2 research outputs found
Food preservatives - future prospects
- Author
- A Gounot
- A Verheul
- A Verheul
- A Verheul
- AC Baird-Parker
- B Mayr
- B O’Driscoll
- B O’Driscoll
- Board R.G. and Gould, G.W
- C Hill
- C Rouqette
- CC Fuglsang
- CED Rees
- CG Gahan
- DL Archer
- F Garcia
- FC Fang
- G Willimsky
- GJ Leyer
- GPC Salmond
- GW Gould
- GW Gould
- GW Huisman
- H Schindelin
- Hengge-Aronis
- Hoover
- IM Helander
- IR Booth
- IS Lee
- J Goldstein
- J Guard-Petter
- J Lin
- J Wouters
- JN Wit
- JW Foster
- JW Sanders
- K Nakashima
- K Yamanaka
- KJA Hauben
- KW Arnold
- L Leistner
- L Marron
- LM Mcmullen
- LN Csonka
- LN Csonka
- M Kleerebezem
- MF Patterson
- MH Bonestroo
- MJ Davis
- MJ Maham
- ML Bernardini
- MM Benjamin
- NJ Russell
- NJ Russell
- P Grauman
- P Houtsma
- P.G. Jones
- PA Vandenbergh
- R Hengge-Aronis
- R Ko
- RA Patchett
- RG Earnshaw
- RR Beumer
- S Bearso
- S Brul
- S Gottesman
- S Notermans
- S Taneja
- SJ Lee
- SMD Bearson
- SN Chatfield
- SR Waterman
- T Abee
- T Schweder
- T Tomoyasu
- T Tomoyasu
- TA Roberts
- TJ Welch
- V Robbe-Saule
- W Jiang
- WH Benjamin Jr
- WH Holzapfel
- Y-K. Park
- Publication venue
- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Acidulants and low pH
- Author
- A Casolari
- A Cid
- A Goffeau
- A Hartke
- A Matin
- A Matin
- A Roos
- AC Baird-Parker
- AD Warth
- AD Warth
- AF Graham
- AJ Roe
- AJ Roe
- AM Cheville
- AY Andreyev
- B Flecha-Gonzalez
- B O’Driscoll
- B Taylor
- BJ Juven
- C Lepage
- C Nieman
- C Schleper
- CA Viegas
- CD Holyoak
- CE Dodd
- CG Vallejo
- CN Huhtanen
- CV Salmond
- CW Haest
- CW Sheu
- DA Bautista
- DA Corlett
- DA Mossel
- DD Sledjeski
- DE Connor
- DE Guilfoyle
- DF Chichester
- DF Splittstoesser
- E Freese
- EJ Conway
- EW Hickey
- EZ Ron
- F Diez-Gonzalez
- F Kerler
- F Portillo
- F.E.M.J. Sand
- F.E.M.J. Sand
- FE Samson
- FE Sand
- FE Sand
- FJ Kocun
- FM Harold
- G Deinhard
- GJ Leyer
- GL Armstrong
- GL Pettifer
- GP Ferguson
- GP Ferguson
- GP Ferguson
- GP Ferguson
- GR Willsky
- H Alexandre
- H Babich
- H Gershon
- H Kobayashi
- H Suomalainen
- HA Krebs
- HE Schellhorn
- HS Baik
- I Ingram
- I Perales
- I Sh-Correia
- IR Booth
- IS Lee
- J Gutknecht
- J Lin
- JA Barnett
- JA Imlay
- JB Russell
- JI Pitt
- JJ Azukas
- JJ Kabara
- JL Brown
- JM Thevelein
- JP Smelt
- JW Foster
- JW Foster
- JW Foster
- JW Foster
- K Han
- K Venema
- KC Chung
- KH Wolfe
- KL Schimz
- LA Roth
- LA Shelef
- M AlmirĂ³n
- M Casal
- M Goodson
- M Henriques
- M Heyde
- M Ingram
- M Stratford
- M Stratford
- M Stratford
- M Takayama
- M Vescovo
- MB Cole
- MB Cole
- ME Parish
- ME Rest
- MJ Davis
- ML Fields
- ML Rod
- MM Benjamin
- MR Wilmes-Riesenberg
- N Raja
- NB Rushing
- NM Bolder
- P Eraso
- P Eraso
- P Mitchell
- P Sherrer
- P Small
- PW Piper
- PW Piper
- R Hengge-Aronis
- R Laub
- R Rao
- R Serrano
- RA Cooper
- RA Samson
- RL Brandao
- RM Gould
- RP Sinha
- S Anand
- S Bearso
- S Mcintyre
- SA James
- SA Thompson
- SP Cohen
- SR Waterman
- T Eklund
- TF Dekoningward
- TJ Britz
- W Coleman
- WA Belli
- WL Koostra
- YK Park
- Z Hunkova
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study