13 research outputs found

    Modules in which every surjective endomorphism has a δ-small kernel

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    In this paper,we introduce the notion of δ-Hopfian modules. We give some properties of these modules and provide a characterization of semisimple rings in terms of δ-Hopfian modules by proving that a ring R is semisimple if and only if every R-module is δ-Hopfian. Also, we show that for a ring R, δ(R) = J(R) if and only if for all R-modules, the conditions δ-Hopfian and generalized Hopfian are equivalent. Moreover, we prove that δ-Hopfian property is a Morita invariant. Further, the δ-Hopficity of modules over truncated polynomial and triangular matrix rings are considered

    The total torsion element graph of semimodules over commutative semirings

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    We introduce and investigate the total torsion element graph of semimodules over a commutative semiring with non-zero identity. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the definition and results given in [2] to more general semimodule case

    A graph associated to proper non-small ideals of a commutative ring

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    summary:In this paper, a new kind of graph on a commutative ring is introduced and investigated. Small intersection graph of a ring RR, denoted by G(R)G(R), is a graph with all non-small proper ideals of RR as vertices and two distinct vertices II and JJ are adjacent if and only if IJI\cap J is not small in RR. In this article, some interrelation between the graph theoretic properties of this graph and some algebraic properties of rings are studied. We investigated the basic properties of the small intersection graph as diameter, girth, clique number, cut vertex, planar property and independence number. Further, it is shown that the independence number of a small graph of a ring RR is equal to the number of its maximal ideals and the domination number of small graph is at most 2

    A co-ideal based identity-summand graph of a commutative semiring

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    summary:Let II be a strong co-ideal of a commutative semiring RR with identity. Let ΓI(R)\Gamma_{I} (R) be a graph with the set of vertices SI(R)={xRI:x+yIS_{I} (R) = \{x \in R\setminus I: x + y \in I for some yRI}y \in R \setminus I\}, where two distinct vertices xx and yy are adjacent if and only if x+yIx + y \in I. We look at the diameter and girth of this graph. Also we discuss when ΓI(R)\Gamma_{I} (R) is bipartite. Moreover, studies are done on the planarity, clique, and chromatic number of this graph. Examples illustrating the results are presented