency of violence toward human rights, especially for women. The crucial issue of struggling for human rights and democratization is one of the issues related to social equity. This article tries to analyze some issues about women and violence during the New Order Era, especially that of related to the state policy of women in Indonesia, the violence opportunity of women, and the violence peak of women in the tragedy of Mei 1998

    Bentuk Dan Jenis Puisi Prismatis Dalam Kumpulan Puisi Air Kata Kata Karya Sindhunata

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    The use of the term is less commonly used prismatic poetry when its existence can not be covered or removed from the history of poetry in Indonesia. Thus, it is necessary to do the analysis or in-depth study of the works which can be categorized into these types of poetry. The analysis is based on the problem of "how the prismatic shape and kind of poetry is in the air kata kata by sindhunata?" the purpose of this study is to determine the shape and type of prismatic poetry is in the air kata kata by sindhunata. Used a qualitative descriptive approach in the analysis of prismatic shape and kind of poetry in the collection of poems air kata kata by sindhunata. The focus of the study conducted on 1) forms, 2) the substance, 3) themes, 4) type, and 5) language to obtain forms and types that exist in the poetry collection. Based on the analysis, it can be said that 1) form prismatic poetry is in the air kata kata is a combination of text and images in one frame, and 2) the type of prismatic poetry is in the air kata kata classified by theme, diction is used, the type of language used, and typography. Thus, it can be concluded that the prismatic shape and kind of poetry that is in the collection of poems can be classified into a new genre, there are two kinds, namely poetry mbeling (physical structure and inner unconventional) and poetry rinupa (a blend of poetry texts and images), therefore, the analysis can be carried out or continued research in the field of poetry prismatic especially on matters relating to poetry and poetry mbeling rinupa

    Pengaruh Metode Eksperimen Dalam IPA Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SD Pontianak Timur

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    This recearch aims to determine how much influence the use of experimental modes on learning Natural Science on student learning outcomes fourth grade SDN 05 Pontianak East. The method used in this research is experimental method with pre experimental design, with one group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects were 28 students consisting of 2 males and 8 females. Data collection tool used in the form of test questions formed multiple choice with the number of 25 questions. The results showed the average of student learning outcomes of 73.28. The result of hypothesis (t-test) obtained t counted 9,23 with db = 28 -1 = 27 with significant level (α) = 5% obtained ttable equal to 1,703 Because t count equal to 9,23> ttable equal to 1,703 hence hypothesis expressed accepted. This means that there are differences in student learning outcomes before using experimental learning methods with student learning outcomes after using the experimental method. From the calculation effect size (ES), obtained 1.47 (high criteria). This means that the experimental method gives a high influence on the learning outcomes of Natural Science grade IV Pontianak East Elementary School

    Parametric Excitation in a Self-excited Three-degrees of Freedom Problem

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    The efect of parametric excitation in self-excited has been investigated in two-degrees of freedom problems. The possibility of suppressing self-excited vibrationsby using parametric excitation and the dynamic behavior of those kind systems were discussed. In the this paper, we consider a system in three-degrees of freedom problem which by using a linear transformation the system becomes an Autoparametric. The system consists of a central mass and two external masses where those masses are conectedby springs with the same constant stiffness. The flow-generated self-excited force is actingon the external masses, it is represented by Rayleigh force. The variable stiffness isperiodically varying in time, represents a parametric excitation. It turns out that forcertain parameter ranges full vibration cancellation is possible. The analysis of linearcase of system shows that there are two conditions in order to obtain an interval ofthe parametric excitation. Using the averaging method the fully non-linear system is investigated producing as non-trivial solutions unstable periodic solutions. The behaviorof this unstable solution is studied in the full system.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.

    Kampanye sebagai Komunikasi Politik

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    In a state with democratic system, political campaign tremendously becomes essential for introducing a candidate to the society. Political campaign is understood as an organised attempt trying to influence the decision making process in a particular group. Aiming at winning an election, every candidate has to consider some adequate strategies and plans. The strategies and plans are important because they determine the winning of the candidate in the election process. This paper examines the concept of campaign as a part of political communications. By explaining the concept of messages and strategies, this paper concludes that the success of a political campaign requires the planning and formation of a sufficient team to maximize the strategies