15 research outputs found

    Distribution of organotin compounds in the bivalves of the Aegean Sea, Greece

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    Five bivalve species - Mytilus galloprovinciallis (Mediterranean mussels), Venus gallina (stripped venus), Modiola barbatus L. (bearded horse mussels), Pecten jacobeus (scallops) and Callista chione (hard clams) - were collected from seven areas in Aegean Sea, Greece, between August 2001 and January 2003 and analyzed for organotins (OTs). The concentrations (as geometric means) found were 17.1 ng g- 1 for tributyltin (TBT), 18.8 ng g- 1 for dibutytltin (DBT), 7.8 ng g- 1 for monobutyltin (MBT) and 13.0 ng g- 1 for triphenyltin (TPhT) (wet weight), which are at similar or lower levels than those reported worldwide. Studying OTs distribution between different bivalve species, lower concentrations were observed in mediterranean mussels, possibly due to their growth in water column (grown on sea net pens in mussel farms), in contrast to the free-ranging species, collected from fishing grounds. Concentrations of the OTs in the examined bivalves varied seasonally. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Distribution of organotin compounds in the bivalves of the Aegean Sea, Greece

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    Five bivalve species - Mytilus galloprovinciallis (Mediterranean mussels), Venus gallina (stripped venus), Modiola barbatus L. (bearded horse mussels), Pecten jacobeus (scallops) and Callista chione (hard clams) - were collected from seven areas in Aegean Sea, Greece, between August 2001 and January 2003 and analyzed for organotins (OTs). The concentrations (as geometric means) found were 17.1 ng g- 1 for tributyltin (TBT), 18.8 ng g- 1 for dibutytltin (DBT), 7.8 ng g- 1 for monobutyltin (MBT) and 13.0 ng g- 1 for triphenyltin (TPhT) (wet weight), which are at similar or lower levels than those reported worldwide. Studying OTs distribution between different bivalve species, lower concentrations were observed in mediterranean mussels, possibly due to their growth in water column (grown on sea net pens in mussel farms), in contrast to the free-ranging species, collected from fishing grounds. Concentrations of the OTs in the examined bivalves varied seasonally. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Distribution of organotin compounds in the bivalves of the Aegean Sea, Greece

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    Five bivalve species - Mytilus galloprovinciallis (Mediterranean mussels), Venus gallina (stripped venus), Modiola barbatus L. (bearded horse mussels), Pecten jacobeus (scallops) and Callista chione (hard clams) - were collected from seven areas in Aegean Sea, Greece, between August 2001 and January 2003 and analyzed for organotins (OTs). The concentrations (as geometric means) found were 17.1 ng

    A Novel Method for the Growth of Cu2O/ZnO Heterojunctions

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    AbstractA novel two step electrochemical deposition method for the synthesis of ZnO/Cu2O heterojunctions is reported. ZnO nanorods were grown on seeded oxidized silicon substrates and were subsequently employed as working electrodes for the electrodeposition of Cu2O in the same aqueous formamide solution using Zn and Cu foils as counter-electrodes respectively. Single crystalline Cu2O particles grow on top of the single crystalline and vertical to the substrate ZnO nanorods. Varying the growth parameters different Cu2O morphologies can be obtained, ranging from isolated cube and truncated cube particles to a continuous layer

    A novel method for the growth of Cu2O/ZnO heterojunctions

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    A novel two step electrochemical deposition method for the synthesis of ZnO/Cu2O heterojunctions is reported. ZnO nanorods were grown on seeded oxidized silicon substrates and were subsequently employed as working electrodes for the electrodeposition of Cu2O in the same aqueous formamide solution using Zn and Cu foils as counter-electrodes respectively. Single crystalline Cu2O particles grow on top of the single crystalline and vertical to the substrate ZnO nanorods. Varying the growth parameters different Cu2O morphologies can be obtained, ranging from isolated cube and truncated cube particles to a continuous layer.. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd