248 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Awareness in African Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Sudan

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    The crisis caused by the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed a swift and profound change on teaching and learning methods. Consequently, most higher education institutions around the world, including African higher education institutions, have moved from face-to-face teaching to online learning and teaching, which has made the use of the internet by university students necessary and obligatory regardless of the risks associated with unsafe use. This quick move to online teaching and learning has exposed African universities to a greater risk of cybercrime. This prompted the researchers to investigate the cybersecurity awareness levels among undergraduate students at African higher education institutions based in the case country, Sudan. In an exploratory research approach, a survey was conducted on a convenience sample of 1,200 undergraduate students at six public universities in Sudan. The results show that most undergraduate students in Sudan higher educational institutions have low cybersecurity awareness levels. Further investigation using inferential statistics reveals that male students at the universities in Sudan have slightly higher levels of cybersecurity awareness than female students. Most of the participants believe that cybersecurity should be taught in schools; they are also willing to learn about cybersecurity. In addition, the results showed that students with advanced computer skills significantly differ from students with intermediate or basic computer skills in practicing cybersecurity

    Combining ability for grain yield and yield components in local inbred lines and introduced open pollinated varieties of maize (Zea mays L)

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    ABSTRACT  The development of hybrids is the main objective of maize breeding. However, success depends largely on the identification of the best parents to ensure maximum combining ability. This study was conducted to estimate genetic variability and combining ability for grain yield and yield components of seven local inbred lines and four introduced open pollinated varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) across two irrigated locations, Medani and Matuq, Gezira, Sudan in 2008. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The traits measured were days to 50% tassel, plant height, ear length, ear diameter, hundred kernels weight and grain yield. Significant differences were observed among the parents and crosses for most of studied traits in both seasons. The crosses showed high genetic variability and tall plants than their parents which suggested some degree of hybrid vigor. The tallest hybrids across locations were T3 x L5 and T4 x L3. This indicates that the crosses were late maturing than their parents. The highest yielding hybrids had long ears and better shape, e.g., T2 x L1 and T1 x L7.The top five ranking crosses for grain yield across locations were T2 x L7 (3.45 t/ha), T1 x L2 (3.44 t/ha), T2 x LI (3.32 t/ha), T4 x L4 (3.30 t/ha) and T1 x L1 (3.13 t/ha).   The inheritance of most traits was controlled by non-additive gene action except ear height and grain yield. The best combiners for grain in Medani were T4, L4 and L5, while in Mutaq were L2, L4 and L6. The ratio of GCA to SCA variance for the most traits was less than one, suggesting that the inheritance was due to non additive gene effect with the exception of grain yield being more than one, indicating that inheritance of this trait was due to GCA effects, and was largely controlled by additive gene action in the base material. From these results it is recommended that parents T4, L1 and L6 to be used in recurrent selection, while, crosses T3 x L5, T1 x L5 and T4 x L6 to be tested in multi-locations trials for commercial utilization

