1,578 research outputs found

    Spectator scattering at NLO in non-leptonic B decays: Tree amplitudes

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    We compute the 1-loop (alpha_s^2) correction to hard spectator scattering in non-leptonic B decay tree amplitudes. This forms part of the NNLO contribution to the QCD factorization formula for hadronic B decays, and introduces a new rescattering phase that corrects the leading-order result for direct CP asymmetries. Among the technical issues, we discuss the cancellation of infrared divergences, and the treatment of evanescent four-quark operators. The infrared finiteness of our result establishes factorization of spectator scattering at the 1-loop order. Depending on the values of hadronic input parameters, the new 1-loop correction may have a significant impact on tree-dominated decays such as B -> pi pi.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, LaTe

    On the short distance nonperturbative corrections in heavy quark expansion

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    We study the corrections due to renormalons to the heavy hadron decay width.The renormalons contribution estimated in terms of finite gluon mass based on the assumption that the gluon mass represents the short distance nonperturbative effects in the standard OPE (and hence in the heavy quark expansion). We found that the corrections are about 10% of the leading decay rate. We point out the implications for the assumption of quark-hadron duality in heavy quark expansion.Comment: 4 pages, epscrc2 style, LATTICE 2000 (Heavy Quark Physics), Version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (PS

    Threshold expansion of massive coloured particle cross sections

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    Pair production of massive coloured particles in hadron collisions is accompanied by potentially large radiative corrections related to the suppression of soft gluon emission and enhanced Coulomb exchange near the production threshold. We recently developed a framework to sum both series of corrections for the partonic cross section using soft-collinear and non-relativistic effective theory. If it can be argued that the resummed cross section approximates the complete result over a significant kinematic range, an improvement of the hadronic cross section results, even when the production is not kinematically constrained to the threshold. This is discussed here for the case of top quark production.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in: Proceedings of the 10th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2010, W\"orlitz, Germany, 25-30 Apr 201

    CP Violation in B -> pi+ pi- and the Unitarity Triangle

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    We analyze the extraction of weak phases from CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^- decays. We propose to determine the unitarity triangle (ρˉ,ηˉ)(\bar\rho,\bar\eta) by combining the information on mixing induced CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^-, SS, with the precision observable sin2β\sin 2\beta obtained from the CP asymmetry in BψKSB\to\psi K_S. It is then possible to write down exact analytical expressions for ρˉ\bar\rho and ηˉ\bar\eta as simple functions of the observables SS and sin2β\sin 2\beta, and of the penguin parameters rr and ϕ\phi. As an application clean lower bounds on ηˉ\bar\eta and 1ρˉ1-\bar\rho can be derived as functions of SS and sin2β\sin 2\beta, essentially without hadronic uncertainty. Computing rr and ϕ\phi within QCD factorization yields precise determinations of ρˉ\bar\rho and ηˉ\bar\eta since the dependence on rr and ϕ\phi is rather weak. It is emphasized that the sensitivity to the phase ϕ\phi enters only at second order and is extremely small for moderate values of this phase, predicted in the heavy-quark limit. Transparent analytical formulas are further given and discussed for the parameter CC of direct CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^-. We also discuss alternative ways to analyze SS and CC that can be useful if new physics affects BdB_d--Bˉd\bar B_d mixing. Predictions and uncertainties for rr and ϕ\phi in QCD factorization are examined in detail. It is pointed out that a simultaneous expansion in 1/mb1/m_b and 1/N leads to interesting simplifications. At first order infrared divergences are absent, while the most important effects are retained. Independent experimental tests of the factorization framework are briefly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Soft-Collinear Messengers: A New Mode in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    It is argued that soft-collinear effective theory for processes involving both soft and collinear partons, such as exclusive B-meson decays, should include a new mode in addition to soft and collinear fields. These "soft-collinear messengers" can interact with both soft and collinear particles without taking them far off-shell. They thus can communicate between the soft and collinear sectors of the theory. The relevance of the new mode is demonstrated with an explicit example, and the formalism incorporating the corresponding quark and gluon fields into the effective Lagrangian is developed.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Extended Section 6, clarifying the relevance of different types of soft-collinear interaction

