15 research outputs found

    Sinteza, spazmolitsko i antidijaretsko djelovanje nekih 1-supstituiranih derivata imidazola

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    A series of 1-substituted imidazoles 1a-d and 2a-d were synthesized and screened for antispasmodic and antidiarrheal activities. Antispasmodic activity was tested at various concentrations on isolated tissue preparations; concentration-response curves were plotted and compared with atropine. All compounds were found to inhibit contraction of the guinea pig ileum. Castor oil-induced diarrhea model in rats was used for evaluation of antidiarrheal activity. Parameters such as intestinal transit and volume of intestinal fluid were measured for antidiarrheal activity at 40 mg kg-1 dose and compared with the standard drug loperamide at a 6 mg kg1 dose. Defecation frequency in the test group was found to be significantly lower (p < 0.01) compared to the control group and comparable with that of the standard. The present study reveals that the compounds exert antidiarrheal activity through possible inhibition of intestinal movement and reduction of capillary permeability in the abdominal cavity.U radu je opisana sinteza serije novih 1-supstituiranih imidazola 1a-d i 2a-d te evaluacija njihovog spazmolitskog i antidijaretskog djelovanja. Spazmolitsko djelovanje različith koncentracija ispitivanih spojeva (10, 50 i 100 µg mL1) ispitano je na izoliranim tkivnim preparatima; krivulje ovisnosti djelovanja o koncentraciji uspoređene su s djelovanjem atropina. Svi ispitivani spojevi inhibirali su kontrakcije ileuma zamorca. Dijarea inducirana ricinusovim uljem u štakora korištena je za vrednovanje antidijaretskog djelovanja. Intestinalni prijenos i volumen intestinalne tekućine mjereni su pri dozi od 40 mg kg1 i uspoređeni s učinkom standarda loperamida (doza 6 mg kg1). Učestalost defekacije u testiranoj skupini bila je značajno niža (p < 0,01) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom i standardom. Provedena ispitivanja pokazuju da antidijaretsko djelovanje ispitivanih spojeva može biti posljedica inhibicije intestinalnih pokreta i redukcije kapilarne permeabilnosti u abdominalnoj šupljini

    Geological and Seismicity Evaluation of Srinagarind Dam

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    In April of 198 3, a sequence of earthquakes were recorded by the National Seismic Network where the epicenters were located in the upper reaches of the Srinagarind Reservoir. A detailed evaluation of these earthquakes has been initiated since that time. Network of micro seismic instruments have also been installed in the region in order to establish the capability of higher resolution for seismic parameters and allow the greater understanding of the mechanism of the activity. After seven years of monitoring and data collecting, analyses of the results have been performed. Results obtained from the evaluation of overall characteristic seismicity, including the review of world wide data on the seismic, geologic and characteristics of reservoir triggered seismicity (RTS) ensure us to accept the high possibility of reservoir induced seismicity phenomena

    Specific activities of radium-226 in vegetables grown in Na Mom District, Songkhla Province

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    Specific activity of radium-226 in 13 types of vegetables grown in Namom district, Songkhla province, were analyzed using a low background gamma-ray spectrometer. The analyzed vegetables included Ivy Gourd, Yellow Cassia, White Popinac, Yard Long Bean, Rice, Peanut, Egg Plant, Spineless Amaranth, Swamp Cabbage, Mustart, Chinese Cabbage, Collards and Cucumbers. The control vegetables were taken from Bangklum district, 40 km south of Namom district. The samples were weighed, dried in an oven and finally burnt to ash in a furnace before being analyzed for a gamma ray of 186.2 keV emitted from Radium-226. The results showed that the geometrical means of specific activity of radium-226 of vegetables grown in Pijit, Namom, Klongrang and Thungkamin sub-district and over the Namom district were 1082, 1220, 1457, 1253 and 1250 mBq/kg, respectively. The highest and lowest values were 7882 and 26 mBq/kg, found in Ivy Gourd and Yard Long Bean, respectively. The high specific activities of radium-226 in vegetables were found to be distributed uniformly in the area. This probably indicated the source of radium-226 was also distributed uniformly in the shallow granitic bedrock throughout the area. We concluded that the radium-226 contents in vegetables grown in Namom district depended on the absorbability of alkaline earth metals in vegetables themselves, geographic features and radium content in natural water in the area. The estimated annual effective dose averaged over Namom district was 21 μSv. Consumption of Ivy Gourd may receive the maximum annual effective dose of 132 μSv

    Spectral reflectance of oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) bunches as indicator for optimal harvesting

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    To determine the appropriate harvesting time of Tenera oil palm bunches, the spectral reflectance of ripening bunches was investigated from images taken by a digital Canon PowerShot A20 camera. Every second day images were taken from selected bunches at an oil-palm estate during the growth of the bunchesfrom immaturity to the over-ripe phase, to trace the changes in color which correlate with the process of ripening. The images were analyzed measuring the changes in the three basic colors red, green and blue, using a specially developed Color Analysis computer program for Oil-palm 'fruit' (CAOP), and determining the correlation with the measured palm-oil content of the nuts.Of the three color-bands, the red light reflectance showed the best correlation with ripeness, as the red color increased regularly and practically linearly up to the stage of the maximal oil yield. Some seven days after the thus determined optimal harvesting date for the ripe bunches, some of the ripe nuts will detachfrom the bunch and fall, but then it is too late to use the fallen nuts as indicators for harvesting. From our investigations in the field and in the laboratory we recommend that harvesting should follow immediately after the red reflectance starts declining, after having reached its peak value for the Tenera oil-palm some 5±3 days before nuts begin to detach from the bunch

    Spectral reflectance analysis of longkong (Lansium domesticum Corr.) bunches as an indicator for optimal harvesting

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    To determine the appropriate harvesting time of Longkong bunches, the spectral reflectance of ripening bunches was investigated from images taken by a digital camera using red LED and green LED. Every day images were taken from selected bunches at a Longkong estate during the growth of the bunches from immaturity to the over-ripe phase, to trace the changes in color that correlate with the process of ripening. The images were analyzed by measuring the changes in the three basic colors i.e. red, green and blue, using a specially developed Color Analysis computer program of Longkong "fruit" (CAOL), and then the obtained results were compared with the sweet in form of total soluble solid (TSS:TA).The result showed that the blue light reflectance from red LED source (Br) was selected as an indicator for harvesting Longkong bunches. Br was inversely proportional to ripeness of Longkong. The blue color intensity decreases linearly while TSS:TA increases monotonously. From our investigations, we suggest that the time interval to harvest Longkong should be within 96 ±7 days after the first flower blossom of that bunch takes place while blue level per pixel was in the range of 8.67-2.39. If Longkong bunch was cut while the blue color level was in the range of 8.67-5.53, its taste will be sweet and sour and strong enough for long distance shipment. But if the blue level per pixel was in the range of 5.52-2.39, it has a very good taste and is suitable a for sale in the local area. In addition, it was also found that the blue level per pixel usually decreased at the rate of 0.45 per day. This made is possible to predict the harvesting day by this technique