943 research outputs found

    The redshifts of bright sub-mm sources

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    One of the key goals in observational cosmology over the next few years will be to establish the redshift distribution of the recently-discovered sub-mm source population. In this brief review I discuss and summarize the redshift information which has been gleaned to date for the ~ 50 bright sub-mm sources which have been uncovered via the six main classes of survey performed with SCUBA on the JCMT over the last 2-3 years. Despite the biases inherent in some of these surveys, and the crudeness of the redshift information available in others, I conclude that all current information suggests that only 10-15 % of luminous sub-mm sources lie at z < 2, and that the median redshift of this population is z ~ 3. I suggest that such a high median redshift is arguably not unexpected given current theories designed to explain the correlation between black-hole mass and spheroid mass found at low redshift. In such scenarios, peak AGN emission is expected to correspond to, or even to cause termination of major star-formation activity in the host spheroid. In contrast, maximum dust emission is expected to occur roughly half-way through the star-formation process. Given that optical emission from bright quasars peaks at z = 2.5, dust-emission from massive ellipticals might be reasonably expected to peak at some point in the preceding ~ 1 Gyr, at z ~ 3. Confirmation or refutation of this picture requires significantly-improved redshift information on bright samples of SCUBA sources.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, FIRSED2000 conference proceedings, eds. I.M. van Bemmel, B. Wilkes, & P. Barthel Elsevier New Astronomy Review

    Science with the Square Kilometer Array: Motivation, Key Science Projects, Standards and Assumptions

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    The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) represents the next major, and natural, step in radio astronomical facilities, providing two orders of magnitude increase in collecting area over existing telescopes. In a series of meetings, starting in Groningen, the Netherlands (August 2002) and culminating in a `science retreat' in Leiden (November 2003), the SKA International Science Advisory Committee (ISAC), conceived of, and carried-out, a complete revision of the SKA science case (to appear in New Astronomy Reviews). This preface includes: (i) general introductory material, (ii) summaries of the key science programs, and (iii) a detailed listing of standards and assumptions used in the revised science case.Comment: 6 pages, 3 tables, espcrc2.sty. to appear in Science with the square kilometer array, New Astronomy Reviews, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), eds. C. Carilli & S. Rawling

    Detection of CO (2-1) and Radio Continuum Emission from the z = 4.4 QSO BRI 1335-0417

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    We have detected redshifted CO (2-1) emission at 43 GHz and radio continuum emission at 1.47 and 4.86 GHz from the z = 4.4 QSO BRI 1335-0417 using the Very Large Array. The CO data imply optically thick emission from warm (>30 K) molecular gas with a total mass, M(H_2), of 1.5+/-0.3 x10^{11} M_solar, using the Galactic gas mass-to-CO luminosity conversion factor. We set an upper limit to the CO source size of 1.1", and a lower limit of 0.23"x(T_ex/50K)^{-1/2}, where T_ex is the gas excitation temperature. We derive an upper limit to the dynamical mass of 2x10^{10} x sin^{-2} i M_solar, where i is the disk inclination angle. To reconcile the gas mass with the dynamical mass requires either a nearly face-on disk (i < 25deg), or a gas mass-to-CO luminosity conversion factor significantly lower than the Galactic value. The spectral energy distribution from the radio to the rest-frame infrared of BRI 1335-0417 is consistent with that expected from a nuclear starburst galaxy, with an implied massive star formation rate of 2300+/-600 M_solar yr^{-1}.Comment: standard AAS LATEX forma

    Detection of Signals from Cosmic Reionization using Radio Interferometric Signal Processing

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    Observations of the HI 21cm transition line promises to be an important probe into the cosmic dark ages and epoch of reionization. One of the challenges for the detection of this signal is the accuracy of the foreground source removal. This paper investigates the extragalactic point source contamination and how accurately the bright sources (1\gtrsim 1 ~Jy) should be removed in order to reach the desired RMS noise and be able to detect the 21cm transition line. Here, we consider position and flux errors in the global sky-model for these bright sources as well as the frequency independent residual calibration errors. The synthesized beam is the only frequency dependent term included here. This work determines the level of accuracy for the calibration and source removal schemes and puts forward constraints for the design of the cosmic reionization data reduction scheme for the upcoming low frequency arrays like MWA,PAPER, etc. We show that in order to detect the reionization signal the bright sources need to be removed from the data-sets with a positional accuracy of 0.1\sim 0.1 arc-second. Our results also demonstrate that the efficient foreground source removal strategies can only tolerate a frequency independent antenna based mean residual calibration error of 0.2\lesssim 0.2 % in amplitude or 0.2\lesssim 0.2 degree in phase, if they are constant over each days of observations (6 hours). In future papers we will extend this analysis to the power spectral domain and also include the frequency dependent calibration errors and direction dependent errors (ionosphere, primary beam, etc).Comment: accepted by ApJ; 12 pages, 10 figure

