192 research outputs found

    Short report: molecular markers associated with Plasmodium falciparum resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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    Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is the first line antimalarial treatment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Using polymerase chain reaction, we assessed the prevalence of mutations in the dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) (codons 108, 51, 59) and dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) (codons 437, 540) genes of Plasmodium falciparum, which have been associated with resistance to pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine, respectively. Four hundred seventy-four patients were sampled in Kilwa (N = 138), Kisangani (N = 112), Boende (N = 106), and Basankusu (N = 118). The proportion of triple mutations dhfr varied between sites but was always > 50%. The proportion of dhps double mutations was < 20%, with some sites as low as 0.9%. A quintuple mutation was present in 12.8% (16/125) samples in Kilwa; 11.9% (13/109) in Kisangani, 2.9% (3/102) in Boende, and 0.9% (1/112) in Basankusu. These results suggest high resistance to pyrimethamine alone or combined with sulfadoxine. Adding artesunate to SP does not seem a valid alternative to the current monotherapy

    High Efficacy of Two Artemisinin-Based Combinations (Artesunate + Amodiaquine and Artemether + Lumefantrine) in Caala, Central Angola.

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    In April 2004, 137 children 6-59 months of age with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria (Caala, Central Angola) were randomized to receive either artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem) or artesunate + amodiaquine (ASAQ). After 28 days of follow-up, there were 2/61 (3.2%) recurrent parasitemias in the Coartem group and 4/64 (6.2%) in the ASAQ group (P = 0.72), all classified as re-infections after PCR genotyping (cure rate = 100% [95%CI: 94-100] in both groups). Only one patient (ASAQ group) had gametocytes on day 28 versus five (Coartem) and three (ASAQ) at baseline. Compared with baseline, anemia was significantly improved after 28 days of follow-up in both groups (Coartem: from 54.1% to 13.4%; ASAQ: from 53.1% to 15.9%). Our findings are in favor of a high efficacy of both combinations in Caala. Now that Coartem has been chosen as the new first-line anti-malarial, the challenge is to insure that this drug is available and adequately used

    Extrafine beclomethasone/formoterol in severe COPD patients with history of exacerbations

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    The FORWARD study is a randomised, double-blind trial that compares the efficacy and safety of 48 weeks treatment with extrafine beclomethasone dipropionate/formoterol fumarate (BDP/FOR), 100/6 μg pMDI, 2 inhalations BID, vs. FOR 12 μg pMDI, 1 inhalation BID, in severe COPD patients with a history of exacerbations. Co-primary endpoints were exacerbation rate over 48 weeks and pre-dose morning FEV1 at 12 weeks. The ITT population included 1186 patients (69% males, mean age 64 years) with severe airflow limitation (mean post-bronchodilator FEV1 42% predicted). Salbutamol as rescue therapy, theophylline and tiotropium (if stable regimen prior to screening) were allowed. Compared to FOR, BDP/FOR: (1) reduced the exacerbation rate (rate ratio: 0.72 [95% confidence interval 0.62–0.84], p < 0.001); (2) improved pre-dose morning FEV1 (mean difference: 0.069 L [0.043–0.095] p < 0.001); (3) prolonged the time to first exacerbation; (4) improved the SGRQ total score. The percentage of patients with adverse events was similar (52.1% with BDP/FOR and 49.2% with FOR). Pneumonia incidence was low, slightly higher with BDP/FOR (3.8%) than with FOR (1.8%). No difference for laboratory values, ECG or vital signs. Extrafine BDP/FOR significantly reduces the exacerbation rate and improves lung function of patients with severe COPD and history of exacerbations as compared to FOR alone

    Setting up an enhanced surveillance of newly acquired hepatitis C infection in men who have sex with men: a pilot in London and South East region of England.

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    Preliminary findings suggest ongoing HCV transmission among MSM infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and that enhanced surveillance for newly acquired HCV in MSM is feasible

    Against the Odds: Psychomotor Development of Children Under 2 years in a Sudanese Orphanage.

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    Providing abandoned children the necessary medical and psychological care as possible after their institutionalization may minimize developmental delays. We describe psychomotor development in infants admitted to an orphanage in Khartoum, Sudan, assessed at admission and over an 18-month follow-up. Psychological state and psychomotor quotients were determined using a simplified Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (NBAS), the Brunet-Lezine and Alarm distress baby (ADBB) scale. From May-September 2005, 151 children were evaluated 2, 4, 9, 12 and 18 months after inclusion. At admission, ∼15% of children ≤1 month had a regulation impairment according to the NBAS, and 33.8% presented a distress state (ADBB score >5). More than 85% (129/151) recovered normal psychomotor development. The results of the program reinforce the importance of early detection of psychological disorders followed by rapid implementation of psychological case management to improve the development of young children in similar institutions and circumstances

    Evaluation of two lead malaria transmission blocking vaccine candidate antibodies in natural parasite-vector combinations.

