42 research outputs found

    Radiosensitivity of sunflower inbred lines to mutagenesis

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    For much of the past century, mutagenesis has gained popularity in plant genetics research as a means of inducing novel genetic variation. Induced mutations have been applied for the past 40 years to produce mutant cultivars in sunflower by changing plant characteristics that significantly increase plant yield and quality. The present study is focused on generating baseline data to elucidate the role of genotypic differences in the response of sunflower to induced mutagenesis with the aim of expanding the applicability of the use of induced mutant stocks in the genetic improvement of the crop and in its functional genomics. The strategy adopted was to estimate the optimal treatment conditions (doses of mutagens) through relating the extent of damage in seedling progeny to the exposure levels of the initiating propagates to mutagens. Seeds of fifteen elite sunflower genotypes of commonly used as breeding stocks and grown on commercial scales were treated with a range of mutagens: gamma rays (γ rays); fast neutrons and with ethyl-methane-sulphonate (EMS) at different treatment doses. The three mutagenic agents affected seedling height, reducing it with increasing dosage. Based on the mutagen damage on seedling height, the 50% and 30% damage indices (D50 and D30, respectively) were estimated for the 15 sunflower genotypes for the three mutagens. The D50 (D30) values for the sunflower lines ranged from 120 to 325 Gy (5 to 207 Gy) for gamma irradiation; 9 to 21 Gy (0.1 to 10 Gy) for fast neutrons and 0.69 to 1.55% (0.01 to 0.68%) concentration of EMS

    Creating new genetic variability in sunflower using induced mutations

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    The objective of the study was to provide new genetic variability in important agronomic traits that can be exploited for improvement of sunflower production. Seeds of eight sunflower inbred lines from gene collection of Institute of Field and Vegetables, Novi Sad were irradiated with gamma rays (γ) and fast neutrons (Nf) and treated in ethyle-methane-sulphonate (EMS) solution. The manifestation of mutations was mostly expressed in M2 and M3 generation. Seven mutants were developed; one early flowering, two short stature and one high, two with higher oil content and one branching. The stable progenies were evaluated in micro-plot tests in M6 generation for seed yield and other traits in comparison with respective original line. Further studies should be focused on testing new mutant lines in hybrid combinations, as well as the determination of inheritance of mutant traits

    Investigation of content of primary and secondary oxidation products in sunflower oils with a different content of oleic acid

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    Oxidative stability, i.c. shelf life of oil is related to the degree of the oxidative changes in the amount of the resulting primary and secondary oxidation products of unsaturated fatty acids. In order to improve oxidative stability, i.e. oil shelf life, sunflower hybrids with altered fatty acid composition have been created, i.e. significantly higher oleic acid (C18:1) content, even over 90% w/w, relative to the linoleic type with 25-30% w/w of oleic and 60-65% w/w of linoleic acid (C18:2). In order to examine the oxidative stability of the oil, three samples of sunflower seed oil NS hybrids (NS Oliva, NS Horizont and NS Romeo) of different fatty acid composition were analyzed. Samples were exposed to moderate temperatures (6342°C) over a period of 8 days. Changes in the content of primary and secondary oxidation products based on changes in peroxide (PV) and anisidine (p-AnV) values, as well as changes in the content of conjugated dienes and trienes, were observed. The highest oxidative stability was observed in the oleic type oil sample. In this sample the determined values of the tested parameters of oxidative stability, after 8 days, were PV=4.85 mmol/kg and p-AnV=0.65, compared to the initial sample (PV=0.36 mmol/kg and p-AnV=0.57). The greatest oxidative changes occurred in the oil sample with the lowest content of oleic and the highest content of linoleic acid, as indicated by the PV=73.22 mmol/kg and p-AnV=3.60, after 8 days, in relation to PV=2.16 mmol/kg and p-AnV=0.50 in the initial linoleic type oil sample

    Oleic acid variation and marker-assisted detection of Pervenets mutation in high- and low-oleic sunflower cross

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    High-oleic sunflower oil is in high demand on the market due to its heart-healthy properties and richness in monounsaturated fatty acids that makes it more stable in processing than standard sunflower oil. Consequently, one of sunflower breeder's tasks is to develop stable high-oleic sunflower genotypes that will produce high quality oil. We analyzed variability and inheritance of oleic acid content (OAC) in sunflower, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, by analyzing F-1 and F-2 progeny obtained by crossing a standard linoleic and high-oleic inbred line. F-2 individuals were classified in two groups: low-oleic with OAC of 15.24-31.28% and high-oleic with OAC of 62.49-93.82%. Monogenic dominant inheritance was observed. Additionally, several molecular markers were tested for the use in marker-assisted selection in order to shorten the period of detecting high-oleic genotypes. Marker F4-R1 was proven to be the most efficient in detection of genotypes with Pervenets (high-oleic acid) mutation

