25 research outputs found

    Role of skeletal scintigraphy in soft tissue sarcoma: Improving the diagnostic yield

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    Background: The presence of skeletal metastases significantly influences the therapeutic strategy adopted for soft tissue sarcoma. However, literature on the prevalence of skeletal metastases in soft tissue sarcoma is limited and none of the available data is based on the Indian patient population. Aim: To determine the prevalence of skeletal metastases at presentation in patients of soft tissue sarcoma and to rationalise the use of preoperative skeletal scintigraphy in such patients. Methods and Material: Preoperative bone scans were evaluated in 122 patients with soft tissue sarcoma (median age, 34 years; range, 4-83). The scans were classified into 3 grades: Grade 1: metastases very likely; Grade 2: equivocal; Grade 3: normal or benign lesion. In all the patients studied, the ability of the patient to localize the site or sites of pain was recorded and that was correlated with the site of metastases in scintigraphy. Result: Seventeen (13.9%) patients had Grade 1 scan; 16 of them had bony pain that was not readily explainable by trauma or other local factors. Ten ( 8.1%) patients had Grade 2 scan, five of them had bony pain which was not readily explainable by trauma or other local factors. Ninety-five patients (77.8%) had Grade 3 scan. Of these, 9 had localised bone pain which could be definitely associated with trauma or joint degeneration. Conclusion: The prevalence of skeletal metastases at presentation in patients with soft tissue sarcoma is low (13.9%). The low rates of skeletal metastases in bone pain-free patients (0.9%) versus the high rate in symptomatic patients (76.1%) supports the use of bone scanning in symptomatic patients only

    Second echelon node predicts metastatic involvement of additional axillary nodes following sentinel node biopsy in early breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND : In many patients with early breast cancer, the sentinel lymph node (SLN) is the sole site of regional nodal metastasis. This subgroup of patients may not benefit from completion axillary lymph node dissection (CALND). AIMS: This pilot study evaluates the status of 2nd echelon (station) lymph nodes in the axilla as a predictor of additional positive nodes in the axilla in the presence of sentinel node metastasis. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of 40 breast cancer patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with invasive breast cancer underwent SLN biopsy followed by 2nd echelon lymph node biopsy in the same sitting. SLN mapping was performed using a combined technique of isosulfan blue and 99 mTc-sulfur colloid. SLNs (Station I) were defined as blue and/or hot nodes. These nodes were then injected with 0.1 ml of blue dye using a fine needle and their efferent lymphatic was traced to identify the Station II nodes. Then a complete ALND was performed. All the specimens were sent separately for histopathological evaluation. RESULTS : SLNs (Station I nodes) were successfully identified in 98% (39/40) patients. Of the 17 patients with a positive SLN, 8 (47%) patients had no further positive nodes in the axilla, 9 (53%) patients had additional metastasis in nonsentinel lymph nodes upon CALND. Station II nodes were identified in 76% (13/17) patients with a positive SLN. Station II nodes accurately predicted the status of the remaining axilla in 92% patients (12/13). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS : We calculated the Sensitivity, Negative predictive value, Positive predictive value, False negative rate and Identification rate. CONCLUSION : Station II nodes may predict metastatic involvement of additional nodes in the axilla

    Images in Pathology - Functioning Oxyphil Adenoma of Parathyroid

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    A 45-year-old lady presented with multiple joint pain for the last 6 years. She was initially treated for rheumatoid arthritis; as she did not respond, she was further evaluated and a diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism was made. At presentation, she had mild pedal oedema and tenderness over the twelfth thoracic and first lumbar vertebra

    Photo Quiz: Lady in Red

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    Functioning oxyphil adenoma of parathyroid.

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    Functioning oxyphil adenoma of parathyroid

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    A 45-year-old lady presented with multiple joint pain for the last 6 years. She was initially treated for rheumatoid arthritis; as she did not respond, she was further evaluated and a diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism was made. At presentation, she had mild pedal oedema and tenderness over the twelfth thoracic and first lumbar vertebra

    Neuropsychiatric manifestations in patients of primary hyperparathyroidism and outcome following surgery

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    A wide variety of psychiatric symptoms ranging from mild personality changes to severe depression and psychosis have been described in patients of PHPT. However, the psychiatric profile in Indian patients remains a mystery. It remains to be seen if surgery can alleviate the psychiatric morbidity and improve the quality of life of patients. Although, the pathophysiology remains largely unknown, we attempted to see if psychiatric morbidity correlated with serum calcium values

    Answer to December 2013 Photo Quiz

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