355 research outputs found

    Assignment of the Human and Mouse Prion Protein Genes to Homologous Chromosomes

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    Purified preparations of scrapie prions contain one major macromolecule, designated prion protein (PrP). Genes encoding PrP are found in normal animals and humans but not within the infectious particles. The PrP gene was assigned to human chromosome 20 and the corresponding mouse chromosome 2 using somatic cell hybrids. In situ hybridization studies mapped the human PrP gene to band 20p12β†’pter. Our results should lead to studies of genetic loci syntenic with the PrP gene, which may play a role in the pathogenesis of prion diseases or other degenerative neurologic disorders

    Cytosolic prion protein in neurons

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    Localizing the cellular prion protein (PrPC) in the brain is necessary for understanding the pathogenesis of prion diseases. However, the precise ultrastructural localization of PrPC still remains enigmatic. We performed the first quantitative study of the ultrastructural localization of PrPC in the mouse hippocampus using high-resolution cryoimmunogold electron microscopy. PrPC follows the standard biosynthetic trafficking pathway with a preferential localization in late endosomal compartments and on the plasma membrane of neurons and neuronal processes. PrPC is found with the same frequency within the synaptic specialization and perisynaptically, but is almost completely excluded from synaptic vesicles. Unexpectedly, PrP is also found in the cytosol in subpopulations of neurons in the hippocampus, neocortex, and thalamus but not the cerebellum. Cytosolic PrP may have altered susceptibility to aggregation, suggesting that these neurons might play a significant role in the pathogenesis of prion diseases, in particular those mammals harboring mutant PrP genes

    Inoculation of Scrapie with the Self-Assembling RADA-Peptide Disrupts Prion Accumulation and Extends Hamster Survival

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    Intracerebral inoculation of 263K Scrapie brain homogenate (PrPsc) with a self-assembling RADA-peptide (RADA) significantly delayed disease onset and increased hamster survival. Time of survival was dependent on the dose of RADA and pre-incubation with PrPsc prior to inoculation. RADA treatment resulted in the absence of detectable PrPsc at 40 d followed by an increased rate of PrPsc accumulation at 75 d up to sacrifice. In all PrPsc inoculated animals, clinical symptoms were observed ∼10 d prior to sacrifice and brains showed spongiform degeneration with Congo red positive plaques. A time-dependent increase in reactive gliosis was observed in both groups with more GFAP detected in RADA treated animals at all time points. The PrP protein showed dose-dependent binding to RADA and this binding was competitively inhibited by Congo Red. We conclude that RADA disrupts the efficacy of prion transmission by altering the rate of PrPsc accumulation. This is the first demonstration that a self-assembling biomolecular peptide can interact with PrPsc, disrupt the course of Scrapie disease process, and extend survival

    Pros and cons of a prion-like pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder which affects widespread areas of the brainstem, basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. A number of proteins are known to accumulate in parkinsonian brains including ubiquitin and alpha-synuclein. Prion diseases are sporadic, genetic or infectious disorders with various clinical and histopathological features caused by prion proteins as infectious proteinaceous particles transmitting a misfolded protein configuration through brain tissue. The most important form is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is associated with a self-propagating pathological precursor form of the prion protein that is physiologically widely distributed in the central nervous system. Discussion: It has recently been found that alpha-synuclein may behave similarly to the prion precursor and propagate between cells. The post-mortem proof of alpha-synuclein containing Lewy bodies in embryonic dopamine cells transplants in PD patient suggests that the misfolded protein might be transmitted from the diseased host to donor neurons reminiscent of prion behavior. The involvement of the basal ganglia and brainstem in the degenerative process are other congruencies between Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. However, a number of issues advise caution before categorizing Parkinson's disease as a prion disorder, because clinical appearance, brain imaging, cerebrospinal fluid and neuropathological findings exhibit fundamental differences between both disease entities. Most of all, infectiousness, a crucial hallmark of prion diseases, has never been observed in PD so far. Moreover, the cellular propagation of the prion protein has not been clearly defined and it is, therefore, difficult to assess the molecular similarities between the two disease entities. Summary: At the current state of knowledge, the molecular pathways of transmissible pathogenic proteins are not yet fully understood. Their exact involvement in the pathophysiology of prion disorders and neurodegenerative diseases has to be further investigated in order to elucidate a possible overlap between both disease categories that are currently regarded as distinct entities