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    Transmission blocking vaccines (TBV) which aim to control malaria by inhibiting human-to-mosquito transmission show considerable promise though their utility against naturally circulating parasites remains unknown. The efficacy of two lead candidates targeting Pfs25 and Pfs230 antigens to prevent onwards transmission of naturally occurring parasites to a local mosquito strain is assessed using direct membrane feeding assays and murine antibodies in Burkina Faso. The transmission blocking activity of both candidates depends on the level of parasite exposure (as assessed by the mean number of oocysts in control mosquitoes) and antibody titers. A mathematical framework is devised to allow the efficacy of different candidates to be directly compared and determine the minimal antibody titers required to halt transmission in different settings. The increased efficacy with diminishing parasite exposure indicates that the efficacy of vaccines targeting either Pfs25 or Pfs230 may increase as malaria transmission declines. This has important implications for late-stage candidate selection and assessing how they can support the drive for malaria elimination

    Plasmodium falciparum Produce Lower Infection Intensities in Local versus Foreign Anopheles gambiae Populations

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    Both Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles gambiae show great diversity in Africa, in their own genetic makeup and population dynamics. The genetics of the individual mosquito and parasite are known to play a role in determining the outcome of infection in the vector, but whether differences in infection phenotype vary between populations remains to be investigated. Here we established two A. gambiae s.s. M molecular form colonies from Cameroon and Burkina Faso, representing a local and a foreign population for each of the geographical sites. Experimental infections of both colonies were conducted in Cameroon and Burkina Faso using local wild P. falciparum, giving a sympatric and allopatric vector-parasite combination in each site. Infection phenotype was determined in terms of oocyst prevalence and intensity for at least nine infections for each vector-parasite combination. Sympatric infections were found to produce 25% fewer oocysts per midgut than allopatric infections, while prevalence was not affected by local/foreign interactions. The reduction in oocyst numbers in sympatric couples may be the result of evolutionary processes where the mosquito populations have locally adapted to their parasite populations. Future research on vector-parasite interactions must take into account the geographic scale of adaptation revealed here by conducting experiments in natural sympatric populations to give epidemiologically meaningful results

    Different distribution of malaria parasite in left and right extremities of vertebrate hosts translates into differences in parasite transmission

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    International audienceMalaria, a vector-borne disease caused by Plasmodium spp., remains a major global cause of mortality. Optimization of disease control strategies requires a thorough understanding of the processes underlying parasite transmission. While the number of transmissible stages (gametocytes) of Plasmodium in blood is frequently used as an indicator of host-to-mosquito transmission potential, this relationship is not always clear. Significant effort has been made in developing molecular tools that improve gametocyte density estimation and therefore prediction of mosquito infection rates. However a significant level of uncertainty around estimates remains. The weakness in the relationship between gametocyte burden, measured from a blood sample, and the mosquito infection rate could be explained by a non-homogeneous distribution of gametocytes in the bloodstream. The estimated gametocyte density would then only be a single snapshot that does not reflect the host infectivity. This aspect of Plasmodium infection, however, remains largely neglected. In both humans and birds, we found here that the gametocyte densities differed depending on which side of the body the sample was taken, suggesting that gametocytes are not homogeneously distributed within the vertebrate host. We observed a fluctuating asymmetry, in other words, the extremity of the body with the highest density of parasites is not always the same from one individual to another. An estimation of gametocyte density from only one blood sample, as is commonly measured, could, therefore, over-or underestimated the infectivity of gametocyte carriers. This might have important consequences on the epidemiology of the disease since we show that this variation influences host-to-mosquito transmission. Vectors fed on the least infected body part had a lower parasite burden than those fed on the most infected part. The heterogeneous distribution of gametocytes in bloodstream should be considered to improve diagnosis and test new malaria control strategies

    Natural plant diet impacts phenotypic expression of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Success in reducing malaria transmission through vector control is threatened by insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. Although the proximal molecular mechanisms and genetic determinants involved are well documented, little is known about the influence of the environment on mosquito resistance to insecticides. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of plant sugar feeding on the response of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato to insecticides. Adults were fed with one of four treatments, namely a 5% glucose control solution, nectariferous flowers of Barleria lupulina, of Cascabela thevetia and a combination of both B. lupulina+C. thevetia. WHO tube tests were performed with 0.05% and 0.5% deltamethrin, and knockdown rate (KD) and the 24 h mosquito mortality were measured. Plant diet significantly influenced mosquito KD rate at both concentrations of deltamethrin. Following exposure to 0.05% deltamethrin, the B. lupulina diet induced a 2.5 fold-increase in mosquito mortality compared to 5% glucose. Species molecular identification confirmed the predominance of An. gambiae (60% of the samples) over An. coluzzii and An. arabiensis in our study area. The kdr mutation L1014F displayed an allelic frequency of 0.75 and was positively associated with increased phenotypic resistance to deltamethrin. Plant diet, particularly B. lupulina, increased the susceptibility of mosquitoes to insecticides. The finding that B. lupulina-fed control individuals (i.e. not exposed to deltamethrin) also displayed increased 24 h mortality suggests that plant-mediated effects may be driven by a direct effect of plant diet on mosquito survival rather than indirect effects through interference with insecticide-resistance mechanisms. Thus, some plant species may weaken mosquitoes, making them less vigorous and more vulnerable to the insecticide. There is a need for further investigation, using a wider range of plant species and insecticides, in combination with other relevant environmental factors, to better understand the expression and evolution of insecticide resistance

    Prediction of cholera dynamics in Haiti following the passage of Hurricane Matthew

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    Following the landfall of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti on October 3, 2016, an increase of suspected cholera cases was reported in both the southern part of the island (with Grande-Anse and Le Sud departments reporting 1349 and 1533 cases respectively between 5 October and 6 November) and also in the capital, Port-au-Prince (438 cases reported over the same period). The hurricane caused the displacement of about 175,000 people, the vast majority of which remained in their department of origin; however, about 10% appear to have displaced to the capital Port-au-Prince. In this context, a mass OCV vaccination campaign was planned, starting on November 8 and targeting 816,999 individuals in Grande-Anse and Le Sud. The aim of this study is to provide additional information to health actors responding to the post-hurricane cholera outbreak in Haiti. To this end, we calibrated a mechanistic model of cholera transmission on currently available data for Haiti in order to forecast the spatio-temporal dynamics of the cholera epidemic at the departmental level from November 2016 to January 2017. Model outputs have been translated into operational recommendations, with a focus on the scheduled OCV campaign