    Charmless BPPB \to PP decays and the new physics effects in the minimal supergravity model

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    By employing the QCD factorization approach, we calculate the new physics contributions to the branching radios of the two-body charmless BPP B \to PP decays in the framework of the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model. Within the considered parameter space, we find that (a) the supersymmetric (SUSY) corrections to the Wilson coefficients CkC_k (k=36k=3-6) are very small and can be neglected safely, but the leading order SUSY contributions to C7γ(MW)C_{7\gamma}(M_W) and C8g(MW)C_{8g}(M_W) can be rather large and even change the sign of the corresponding coefficients in the standard model; (b) the possible SUSY contributions to those penguin-dominated decays in mSUGRA model can be as large as 305030-50%; (c) for the well measured BKπB \to K \pi decays, the significant SUSY contributions play an important rule to improve the consistency of the theoretical predictions with the data; (d) for BKηB \to K \eta' decays, the theoretical predictions of the corresponding branching ratios become consistent with the data within one standard deviation after the inclusion of the large SUSY contributions in the mSUGRA model.Comment: 31 pages, Latex file, 4 ps and eps figures, minor corrections, final version to appear in Physical Review

    Radiative B decays to the axial KK mesons at next-to-leading order

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    We calculate the branching ratios of BK1γB\to K_1\gamma at next-to-leading order (NLO) of αs\alpha_s where K1K_1 is the orbitally excited axial vector meson. The NLO decay amplitude is divided into the vertex correction and the hard spectator interaction part. The one is proportional to the weak form factor of BK1B\to K_1 transition while the other is a convolution between light-cone distribution amplitudes and hard scattering kernel. Using the light-cone sum rule results for the form factor, we have \calB(B^0\to K_1^0(1270)\gamma)=(0.828\pm0.335)\times 10^{-5} and \calB(B^0\to K_1^0(1400)\gamma)=(0.393\pm0.151)\times 10^{-5}.Comment: 17pages, 4 figures. Minor changes, typos corrected. PRD accepted versio

    Power counting and effective field theory for charmonium

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    We hypothesize that the correct power counting for charmonia is in the parameter Lambda_QCD/m_c, but is not based purely on dimensional analysis (as is HQET). This power counting leads to predictions which differ from those resulting from the usual velocity power counting rules of NRQCD. In particular, we show that while Lambda_QCD/m_c power counting preserves the empirically verified predictions of spin symmetry in decays, it also leads to new predictions which include: A hierarchy between spin singlet and triplet octet matrix elements in the J/psi system. A quenching of the net polarization in production at large transverse momentum. No end point enhancement in radiative decays. We discuss explicit tests which can differentiate between the traditional and new theories of NRQCD.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure Replaced plot of the psi polarization parameter alpha as a function of transverse momentum. Alpha is now closer to zero for large transverse moment

    Direct CP Violation in B->phi K_s and New Physics

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    In the presence of large New Physics contributions to loop-induced b->s transitions, sizable direct CP violation in B-> phi K decays is expected on general grounds. We compute explicitly CP-violating effects using QCD factorization and find that, even in the restricted case in which New Physics has the same penguin structure as the Standard Model, the rate asymmetry can be of order one. We briefly discuss a more general scenario and comment on the inclusion of power-suppressed corrections to factorization.Comment: 3 page

    The scalar gluonium correlator: large-beta_0 and beyond

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    The investigation of the scalar gluonium correlator is interesting because it carries the quantum numbers of the vacuum and the relevant hadronic current is related to the anomalous trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor in the chiral limit. After reviewing the purely perturbative corrections known up to next-next-to-leading order, the behaviour of the correlator is studied to all orders by means of the large-beta_0 approximation. Similar to the QCD Adler function, the large-order behaviour is governed by the leading ultraviolet renormalon pole. The structure of infrared renormalon poles, being related to the operator product expansion are also discussed, as well as a low-energy theorem for the correlator that provides a relation to the renormalisation group invariant gluon condensate, and the vacuum matrix element of the trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 14 pages, references added, discussion of IR renormalon pole at u=3 extended, similar version to appear in JHE