    Heterosis for grain yield and its components in topcross hybrids of maize

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        Development of high yielding hybrids with high vigor is the ultimate objective of maize breeding and the success depends largely on the identification of the best parents to ensure maximum heterosis for hybrid production. This study was conducted to estimate genetic variability and heterosis of grain yield and yield components  of seven local inbred lines and four introduced open pollinated varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) across  two irrigated locations (Medani and Matuq) in 2008. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The traits measured were days to 50% tassel, plant height, ear length, ear diameter, hundred kernels weight and grain yield. The crosses showed high genetic variability and tall plants than their parents which suggested some degree of hybrid vigor. The tallest hybrids across locations were T3 x L5 and T4 x L3. This indicates that the crosses were late maturing than their parents. The highest yielding hybrids had long ears and better shape, e.g., T2 x L1 and T1 x L7.The top five ranking crosses for grain yield across locations were T2 x L7 (3.45 t/ha), T1 x L2 (3.44 t/ha), T2 x LI (3.32 t/ha), T4 x L4 (3.30 t/ha) and T1 x L1 (3.13 t/ha). The highest percentage of mid parent heterosis for grain yield in Medani, was given by T3 x L3 and T4x L4; in Matuq, by T1 x L5, T4 x L5 and T4 x L6 and across sites by T1 x L2 (59%), T3 x l2 (45%) and T3 x L6 (50%). These crosses can be recommended for future testing in multilocations trials for commercial utilization.    تحسين صفات الإنتاجية لمحصول الذرة الشامية هي الغاية المنشودة من خلال التربية لإنتاج الهجن والتي تعتمد على تحديد أفضل الآباء وأكثرها قوة لإنتاج الهجين. لذا أجريت هذه الدراسة لتقدير التباين الوراثي و قوة الهجين لأربعة سلالات تربية داخلية وسبعة أصناف مستقدمة مفتوحة التلقيح من الذرة الشامية (Zea mays L.) تحت ظروف ري مستدام، موسم 2008 .استخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاثة مكررات لتنفيذ التجربة. الصفات التي تمت دراستها شملت 50% لعدد أيام الإزهار المذكر ، طول النبات، طول الكوز، حجم الكوز، وزن المائة حبة وإنتاجية الحبوب.أظهرت النتائج فروق معنوية لكل  الصفات في الموقعين وأكثر تباينا وراثياً في طول النبات وفترة النضج.  وجد أن الهجن متأخرة في الأزهار وفترة النضج مقارنة بالآباء. أما  طول وحجم صفات القندول فقد وجد أن لها أهمية كبرى في زيادة  الإنتاجية وأفضل الهجن هي T1 x L7 و T2 x L1  .أعلى الهجن إنتاجية هى 3.45) T2 x L7طن/هكتار) و 3.44) T1 x L2 طن/هكتار)  وT2 x LI(3.32 طن/هكتار) و T4 x L4( 3.30طن/هكتار) و T1 x L1(3.13طن/هكتار ). الهجن التي أظهرت أعلى قوة هجين في مدني هيT3 x L3 و   T4x L4وفي معتوق للهجن T1 x L5, T4 x L5 و T4 x L6 وعبر الموقعين هى    (59%)T1 x L2و (45%)T3 Xl2   و (50%)T3 x L6. ومن خلال هذه الدراسة نوصى باستخدام هذه الهجن بعد إجراء بعض الاختبارات الخاصة بالإنتاجية في مواقع ومواسم مختلفة.     &nbsp

    Maternal Death Review in Sudan (2010 – 2012): Achievements and Challenges

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    Background: Despite the worldwide commitment to improving maternal health, measuring, monitoring and comparing mortality estimates remain a challenge. Maternal death review (MDR) is a tool used to measure maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and to improve quality of obstetric care.Objectives: This study was done to assess maternal mortality and to identify underlying causes during 2010-2013.Materials and Methods: Facility and community- based maternal death review was conducted during three years in Sudan to study maternal mortality. National and states’ maternal death review committees were established. A focal person for each state, health facility and locality was nominated. Notification of maternal deaths was done by telephone, followed by review of all notified maternal deaths using a structured format. Data was analyzed using microcomputer, with SSPS, version 18.0.Results: Over three years, 2933 maternal deaths were notified, out of 1509354 Live births (LB). MMR was 194/ 100000 LB, with different variation between states. Facility maternal deaths were 2503 (85.3%) and community deaths were 430 (14.7%), reviewed formats were 2859 (97.5%). Direct obstetric deaths were 1845 (64.5%), mainly due to haemorrhage 884 (30.9%), eclampsia 383 (13.4%) and sepsis 321 (11.2%). Indirect causes were 1014 (35.5%), 363 (12.7%) due to hepatitis and 197 (6.9%) to anemia. Most of hospital deaths 1947 (77.9%); admitted late from home, 2462 (73.4%) were critically ill and 1484 (60.3%) died within 24 hours.Conclusion: Home delivery, late presentation, unavailability of blood and poor referral system, are the main factors behind maternal deaths. Maternal death review has to be integrated within the health management information system (HMIS) with strong commitment of various stakeholders.Key words: Maternal mortality, maternal death review, Sudan

    Exploitation of Phenotypic Variations Among some Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes for grain yield Under Irrigated Conditions of Sudan