    High Sensitivity Array Observations of the z=4.4z = 4.4 QSO BRI 1335-0417

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    We present sensitive phase-referenced VLBI results on the radio continuum emission from the z=4.4z=4.4 QSO BRI 1335--0417. The observations were carried out at 1.4 GHz using the High Sensitivity Array (HSA). Our sensitive VLBI image at 189×113189 \times 113 mas (1.25×0.751.25 \times 0.75 kpc) resolution shows continuum emission in BRI 1335--0417 with a total flux density of 208±46μ208 \pm 46 \muJy, consistent with the flux density measured with the VLA. The size of the source at FWHM is 255×138255 \times 138 mas (1.7×0.91.7 \times 0.9 kpc) and the derived intrinsic brightness temperature is 3.5×104\sim 3.5\times 10^4 K. No continuum emission is detected at the full VLBI resolution (32×732 \times 7 mas, 211×46211 \times 46 pc), with a 4σ\sigma point source upper limit of 34 μ\muJy beam1^{-1}, or an upper limit to the intrinsic brightness temperature of 5.6×1055.6\times 10^5 K. The highest angular resolution with at least a 4.5σ\sigma detection of the radio continuum emission is 53×2753 \times 27 mas (0.35×0.180.35 \times 0.18 kpc). At this resolution, the image shows a continuum feature in BRI 1335--0417 with a size of 64×3564 \times 35 mas (0.42×0.230.42 \times 0.23 kpc) at FWHM, and intrinsic brightness temperature of 2×105\sim 2\times 10^5 K. The extent of the observed continuum sources at 1.4 GHz and the derived brightness temperatures show that the radio emission (and thus presumably the far-infrared emission) in BRI 1335--0417 is powered by a major starburst, with a massive star formation rate of order a few thousand M_{\odot} {\rm yr}^{-1}.Moreover,theabsenceofanycompacthighbrightnesstemperaturesourcesuggeststhatthereisnoradioloudAGNinthis. Moreover, the absence of any compact high-brightness temperature source suggests that there is no radio-loud AGN in this z=4.4$ QSO.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, AJ accepte

    Strong Limit on a Variable Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio from Molecules in the Distant Universe

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    The Standard Model of particle physics assumes that the so-called fundamental constants are universal and unchanging. Absorption lines arising in molecular clouds along quasar sightlines offer a precise test for variations in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, mu, over cosmological time and distance scales. The inversion transitions of ammonia are particularly sensitive to mu compared to molecular rotational transitions. Comparing the available ammonia spectra observed towards the quasar B0218+357 with new, high-quality rotational spectra, we present the first detailed measurement of mu with this technique, limiting relative deviations from the laboratory value to |dmu/mu| < 1.8x10^{-6} (95% confidence level) at approximately half the Universe's current age - the strongest astrophysical constraint to date. Higher-quality ammonia observations will reduce both the statistical and systematic uncertainties in these measurements.Comment: Science, 20th June 2008. 22 pages, 5 figures (12 EPS files), 2 tables, including Supporting Online Material; v2: Corrected reference for laboratory mu-variation bound

