6,536 research outputs found

    Demonstration of the Zero-Crossing Phasemeter with a LISA Test-bed Interferometer

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is being designed to detect and study in detail gravitational waves from sources throughout the Universe such as massive black hole binaries. The conceptual formulation of the LISA space-borne gravitational wave detector is now well developed. The interferometric measurements between the sciencecraft remain one of the most important technological and scientific design areas for the mission. Our work has concentrated on developing the interferometric technologies to create a LISA-like optical signal and to measure the phase of that signal using commercially available instruments. One of the most important goals of this research is to demonstrate the LISA phase timing and phase reconstruction for a LISA-like fringe signal, in the case of a high fringe rate and a low signal level. We present current results of a test-bed interferometer designed to produce an optical LISA-like fringe signal previously discussed in the literature.Comment: find minor corrections in the CQG versio

    Finite range corrections near a Feshbach resonance and their role in the Efimov effect

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    We have measured the binding energy of 7^7Li Feshbach molecules deep into the non-universal regime by associating free atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate by modulating the magnetic field. We extract the scattering length from these measurements, correcting for non-universal short-range effects using several different methods. We find that field-dependent effective range corrections agree well with the data. With this more precise determination of the scattering length vs. field we reanalyze our previous data on the location of atom loss features produced by the Efimov effect \cite{PollackSci09} and investigate effective range corrections to universal theory.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Demonstration of LISA Laser Communication

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    Over the past few years questions have been raised concerning the use of laser communications links between sciencecraft to transmit phase information crucial to the reduction of laser frequency noise in the LISA science measurement. The concern is that applying medium frequency phase modulations to the laser carrier could compromise the phase stability of the LISA fringe signal. We have modified the table-top interferometer presented in a previous article by applying phase modulations to the laser beams in order to evaluate the effects of such modulations on the LISA science fringe signal. We have demonstrated that the phase resolution of the science signal is not degraded by the presence of medium frequency phase modulations.Comment: minor corrections found in the CQG versio

    Temporal Extent of Surface Potentials between Closely Spaced Metals

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    Variations in the electrostatic surface potential between the proof mass and electrode housing in the space-based gravitational wave mission LISA is one of the largest contributors of noise at frequencies below a few mHz. Torsion balances provide an ideal testbed for investigating these effects in conditions emulative of LISA. Our apparatus consists of a Au coated Cu plate brought near a Au coated Si plate pendulum suspended from a thin W wire. We have measured a white noise level of 30, \uVhz above approximately 0.1, mHz, rising at lower frequencies, for the surface potential variations between these two closely spaced metals

    Universality in Three- and Four-Body Bound States of Ultracold Atoms

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    Under certain circumstances, three or more interacting particles may form bound states. While the general few-body problem is not analytically solvable, the so-called Efimov trimers appear for a system of three particles with resonant two-body interactions. The binding energies of these trimers are predicted to be universally connected to each other, independent of the microscopic details of the interaction. By exploiting a Feshbach resonance to widely tune the interactions between trapped ultracold lithium atoms, we find evidence for two universally connected Efimov trimers and their associated four-body bound states. A total of eleven precisely determined three- and four-body features are found in the inelastic loss spectrum. Their relative locations on either side of the resonance agree well with universal theory, while a systematic deviation from universality is found when comparing features across the resonance.Comment: 16 pages including figures and Supplementary Online Materia

    High Sensitivity Torsion Balance Tests for LISA Proof Mass Modeling

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    We have built a highly sensitive torsion balance to investigate small forces between closely spaced gold coated surfaces. Such forces will occur between the LISA proof mass and its housing. These forces are not well understood and experimental investigations are imperative. We describe our torsion balance and present the noise of the system. A significant contribution to the LISA noise budget at low frequencies is the fluctuation in the surface potential difference between the proof mass and its housing. We present first results of these measurements with our apparatus.Comment: 6th International LISA Symposiu

    Charge Management for Gravitational Wave Observatories using UV LEDs

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    Accumulation of electrical charge on the end mirrors of gravitational wave observatories, such as the space-based LISA mission and ground-based LIGO detectors, can become a source of noise limiting the sensitivity of such detectors through electronic couplings to nearby surfaces. Torsion balances provide an ideal means for testing gravitational wave technologies due to their high sensitivity to small forces. Our torsion pendulum apparatus consists of a movable Au-coated Cu plate brought near a Au-coated Si plate pendulum suspended from a non-conducting quartz fiber. A UV LED located near the pendulum photoejects electrons from the surface, and a UV LED driven electron gun directs photoelectrons towards the pendulum surface. We have demonstrated both charging and discharging of the pendulum with equivalent charging rates of ∼\sim105e/s10^5 e/\mathrm{s}, as well as spectral measurements of the pendulum charge resulting in a white noise level equivalent to 3×105e/Hz3\times10^5 e/\sqrt{Hz}.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to PR

    Pre-crisis mouse cells show strain-specific covariation in the amount of 54-kilodalton phosphoprotein and in susceptibility to transformation by simian virus 40.

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    We have used several inbred mouse strains to examine the role of the 54-kilodalton (kDa) cellular phosphoprotein in transformation by the papovavirus simian virus 40. We have measured the endogenous 54-kDa phosphoprotein in cells obtained from these inbred mouse strains. To study the effect of passage, cell cultures were measured for amount of the 54-kDa phosphoprotein at the 2nd and 12th passages. In the absence of any transforming agent, the amount of endogenous 54-kDa phosphoprotein in early pre-crisis mouse cells varied in a strain-specific way. Transformation frequency varied coordinately with endogenous 54-kDa expression. Mouse strains whose cells produced a high level of endogenous 54-kDa phosphoprotein on passage did not further increase its expression after simian virus 40 transformation
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