435 research outputs found

    Determinants of stunting and overweight among young children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Stunting and overweight are nutritional problems affecting most of sub-Saharan Africa. The region now has the world's highest rate of stunting among children (43%), while overweight and obesity are becoming a global epidemic, and Africa is not spared. The past two decades have seen a dramatic increase in obesity in sub-Saharan Africa. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this systematic review is to explore the determinants of stunting and overweight in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: A literature search was conducted in PubMed using the key words stunting, overweight, obesity, Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, determinants, and prevalence. Limits were set to include articles published between 1990 and 2012. The systematic review resulted in 38 studies, and after selection based on title, content, and country of the study, 18 studies were eligible for this review. Data were analyzed by the chi-square test. RESULTS: The prevalence rates of stunting and overweight were dependent on socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental factors. Many studies indicate that male children and those living in a rural setting are more likely to be stunted, whereas overweight among children depends more on age, household composition, occupation of the mother, and the mother's body mass index. Stunting occurred together with overweight among both boys and girls from 1 to 5 years of age. Stunting was more prevalent among boys than among girls. Indicators of socioeconomic status, such as mother's education, mother's occupation, and household income, were some of the determinants directly linked to stunting, whereas environmental factors, such as rural or urban setting and sanitation, influenced both stunting and overweight. Concurrent stunting and overweight is influenced by maternal and household factors, such as maternal height, age, and education, large household size, and lower socioeconomic status. CONCLUSIONS: Although socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental factors were significant in determining stunting and overweight, other factors, such as nutrition and lifestyle, were important risk factors. Stunting in childhood is a risk factor that may result in overweight and obesity later in adolescence and adulthood, indicating the need to screen children below 1 year of age to identify stunting early in life. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding is reported to be important in preventing both stunting and overweight among children. More research is needed to explore the relationship between stunting and overweight and to explore policy guidelines to address the phenomenon

    Transmission of 11 x 224 Gb/s POLMUX-RZ-16QAM over 1500 km of LongLine and pure-silica SMF

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    We demonstrate transmission of 11 x 224-Gb/s POLMUX-RZ-16QAM over 1500 km with a channel spacing of 50 GHz. A hybrid configuration of LongLine and pure silica fiber is used to optimize both nonlinear tolerance and Raman gain.</p

    Reduction of Gordon-Mollenauer phase noise by midlink spectral inversion

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    We show that spectral inversion can be employed for regeneration to reduce the effect of phase noise (Gordon-Mollenauer phase noise) in a nonreturn-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying based transmission system. Several locations of the spectral inverter in an eight-span transmission link have been investigated. We show that the best results are obtained when the spectral inverter is placed in the middle of the link. Compared to the transmission system without spectral inverter, an improvement of over four decades in bit-error-rate performance is achieved

    Macrophage Depletion in Hypertensive Rats Accelerates Development of Cardiomyopathy

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    Inflammation contributes to the process of ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial injury. To investigate the role of macrophages in the chronic process of cardiac remodeling, they were selectively depleted by intravenous administration of liposomal clodronate in heart failure-prone hypertensive Ren-2 rats from the age of 7 until 13 weeks. plain liposomes were used for comparison. Liposomal clodronate treatment reduced the number of blood monocytes and decreased the number of macrophages in the myocardium. Compared to plain liposomes, liposomal clodronate treatment rapidly worsened left ventricular ejection function in hypertensive rats. Liposomal clodronate-treated Ren-2 rat hearts showed areas of myocyte loss with abundant inflammatory cell infiltration, predominantly comprising CD4 positive T lymphocytes. The current-study showed that lack of macrophages vas associated with earlier development of myocardial dysfunction in hypertensive rats. Modulation of macrophage function may be of value in the evolution of cardiomyopath

    Intravenous ATP infusions can be safely administered in the home setting: a study in pre-terminal cancer patients

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the safety of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) administration at home in pre-terminal cancer patients. Included were patients with cancer for whom medical treatment options were restricted to supportive care, who had a life expectancy of less than 6 months, a World Health Organization performance status 1 or 2, and suffered from at least one of the following complaints: fatigue, anorexia or weight loss >5% over the previous 6 months. Side effects were registered systematically on a standard form according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Toxicity Criteria. Fifty-one patients received a total of 266 intravenous ATP infusions. Of these, 11 infusions (4%) were given at the lowest dose of 20 μg kg−1 min−1, 85 infusions (32%) at 25–40 μg kg−1 min−1, and 170 (64%) at the highest dose of 45–50 μg kg−1 min−1 ATP. The majority of ATP infusions (63%) were without side effects. Dyspnea was the most common side effect (14% of infusions), followed by chest discomfort (12%) and the urge to take a deep breath (11%). No symptoms of cardiac ischemia occurred in any of the infusions. All side effects were transient and resolved within minutes after lowering the ATP infusion rate. Side effects were most frequent in the presence of cardiac disorders. We conclude that ATP at a maximum dose of 50 μg kg−1 min−1 can be safely administered in the home setting in patients with pre-terminal cancer

    SISTA South Africa: The adaptation of an efficacious HIV prevention trial conducted with African-American women for isiXhosa-speaking South African women