    Deep radio observations of 3C324 and 3C368: evidence for jet-cloud interactions

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    High resolution, deep radio images are presented for two distant radio galaxies, 3C324 (z=1.206) and 3C368 (z=1.132), which are both prime examples of the radio-optical alignment effect seen in powerful radio galaxies with redshifts z > 0.6. Radio observations were made using the Very Large Array in A-array configuration at 5 and 8 GHz, and using the MERLIN array at 1.4 and 1.65 GHz. Radio spectral index, radio polarisation, and rotation measure maps are presented for both sources. Radio core candidates are detected in each source, and by aligning these with the centroid of the infrared emission the radio and the optical/infrared images can be related astrometrically with 0.1 arcsec accuracy. In each source the radio core is located at a minimum of the optical emission, probably associated with a central dust lane. Both sources also exhibit radio jets which lie along the directions of the bright strings of optical knots seen in high resolution Hubble Space Telescope images. The northern arm of 3C368 shows a close correlation between the radio and optical emission, whilst along the jet direction of 3C324 the bright radio and optical knots are co-linear but not co-spatial. These indicate that interactions between the radio jet and its environment play a key role in producing the excess ultraviolet emission of these sources, but that the detailed mechanisms vary from source to source. 3C368 is strongly depolarised and has an average rest-frame rotation measure of a few hundred rad/m^2, reaching about 1000 rad/m^2 close to the most depolarised regions. 3C324 has weaker depolarisation, and an average rest-frame rotation measure of between 100 and 200 rad/m^2. Both sources show large gradients in their rotation measure structures, with variations of up to 1000 rad/m^2 over distances of about 10 kpc.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures. LaTeX. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sensitive VLBI Continuum and H I Absorption Observations of NGC 7674: First Scientific Observations with the Combined Array VLBA, VLA & Arecibo

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    We present phase-referenced VLBI observations of the radio continuum emission from, and the H I 21 cm absorption toward, the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 7674. The observations were carried out at 1380 MHz using the VLBA, the phased VLA, and theArecibo radio telescope. These observations constitute the first scientific use of the Arecibo telescope in a VLBI observation with the VLBA. The high- and low-resolution radio continuum images reveal several new continuum structures in the nuclear region of this galaxy. At ~100 mas resolution, we distinguish six continuum structures extending over 1.4 arcsec, with a total flux density of 138 mJy. Only three of these structures were known previously. All these structures seem to be related to AGN activity. At the full resolution of the array, we only detect two of the six continuum structures. Both are composed of several compact components with brightness temperatures on the order of 10710^{7} K. While it is possible that one of these compact structures could host an AGN, they could also be shock-like features formed by the interaction of the jet with compact interstellar clouds in the nuclear region of this galaxy. Complex H I absorption is detected with our VLBI array at both high and low angular resolution. Assuming that the widest H I feature is associated with a rotating H I disk or torus feeding a central AGN, we estimate an enclosed dynamical mass of ~7 x 10^7 M_sun, comparable to the value derived from the hidden broad Hβ\beta emission in this galaxy. The narrower H I lines could represent clumpy neutral hydrogen structures in the H I torus. The detection of H I absorption toward some of the continuum components, and its absence toward others, suggest an inclined H I disk or torus in the central region of NGC 7674.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures. ApJ accepted. To appear in the Nov. 10, 2003 issue of ApJ. Please use the PDF version if the postscript doesn't show the figure

    The Scatter in the Relationship between Redshift and the Radio-to-Submm Spectral Index

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    We derive the scatter in the relationship between redshift and radio-to-submm spectral index, alpha^{350}_{1.4}, using the observed spectral energy distributions of 17 low redshift star forming galaxies. A mean galaxy model is derived, along with the rms scatter in alpha^{350}_{1.4}. The scatter is roughly constant with redshift. Constant rms scatter, combined with the flattening of the mean alpha^{350}_{1.4} -- z relationship with increasing redshift, leads to increasing uncertainty for redshift estimates at high redshifts. Normalizing by the dust temperature in the manner proposed by Blain decreases the scatter in alpha^{350}_{1.4} for most of the sample, but does not remove outliers, and free-free absorption at rest frequencies above 1.4 GHz is not likely to be a dominant cause for scatter in the alpha^{350}_{1.4} -- z relationship. We re-derive the cumulative redshift distribution of the 14 field galaxies in a recent submm and radio source sample of Smail et al.. The most likely median redshift for the distribution is 2.7, with a conservative lower limit of z = 2, as was also found by Smail et al. based on the original alpha^{350}_{1.4} -- z models. The normalization and shape of the redshift distribution for the faint submm sources are consistent with those expected for forming elliptical galaxies.Comment: Added Erratum, standard AAS LATEX forma