31 research outputs found

    Examining counseling needs of headache patients: An exploratory study of wellness and perceived stress

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    Abstract: Headaches are a complex medical problem that results in significant health expenditures, lost employee attendance and productivity. and relationship disturbance. Further, psychological counseling is one of the basic components of treatment of sufferers of chronic headache. A study of 60 adults seeking medical care at a headache specialty clink was conducted to provide preliminary information on levels of wellness and perceived stress in this population Not surprisingly, overall levels of wellness were low and perceived stress was high compared to a norm group of adults. Specific components of wellness varied with spirituality being higher among the headache population and nutrition, exercise, and locus of control being lower. A case study is presented from practice in a medical clinic, and implications for mental health counselors as providers in medical settings are discussed

    Preparing Counselors-in-Training to Work with Couples: Using Role-Plays and Reflecting Teams

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    The use of experiential learning practices is a cornerstone of marriage and family training. In this article, two novel experiential approaches for teaching couples counseling are detailed. Specifically, the evolution from the original format to the final version of the learning experience is described. The two primary components of the experiences include (a) a semester-long role-play enacted by doctoral student graduate assistants and (b) student reflecting teams. The authors found that students benefited from these experiences and were able to provide validation, offer encouragement, and act as catalysts for change both with their classmates and in mock couples sessions. The reflecting team format was especially helpful in promoting a safe, interactive learning environment. In addition to describing the experience, suggestions are made for adapting the approaches to fit other programs