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    Barley in Sudan is grown in limited areas for grain and forage, although the barley is a well adapted crop to Sudan environment, it has a very small number of genotypes. Therefore, this study aims at the exploitation of  phenotypic variations among the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in Sudan for possible utilization in breeding programmes and to identify the top yielding genotypes. A set of twenty barley genotypes were tested at three sites representing different environments of Sudan. The experiments were executed over two consecutive seasons (2010/2011 and 2011/2012) in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The results of the growth habit demonstrated that all the genotypes were resistant to lodging except the genotype 20 (local genotype) was susceptible to lodging. The results of the combined analysis showed very highly significant differences among the barley genotypes at three sites. Across the three sites, the common genotypes out-yielded the check were G3, G8 and G9. At Gezira, the genotypes G3, G8 and G9 out yielding the check by 31, 24 and 40%, respectively, at Hudeiba high terrace soil by 34, 9 and 31%, respectively, while at Hudeiba karu soil by 61, 21 and 20%, respectively. According to the ASV (AMMI Stability Value) concept, the most stable genotype was the check Beladi having an ASV of 4.5 with the lowest mean seed yield (1970 kg/ha). In contrast, the most unstable genotype was G3 with an ASV of 37.7, however, it had the highest grain yield (2810 kg/ha). Among the six environments, when the genotypes were arranged according to AMMI estimate, genotype G3 ranked first in four environments (Gezira in season 2011, karu in two seasons and high terrace soil in season 2011), genotype G9 ranked first in one environment (Gezira in season 2010) and ranked third in the other five environments, while genotype G8 ranked second in the high terrace soil in season 2010 and fourth in two environments (Gezira in two seasons). The check Beladi did not appear in the first four ranking genotypes. Therefore, the genotypes G3, G8 and G9 could provide a good option for barley seed yield under Sudan conditions.   يزرع الشعير في السودان في مناطق محدودة بغرض إنتاج الحبوب والأعلاف، على الرغم من أن الشعير محصول جيد التأقلم  في البيئات المناخية المختلفة  للسودان، إلا أن هنالك عددا قليلا جدًا من الطرز الوراثية التي تزرع فيه. لذلك، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إستغلال الاختلافات المظهرية بين بعض الطرز الوراثية للشعير (Hordeum vulgare L.) في السودان لإمكانية استخدامها في برامج التربية ولتحديد الطرز الوراثية الاعلي إنتاجية. تم اختبار عدد عشرين من الطرز الوراثية للشعير في ثلاثة مواقع تمثل بيئات مختلفة في السودان. تم تنفيذ التجارب على مدار موسمين متتاليين (2010/2011 و 2011/2012) باستخدام تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة (RCBD) بثلاثة مكررات. أظهرت نتائج التحليل المشترك تباين كبير للغاية بين الطرز الوراثية للشعير من حيث الإنتاجية في الثلاثة مواقع، حيث كانت الطرز الوراثية الشائعة التي فاقت إنتاجيتها الصنف المحلي هي G3 و G8 و G9 . في الجزيرة، الطرز الوراثية G3 و G8 و G9 فاقت إنتاجيتها الصنف المحلي بنسبة 31 و 24 و 40٪ على التوالي، أما في أراضي التروس العليا (الحديبة)  بنسبة 34 و 9 و 31٪ على التوالي، بينما في أراضي الكرو (الحديبة) بنسبة 61 و 21 و 20٪، على التوالي. وفقًا لمفهوم قيمة الثبات (ASV) كان الطراز الوراثي الأكثر ثباتًا هو الصنف المحلي بقيمة ثبات4.5  وبأقل متوسط ​​إنتاجية للبذور (1970 كجم / هكتار). في المقابل، كان الطراز الوراثي الأقل ثباتًا هو       G3 بقيمة ثبات  37.7، ومع ذلك، فقد حقق أعلى إنتاجية للحبوب (2810 كجم / هكتار). عند ترتيب الطرز الوراثية وفقًا لتقدير  AMMI في البيئات الست، احتل الطراز الوراثي G3 المرتبة الأولى في أربع بيئات (الجزيرة في موسم 2011 ، اراضي الكرو (الحديبة) في موسمين وفي اراضي التروس العليا (الحديبة) في موسم 2011) ، بينما احتل الطراز الوراثي G3  المرتبة الأولى في بيئة واحدة (الجزيرة) في موسم 2010) واحتل المرتبة الثالثة في البيئات الخمسة الأخرى، في حين احتل الطراز الوراثي G8 المركز الثاني في اراضي التروس العليا (الحديبة) في موسم 2010 والرابع في بيئتين (الجزيرة في موسمين). لم يظهر الصنف المحلي ضمن الطرز الوراثية الأربعة الأولى. أوضحت هذه النتائج أن الطرز الوراثية  G3 و G8 و G9 يمكن أن تكون خيارًا جيدًا لإنتاج بذور الشعير تحت ظروف السودا

