1,219 research outputs found

    Nuclear data uncertainty quantification on PWR spent nuclear fuel as a function of burnup

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    Nuclear data uncertainty analysis on the spent nuclear fuel inventory was performed on the Takahama-3 NT3G23 assembly, where the sample SF95-4 was irradiated up to a burnup of approximately 36 GWd/ t according to the SFCOMPO benchmark. The cross-section covariance matrices stored in the ENDF/B-VIII.0, JEFF-3.3 and JENDL-4.0u evaluated nuclear data libraries were propagated with the stochastic sampling algorithms implemented in the SANDY code. A comparison of the concentration uncertainty differences obtained using data from the three libraries is reported. Similarities were found with the fuel composition uncertainty results obtained for the Calvert Cliffs MKP109 sample P SFCOMPO benchmark. Such a similarity was also found when comparing concentration uncertainties along the sample irradiation. Therefore, the main contributors to the concentration uncertainty of a number of nuclides were identified at different burnup levels in the two samples. To complement the similarity analysis, a correlation study of the concentration distributions predicted by the two models was performed. The reported results hint a dominance of the common uncertainty propagation mechanisms over the model differences in the determination of concentration uncertainty

    The impact of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Photoreceptor function and morphology

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    To assess the impact of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on photoreceptor function and morphology. METHODS: Impact was assessed in two models. In one, the endogenous expression of bFGF in photoreceptors was raised by sectioning one optic nerve of rats 3 to 4 weeks before study. In the other, bFGF was injected into the vitreous chamber in rats and cats. Retinal function was assessed from the electroretinogram (ERG), and retinal morphology was studied using DNA dyes, immunolabeling, and in situ hybridization. RESULTS: In both models of bFGF upregulation, the ERG b-wave was suppressed over a wide stimulus range and in light- and dark-adapted conditions. The a-wave was not suppressed by either procedure and at the brightest intensities was enhanced by both procedures. In nerve-sectioned eyes, outer retina appeared normal histologically, but levels of bFGF protein in the inner and outer nuclear layers were raised, whereas bFGF mRNA levels remained unchanged. In both models, levels of synaptophysin in the outer plexiform layer and of cytochrome oxidase in inner segments were raised in association with increases in bFGF protein levels. CONCLUSIONS: bFGF increased the ability of photoreceptors to respond to light but attenuated the transmission of this response to inner retinal cells, presumably by blocking the photoreceptor-bipolar synapse. If the expression of bFGF protein is upregulated in human photoreceptor dystrophies, it may contribute a reversible component to the loss of vision. The relationship between these actions of bFGF and its ability to protect photoreceptors from stress remains to be established

    Malignant hypertension and hyperreninemia: Primary or secondary hypertension? A case report

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    Malignant hypertension is a rare condition characterized by severe hypertension and multi-organ ischemic damage. Marked activation of the renin-angiotensin system is observed in many patients, but its persistence over time is not known. We report a case of a 42-year-old woman who presented with severe hypertension and multi-organ damage. Initial evaluation showed an elevated value of direct renin concentration with normal plasma aldosterone concentration and a nodular lesion in the left adrenal gland. The differential diagnosis between the primary and secondary form of hypertension had to be questioned. Consequently, the patient was followed up for 20 months. Repeated checks showed a significant increase in renin levels with a normal aldosterone concentration and regression of organ damage. After 20 months, renin values returned within normal range. Hyperreninemia persisting over a long period of time has not been fully explained. Long-term follow-up allowed us to attribute malignant hypertension to de novo essential hypertension

    Swift J201424.9+152930: discovery of a new deeply eclipsing binary with 491 s and 3.4 h modulations

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    We report on the discovery of a new X-ray pulsator, Swift J201424.9+152930 (Sw J2014). Owing to its X-ray modulation at 491 s, it was discovered in a systematic search for coherent signals in the archival data of the Swift X-ray Telescope. To investigate the nature of Sw J2014, we performed multi-wavelength follow-up observations with space-borne (Swift and XMM-Newton) and ground-based (the 1.5-m Loiano Telescope and the 3.6-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) instruments. The X-ray spectrum of Sw J2014 can be described by a hard and highly absorbed power law. The optical observations made it possible to single out the optical counterpart to this source, which displays several variable emission lines and total eclipses lasting ~20 min. Total eclipses of similar length were observed also in X-rays. The study of the eclipses, allowed us to infer a second periodicity of 3.44 h, which we interpret as the orbital period of a close binary system. We also found that the period has not significantly changed over a ~7 yr timespan. Based on the timing signatures of Sw J2014, and its optical and X-ray spectral properties, we suggest that it is a close binary hosting an accreting magnetic white dwarf. The system is therefore a cataclysmic variable of the intermediate polar type and one of the very few showing deep eclipses.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables; minor changes to match the final MNRAS versio