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    Although new HIV treatments continue to offer hope for individuals living with HIV, behavioural interventions shown to reduce HIV risk behaviour remain one of the most powerful tools in curbing the HIV epidemic. Unfortunately, the development of evidencebased HIV interventions is a resource-intensive process that has not progressed as quickly as the epidemiology of the disease. As the epidemic continues to evolve, there is a need to expedite the development of evidence-based HIV interventions for populations that are often disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS. One mechanism of accelerating the development process is to adapt evidence-based HIV interventions for vulnerable populations. The aim of this paper was to describe the adaptation process of a HIV intervention for African-American women for black South African Xhosa women. For African-American women the intervention was effective in increasing consistent condom use, sexual self-control, sexual communication, sexual assertiveness and partner adoption of norms supporting consistent condom use. Keywords: Intervention, women, cultural adaptation, HIV transmission risk behaviours.SAHARA-J Vol. 5 (4) 2008: pp. 186-19

    Understanding the role played by parents, culture and the school curriculum in socializing young women on sexual health issues in rural South African communities

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    BACKGROUND: the decline in South Africa’s HIV infection rates especially among young women is encouraging. However, studies show that the 15–24-year-old cohort remains vulnerable. As they still report early sexual debut, being involved in sexual partnerships with older men as well as having unprotected sex. These risky sexual behaviors may be linked to factors such as the parent–child sexual health communication and the timing of the first talk. The quality of sexual health information received in school may also be important for enhancing healthier sexual behaviors. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: to investigate the what, when and how sexual health communication occurs in rural South African families and to determine whether such communication patterns have changed over time. We also wanted to get an in-depth understanding of the roles played by culture, sexual health education and peers in the socialization of young women on sexual matters. METHODS: a purposive sample of (n = 55) women who were 18–35 years old was selected and interviewed in focus group discussions (FGDs). Results: the FGD findings show that parent–child communication on sexual matters in rural communities is limited to messages that warn against pregnancy. It is also laden with cultural idioms that are not well explained. The school sexual health curriculum also fails to adequately equip adolescents to make informed decisions regarding sexual matters. All this seems to leave room for reception of misguided information from peers. CONCLUSIONS: findings highlight a need for designing interventions that can create awareness for parents on the current developmental needs and sexual behavior of adolescents. For adolescents programs would need to focus on providing skills on personal responsibility, and how to change behavior to enhance sexual health.DHETDHE

    Socio-economic and partner relationship factors associated with antenatal depressive morbidity among pregnant women in

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    Depression during pregnancy may negatively influence social functioning, birth outcomes and postnatal mental health. A cross-sectional analysis of the baseline survey of a prospective study was undertaken with an objective of determining the prevalence and socio-demographic factors associated with depressive morbidity during pregnancy in a Tanzanian peri-urban setting. Seven hundred and eighty seven second to third trimester pregnant women were recruited at booking for antenatal care at two primary health care clinics. Prenatal structured interviews assessed socio-economic, quality of partner relationships and selected physical health measures. Depressive symptoms were measured at recruitment and three and eight months postpartum using the Kiswahili version of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist. Completed antenatal measures available for 76.2% participants, showed a 39.5% prevalence of depression. Having a previous depressive episode (OR 4.35,

    All rights reserved Ó 2008 The Authors

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    Brushing twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste is a universally recommended self-care practice to promote oral health. It remains the most effective practice for the prevention of periodontal disease (1) and dental caries (2). Considering the growing evidence of the association between poor oral health and systemic health (3), an understanding of the determinants of regular tooth-brushing behaviour is important to general public health. Abstract -Objective: To determine the association between adolescents&apos; sense of coherence (SOC) and their tooth-brushing behaviour. Methods: This 18-month longitudinal study involved a representative sample of 8th-graders (n = 1025) from 11 randomly selected public high schools in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Data collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire included respondents&apos; socio-demographic profiles, vulnerability to depression, smoking status, dental treatment attendance pattern, frequency of and motivation for tooth-brushing. Based on the responses to the question on readiness to change brushing behaviour and in line with the integrated change model, respondents were also categorized as being in the pre-contemplation, contemplation or preparation ⁄ action stages. Respondents&apos; SOC was measured using a six-item adapted Antonovsky SOC scale. Data analysis included chi-squared analysis, t-tests and step-wise multiple logistic regression. Results: At baseline, 72.6% (n = 744) of the respondents reported that they were not consistently brushing twice daily. Of those who did not brush twice daily and were followed up on (n = 578), those living with their mother at baseline not only presented with a greater increase in their SOC over time (follow-up minus baseline), but they were also more likely to be brushing twice daily at the time of the follow-up (15.4% versus 10.6%; P = 0.04). Adding baseline intention state to a multivariate model attenuated the influence of baseline SOC to a statistically insignificant level. However, increasing withinsubject SOC changes (b = 0.16; P &lt; 0.01), living with the mother (b = 0.11; P &lt; 0.05), smoking (b = )0.14; P &lt; 0.05), being depression vulnerable (b = )0.23; P &lt; 0.01) and in the preparation ⁄ action stage (b = 0.13; P &lt; 0.05) remained associated with the transition to twice-daily toothbrushing. Conclusions: In planning oral health promotion interventions, it should be considered that children&apos;s psychological predisposition and family environment might significantly influence their tooth-brushing behaviour
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