    Outcome of Quality of Life for Women Undergoing Autologous versus Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction following Mastectomy:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: This review aimed to meta-analyze the quality of life of alloplastic versus autologous breast reconstruction, when measured with the BREAST-Q. Methods: An electronic PubMed and EMBASE search was designed to find articles that compared alloplastic versus autologous breast reconstruction using the BREAST-Q. Studies that failed to present BREAST-Q scores and studies that did not compare alloplastic versus autologous breast reconstruction were excluded. Two authors independently extracted data from the included studies. A standardized data collection form was used. Quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The mean difference and 95 percent confidence intervals between breast reconstruction means were estimated for each BREAST-Q subscale. Forest plots and the I2statistic were used to assess heterogeneity and funnel plot publication bias. The Z test was used to assess overall effects. Results: Two hundred eighty abstracts were found; 10 articles were included. Autologous breast reconstruction scored significantly higher in the five subscales than alloplastic breast reconstruction. The Satisfaction with Breasts subscale indicated the greatest difference, with a mean difference of 6.41 (95 percent CI, 3.58 to 9.24; I2= 70 percent). The Satisfaction with Results subscale displayed a mean difference of 5.52. The Sexual Well-Being subscale displayed a mean difference of 3.85. The Psychosocial Well-Being subscale displayed a mean difference of 2.64. The overall difference in physical well-being was significant, with high heterogeneity (mean difference, 3.33; 95 percent CI, 0.18 to 6.48; I2= 85). Conclusion: Autologous breast reconstruction had superior outcomes compared with alloplastic breast reconstruction as measured by the BREAST-Q

    Putative markers for the detection of breast carcinoma cells in blood.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate certain genes for their suitability as molecular markers for detection of breast carcinoma cells using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RNA was prepared from MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells and peripheral blood leucocytes of healthy female volunteers. This RNA was screened for mRNA of MUC1, cytokeratin 19 (CK19) and CD44 (exons 8-11) by RT-PCR and the results validated by Southern blots. Variable degrees of expression of MUC1 and CD44 (exons 8-11) were detected in normal peripheral blood, rendering these genes non-specific for epithelial cells and therefore unsuitable for use as markers to detect breast carcinoma cells. Although CK19 mRNA was apparently specific, it was deemed unsuitable for use as a marker of breast cancer cells in light of its limited sensitivity. Furthermore, an attempt at using nested primers to increase sensitivity resulted in CK19 mRNA being detected after two amplification rounds in blood from healthy volunteers

    Distance Learning in Emergencies: Social and Pedagogical Relations in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The current study aims to investigate social and pedagogical relations during the experience of distance learning in emergencies, in the context of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study identifies the impact of the transition towards this new system in rebuilding social and pedagogical links between professors and students through a case study at Ajman University, as one of the institutions of higher education in the United Arab Emirates. The study relied on the quantitative approach and the sample of the study consisted of (730) students selected in a simple random manner. The study found that most of the sample members had advanced infrastructure that would enable them to keep up with the transition to the distance learning system, and that the level of access to electronic tools and distance learning platforms and the ability to deal with them were high. The study also found that the distance learning system increases the level of interaction, discussion and communication between students and between students and teachers, which extends beyond the lesson period, as an attempt to replace direct interaction

    The Effect of COVID-19 on Family Support for Home-Schooling in Urban Areas

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    The objective of the study is to clarify that the family participated in COVID-19 as a home-schooling family. The sample was selected according to the geographical distribution of schools in the eastern region of Khartoum. Data was collected through a questionnaire and interviews. The most important result is that there is an increasing interest from parents to support home-schooling despite the challenges of continuing learning, such as the widening digital divide in technology, previous experience, and poor network connectivity. This research paper focused on the point of view of parents in the city of Khartoum on supporting home-schooling according to social variables related to both mother and father, and the paper concluded that parents of students in private schools are more supportive of home education. Also, most of the parents of students who support home-schooling have reached their university level of education and post-university and belong to the youth age group. Although parents emphasize the importance of home-schooling during the COVID-19 infection, there are challenges associated with providing home-schooling for their children. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-05-021 Full Text: PD