    Discovery of a 0.42-s pulsar in the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 7793 P13

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    NGC 7793 P13 is a variable (luminosity range ~100) ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) proposed to host a stellar-mass black hole of less than 15 M⊙_{\odot} in a binary system with orbital period of 64 d and a 18-23 M⊙_{\odot} B9Ia companion. Within the EXTraS project we discovered pulsations at a period of ~0.42 s in two XMM-Newton observations of NGC 7793 P13, during which the source was detected at LX∌2.1×1039L_{\mathrm{X}}\sim2.1\times10^{39} and 5×10395\times10^{39} erg s−1^{-1} (0.3-10 keV band). These findings unambiguously demonstrate that the compact object in NGC 7793 P13 is a neutron star accreting at super-Eddington rates. While standard accretion models face difficulties accounting for the pulsar X-ray luminosity, the presence of a multipolar magnetic field with BB ~ few ×\times 1013^{13} G close to the base of the accretion column appears to be in agreement with the properties of the system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; Version accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Diagnostic accuracy of short-time inversion recovery sequence in Graves' ophthalmopathy before and after prednisone treatment

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    Introduction: In Graves' Ophthalmopathy, it is important to distinguish active inflammatory phase, responsive to immunosuppressive treatment, from fibrotic unresponsive inactive one. The purpose of this study is, first, to identify the relevant orbital magnetic resonance imaging signal intensities before treatment, so to classify patients according to their clinical activity score (CAS), discriminating inactive (CAS3) subjects and, second, to follow post-steroid treatment disease. Methods: An observational study was executed on 32 GO consecutive patients in different phases of disease, based on clinical and orbital Magnetic Resonance Imaging parameters, compared to 32 healthy volunteers. Orbital Magnetic Resonance Imaging was performed on a 1.5 tesla Magnetic Resonance Unit by an experienced neuroradiologist blinded to the clinical examinations. Results: In pre-therapy patients, compared to controls, a medial rectus muscle statistically significant signal intensity ratio (SIR) in short-time inversion recovery (STIR) (long TR/TE) sequence was found, as well as when comparing patients before and after treatment, both medial and inferior rectus muscle SIR resulted significantly statistically different in STIR. These increased outcomes explain the inflammation oedematous phase of disease, moreover after steroid administration, compared to controls; patients presented lack of that statistically significant difference, thus suggesting treatment effectiveness. Conclusion: In our study, we proved STIR signal intensities increase in inflammation oedematous phase, confirming STIR sequence to define active phase of disease with more sensibility and reproducibility than CAS alone and to evaluate post-therapy involvement. © 2014 Springer-Verlag

    Rethinking the social impacts of the arts

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    The paper presents a critical discussion of the current debate over the social impacts of the arts in the UK. It argues that the accepted understanding of the terms of the debate is rooted in a number of assumptions and beliefs that are rarely questioned. The paper goes on to present the interim findings of a three‐year research project, which aims to rethink the social impact of the arts, with a view to determining how these impacts might be better understood. The desirability of a historical approach is articulated, and a classification of the claims made within the Western intellectual tradition for what the arts “do” to people is presented and discussed

    Grasping and releasing agarose micro beads in water drops

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    The micromanipulation of micro objects is nowadays the focus of several investigations, specially in biomedical applications. Therefore, some manipulation tasks are required to be in aqueous environment and become more challenging because they depend upon observation and actuation methods that are compatible with MEMS Technology based micromanipulators. This paper describes how three grasping-releasing based tasks have been successfully applied to agarose micro beads whose average size is about 60 \u3bcm: (i) the extraction of a single micro bead from a water drop; (ii) the insertion of a single micro bead into the drop; (iii) the grasping of a single micro bead inside the drop. The success of the performed tasks rely on the use of a microgripper previously designed, fabricated, and tested

    Performance evaluation of a commercial protective coating through field-exposure tests on three stone substrates

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    In the last decades, there have been several studies on Cultural Heritage regarding the performance of protective and consolidating coatings for the prevention of decay. A coating must have several characteristics such as efficiency, breathability, and must be durable and reversible. In this research work, the performance of a commercial protective product (Fosbuild FBLE 200) was evaluated. This coating is composed of a TiO2 nanopowder dispersed in an aqueous solution of an acrylic polymer. The product, which exhibits depolluting, antimicrobial, water-repellent and self-cleaning properties, has been applied on three different lithotypes: Carrara marble, Noto stone, and Comiso stone. Field-exposure tests were carried out in two different outdoor environments (Catania and Palermo) in order to assess its suitability. Promising results were obtained for the Carrara marble after one year of exposure; however, a decrease in effectiveness was observed at the end of the second year
