11 research outputs found

    Predicting personality disorders based on Zuckerman's alternative five-factor model and ego strength

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    Background and aims: Personality disorders have a wide range and have pervasive effects on the individual life and interpersonal relationships. Understanding the underlying factors of personality disorders causes more accurate understanding and identification of preventive factors and finally helps them in treating. So, this study was aimed to predict personality disorders based on Zuckerman's Alternative Five-Factor Model (AFFM) and ego strength. Methods: This research is a descriptive correlational study. The study population included all students in University of Moheghegh Ardabili in 2015 (n=14000). 150 subjects were selected by stratified random sampling and responded to Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) and Zuckerman-Kuhlman personality questionnaires and Psychosocial Inventory of Ego Strengths. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous regression tests. Results: Regression analysis showed that factors of neuroticism-anxiety, aggression-hostility and sociability of AFFM can predict personality disorder Cluster A, elements of impulsive sensations seeking, aggression-hostility and sociability of AFFM and ego strength can predict personality disorder Cluster B and elements of neuroticism-anxiety, impulsive sensations seeking and sociability of AFFM can predict personality disorder Cluster C. Conclusion: Findings of the current research could be the first step to understanding the usefulness of AFFM and ego strength by specialists in understanding personality disorders, using appropriate methods for predicting the incidence, prevention, and development of treatment methods

    The role of self-compassion and cognitive flexibility in predicting the post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in individuals exposed to Trauma

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    Background and aims: Psychological factors can mediate relation between experience of traumatic events and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Given the importance of this issue, this study was conducted in order to determine the role of self-compassion and cognitive flexibility in predicting the symptoms of PTSD in people exposed to Trauma. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in correlation. The studied sample included 120 individuals, selected by stratified randomly sampling from traumatized individuals sponsored by Komitee Emdad located in Ghilan garb city at Second half of 2015 year. The questionnaires of Demographic information, Mississippi post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scale, Self-compassion (SCS) and cognitive abilities (CAQ (was used for gathering data. Collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression tests using SPSS. Results: The results of Pearson correlation coefficients showed that symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder have a negative relationship with self-compassion (r=-0.22; P<0.05), and cognitive flexibility (r=-0.63; P<0.001). The Results of regression analysis showed that self-compassion and cognitive flexibility explain about 45% of variance of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that self-compassion against disasters and cognitive flexibility can protect a person from symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder play role in the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in people exposed to trauma contribute

    Predict to self-injury behavior in men with borderline personality disorder based on their levels of distress tolerance and self-compassion

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    زمینه و هدف: رفتارهای خود جرحی در مبتلایان به اختلال شخصیت مرزی یکی از علایم مهم این اختلال بوده و با پیامدهای مضر همراه می شود. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی پیش بینی اقدام به رفتار خود جرحی در مردان مبتلا به اختلال شخصیت مرزی بر اساس سطوح تحمل آشفتگی و دلسوزی به خود انجام گرفت. روش بررسی: روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی و از نوع همبستگی بود. کلیه مردان مبتلا به اختلال شخصیت مرزی که در نیمه اول سال 1393 به بخش روان پزشکی بیمارستان امام سجاد (ع) تهران مراجعه کرده بودند، جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر را تشکیل دادند. از بین جامعه آماری فوق، تعداد 94 نفر به روش نمونه گیری غیر احتمالی در دسترس انتخاب شده و بعد از مصاحبه بالینی، پرسشنامه خود آسیبی عمدی و مقیاس های تحمل آشفتگی و دلسوزی به خود را تکمیل کردند. سپس داده های به دست آمده نیز با استفاده از روش همبستگی پیرسون و تحلیل رگرسیون چندگانه با نرم افزار SPSS تحلیل شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد رفتارهای خود جرحی با نمره کلی تحمل آشفتگی (26/0-r=، 012/0&gt;P) و نمره کلی دلسوزی به خود (31/0-r=، 002/0&gt;P) رابطه منفی دارد. نتایج تحلیل رگرسیون نیز نشان داد که 13 از کل واریانس رفتارهای خود جرحی به وسیله تحمل آشفتگی (23/3 F=، 01/0&gt;P) و 31 آن به وسیله دلسوزی به خود (55/6 F=، 001/0&gt;P) پیش بینی می شود. نتیجه گیری: نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که عدم تحمل آشفتگی و دلسوزی به خود پایین می تواند رفتارهای خود جرحی را در افراد مبتلا به اختلال شخصیت مرزی پیش بینی کند

    Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy in Improving Opiate Addicts’ Quality of Life

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    Objective: This study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of positive psychotherapy based on quality of life in improving opiate addicts&rsquo; quality of life. Method: A quasi experimental research design long with control group and pre-test, post-test and follow-up was employed for the conduct of this study. All the opiate addicts referring to treatment centers of Ardebil city in 2013 constituted the statistical population of the study and the number of 36 participants was selected as the sample via purposive sampling and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Quality-of-life-based psychotherapy was conducted on the experimental group in 8 sessions while the control group received no intervention. Quality of life questionnaire was used for data collection purposes. Results: The results suggested the effectiveness of the intervention in quality of life. Conclusion: This intervention, which is formed from the combination positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral approach, can be used as an effective treatment method