    Regulating Factors of PrPres Glycosylation in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease - Implications for the Dissemination and the Diagnosis of Human Prion Strains

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    OBJECTIVE: The glycoprofile of pathological prion protein (PrP(res)) is widely used as a diagnosis marker in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and is thought to vary in a strain-specific manner. However, that the same glycoprofile of PrP(res) always accumulates in the whole brain of one individual has been questioned. We aimed to determine whether and how PrP(res) glycosylation is regulated in the brain of patients with sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. METHODS: PrP(res) glycoprofiles in four brain regions from 134 patients with sporadic or variant CJD were analyzed as a function of the genotype at codon 129 of PRNP and the Western blot type of PrP(res). RESULTS: The regional distribution of PrP(res) glycoforms within one individual was heterogeneous in sporadic but not in variant CJD. PrP(res) glycoforms ratio significantly correlated with the genotype at codon 129 of the prion protein gene and the Western blot type of PrP(res) in a region-specific manner. In some cases of sCJD, the glycoprofile of thalamic PrP(res) was undistinguishable from that observed in variant CJD. INTERPRETATION: Regulations leading to variations of PrP(res) pattern between brain regions in sCJD patients, involving host genotype and Western blot type of PrP(res) may contribute to the specific brain targeting of prion strains and have direct implications for the diagnosis of the different forms of CJD

    Immunohistochemical analysis of changes in signaling pathway activation downstream of growth factor receptors in pancreatic duct cell carcinogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) involves multi-stage development of molecular aberrations affecting signaling pathways that regulate cancer growth and progression. This study was performed to gain a better understanding of the abnormal signaling that occurs in PDAC compared with normal duct epithelia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray of 26 PDAC, 13 normal appearing adjacent pancreatic ductal epithelia, and 12 normal non-PDAC ducts. We compared the levels of 18 signaling proteins including growth factor receptors, tumor suppressors and 13 of their putative downstream phosphorylated (p-) signal transducers in PDAC to those in normal ductal epithelia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall profiles of signaling protein expression levels, activation states and sub-cellular distribution in PDAC cells were distinguishable from non-neoplastic ductal epithelia. The ERK pathway activation was correlated with high levels of <sup>S2448</sup>p-mTOR (100%, p = 0.05), <sup>T389</sup>p-S6K (100%, p = 0.02 and <sup>S235/236</sup>p-S6 (86%, p = 0.005). Additionally, <sup>T389</sup>p-S6K correlated with <sup>S727</sup>p-STAT3 (86%, p = 0.005). Advanced tumors with lymph node metastasis were characterized by high levels of <sup>S276</sup>p-NFΞΊB (100%, p = 0.05) and <sup>S9</sup>p-GSK3Ξ² (100%, p = 0.05). High levels of PKBΞ²/AKT2, EGFR, as well as nuclear <sup>T202/Y204</sup>p-ERK and <sup>T180/Y182</sup>p-p38 were observed in normal ducts adjacent to PDAC compared with non-cancerous pancreas.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Multiple signaling proteins are activated in pancreatic duct cell carcinogenesis including those associated with the ERK, PKB/AKT, mTOR and STAT3 pathways. The ERK pathway activation appears also increased in duct epithelia adjacent to carcinoma, suggesting tumor micro-environmental effects.</p

    Protease-sensitive synthetic prions

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    Prions arise when the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) undergoes a self-propagating conformational change; the resulting infectious conformer is designated PrP(Sc). Frequently, PrP(Sc) is protease-resistant but protease-sensitive (s) prions have been isolated in humans and other animals. We report here that protease-sensitive, synthetic prions were generated in vitro during polymerization of recombinant (rec) PrP into amyloid fibers. In 22 independent experiments, recPrP amyloid preparations, but not recPrP monomers or oligomers, transmitted disease to transgenic mice (n = 164), denoted Tg9949 mice, that overexpress N-terminally truncated PrP. Tg9949 control mice (n = 174) did not spontaneously generate prions although they were prone to late-onset spontaneous neurological dysfunction. When synthetic prion isolates from infected Tg9949 mice were serially transmitted in the same line of mice, they exhibited sPrP(Sc) and caused neurodegeneration. Interestingly, these protease-sensitive prions did not shorten the life span of Tg9949 mice despite causing extensive neurodegeneration. We inoculated three synthetic prion isolates into Tg4053 mice that overexpress full-length PrP; Tg4053 mice are not prone to developing spontaneous neurological dysfunction. The synthetic prion isolates caused disease in 600-750 days in Tg4053 mice, which exhibited sPrP(Sc). These novel synthetic prions demonstrate that conformational changes in wild-type PrP can produce mouse prions composed exclusively of sPrP(Sc)