    Investigation of oxidative characteristics, fatty acid composition and bioactive compounds content in cold pressed oils of sunflower grown in Serbia and Argentina

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    In this work, the chemical composition analysis was performed for cold pressed oils obtained from the 15 sunflower hybrids grown in Serbia and Argentina, as well as the determination of their oxidative quality. The fatty acid composition and bioactive compounds including total tocopherols, phenols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll contents were investigated. The oxidation products were monitored through the peroxide value (PV), anisidine value (AnV), conjugated dienes (CD) and conjugated trienes (CT) content, and total oxidation index (TOTOX) under accelerated oxidation conditions by the oven method. Results: Linoleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid in investigated oil samples, followed by oleic and palmitic acids. The mean contents of total tocopherols, phenols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll were 518.24, 9.42, 7.54 and 0.99 mg/kg, respectively. In order to obtain an overview of sample variations according to the tested parameters Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied. Conclusion: PCA indicated that phenols, chlorophyll, linoleic and oleic acid were the most effective variables for the differentiation of sunflower hybrids grown in Serbia and Argentina. Furthermore, based on the fatty acid composition and bioactive compounds content in the oils, a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed to predict the oxidative stability parameters of cold pressed sunflower oil


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    Treatment of groundwater is the most important part of the scope of protection of natural resources, because no biological and bacteriological water there is no life on the planet. Implemented through consideration of all the negative elements in the water, determine the percentage of their toxicity and finding the most appropriate method for their removal. The aim is to monitor, improve water quality and the environment in general observed


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    Treatment of groundwater is the most important part of the scope of protection of natural resources, because no biological and bacteriological water there is no life on the planet. Implemented through consideration of all the negative elements in the water, determine the percentage of their toxicity and finding the most appropriate method for their removal. The aim is to monitor, improve water quality and the environment in general observed

    Inheritance of floral colour and type in four new inbred lines of ornamental sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is grown commercially and as an ornamental plant. Floral colour and inflorescence type are important traits in the breeding of ornamental sunflower. Sunflowers consist of ray florets, which are arranged around the perimeter with disc florets in the centre. The colour of the ray florets can vary from various shades of red to lemon-yellow. The inheritance of ray floret colour was studied through diallel crossing of inbred lines with red, yellow, or lemon-yellow coloured florets. In the F-1 generations, the red colour was partially dominant over yellow and lemon-yellow ray florets, forming a 'Gaillardia' pattern, while yellow was dominant over lemon-yellow. The segregation ratios in the F-2 generations were 9:7 (red x yellow) and 3:1 (red x lemon-yellow and yellow x lemon-yellow), indicating control by one or two genes, respectively. The colour of the disc florets depended on the presence or absence of anthocyanin pigmentation. Disc florets that lacked anthocyanin pigmentation were usually different shades of yellow. Anthocyanin pigmentation was dominant over yellow and lemon-yellow, showing monohybrid inheritance with a segregation ratio of 3:1 in the F-2 generation. Chrysanthemum-type inflorescences had elongated disc florets. In crosses between chrysanthemum-type and normal-type inflorescences, the segregation ratio in the F-2 populations corresponded to the theoretical ratio of 3:1 for chrysanthemum-type:normal-type inflorescences. We conclude that the genes controlling floral colour and inflorescence type are inherited independently and have different effects. The interaction of these genes revealed new combinations of floral colour and type, which can increase variability in ornamental sunflowers

    Ispitivanje masnokiselinskog sastava u ulju semena suncokreta selekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo

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    Stepen homogenosti suncokretovog ulja za 21 ispitivanu inbred liniju Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarsivo koje su gajene tokom 2017. godine na oglednom polju na Rimskim Sancevima, utvrden je primenom tehnike gasne hromatografije sa plameno-jonizujuéom detekeijom. Suncokretovo ulje je dobijeno postupkom hladnog presovanja suncokretovog semena. Sastav masnih kiselina u ulju utviden je postupkom transesterifikacije masnih kiselina u njihove isparljive metilestre primenom rastvora reagensa TMSH (trimetilsulfonijum-hidroksid uw metanolu) i dalje je analiziran tehnikom gasne hromatografije. Metilestri prisutnih masnih kiselina, dobijeni postupkom transesterifikacije, kvalitativno su odredeni na osnovu retencionih viemena, poredenjem sa retencionim vremenima dobijenim prethodnim analiziranjem smese metilestara masnih kiselina u analitickom standardu. Primenom hijararhijske klaster analize uspesno je dokazana slicnost med ispitiv ‘nim genotipovima, kao i njihove jasno grupisanje