    Continuous Quinacrine Treatment Results in the Formation of Drug-Resistant Prions

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    Quinacrine is a potent antiprion compound in cell culture models of prion disease but has failed to show efficacy in animal bioassays and human clinical trials. Previous studies demonstrated that quinacrine inefficiently penetrates the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which could contribute to its lack of efficacy in vivo. As quinacrine is known to be a substrate for P-glycoprotein multi-drug resistance (MDR) transporters, we circumvented its poor BBB permeability by utilizing MDR0/0 mice that are deficient in mdr1a and mdr1b genes. Mice treated with 40 mg/kg/day of quinacrine accumulated up to 100 Β΅M of quinacrine in their brains without acute toxicity. PrPSc levels in the brains of prion-inoculated MDR0/0 mice diminished upon the initiation of quinacrine treatment. However, this reduction was transient and PrPSc levels recovered despite the continuous administration of quinacrine. Treatment with quinacrine did not prolong the survival times of prion-inoculated, wild-type or MDR0/0 mice compared to untreated mice. A similar phenomenon was observed in cultured differentiated prion-infected neuroblastoma cells: PrPSc levels initially decreased after quinacrine treatment then rapidly recovered after 3 d of continuous treatment. Biochemical characterization of PrPSc that persisted in the brains of quinacrine-treated mice had a lower conformational stability and different immunoaffinities compared to that found in the brains of untreated controls. These physical properties were not maintained upon passage in MDR0/0 mice. From these data, we propose that quinacrine eliminates a specific subset of PrPSc conformers, resulting in the survival of drug-resistant prion conformations. Transient accumulation of this drug-resistant prion population provides a possible explanation for the lack of in vivo efficacy of quinacrine and other antiprion drugs

    Activity of a novel, dual PI3-kinase/mTor inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 against primary human pancreatic cancers grown as orthotopic xenografts

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    The phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signalling pathway is frequently deregulated in pancreatic cancers, and is believed to be an important determinant of their biological aggression and drug resistance. NVP-BEZ235 is a novel, dual class I PI3K/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) inhibitor undergoing phase I human clinical trials. To simulate clinical testing, the effects of NVP-BEZ235 were studied in five early passage primary pancreatic cancer xenografts, grown orthotopically. These tumours showed activated PKB/Akt, and increased levels of at least one of the receptor tyrosine kinases that are commonly activated in pancreatic cancers. Pharmacodynamic effects were measured following acute single doses, and anticancer effects were determined in separate groups following chronic drug exposure. Acute oral dosing with NVP-BEZ235 strongly suppressed the phosphorylation of PKB/Akt, followed by recovery over 24 h. There was also inhibition of Ser235/236 S6 ribosomal protein and Thr37/46 4E-BP1, consistent with the effects of NVP-BEZ235 as a dual PI3K/mTor inhibitor. Chronic dosing with 45 mg kgβˆ’1 of NVP-BEZ235 was well tolerated, and produced significant tumour growth inhibition in three models. These results predict that agents targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTor pathway might have anticancer activity in pancreatic cancer patients, and support the testing of combination studies involving chemotherapy or other molecular targeted agents

    N-Glycans and Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchor Act on Polarized Sorting of Mouse PrPC in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells

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    The cellular prion protein (PrPC) plays a fundamental role in prion disease. PrPC is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein with two variably occupied N-glycosylation sites. In general, GPI-anchor and N-glycosylation direct proteins to apical membranes in polarized cells whereas the majority of mouse PrPC is found in basolateral membranes in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. In this study we have mutated the first, the second, and both N-glycosylation sites of PrPC and also replaced the GPI-anchor of PrPC by the Thy-1 GPI-anchor in order to investigate the role of these signals in sorting of PrPC in MDCK cells. Cell surface biotinylation experiments and confocal microscopy showed that lack of one N-linked oligosaccharide leads to loss of polarized sorting of PrPC. Exchange of the PrPC GPI-anchor for the one of Thy-1 redirects PrPC to the apical membrane. In conclusion, both N-glycosylation and GPI-anchor act on polarized sorting of PrPC, with the GPI-anchor being dominant over N-glycans
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