1,229 research outputs found

    Infrared catastrophe and tunneling into strongly correlated electron systems: Exact solution of the x-ray edge limit for the 1D electron gas and 2D Hall fluid

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    In previous work we have proposed that the non-Fermi-liquid spectral properties in a variety of low-dimensional and strongly correlated electron systems are caused by the infrared catastrophe, and we used an exact functional integral representation for the interacting Green's function to map the tunneling problem onto the x-ray edge problem, plus corrections. The corrections are caused by the recoil of the tunneling particle, and, in systems where the method is applicable, are not expected to change the qualitative form of the tunneling density of states (DOS). Qualitatively correct results were obtained for the DOS of the 1D electron gas and 2D Hall fluid when the corrections to the x-ray edge limit were neglected and when the corresponding Nozieres-De Dominicis integral equations were solved by resummation of a divergent perturbation series. Here we reexamine the x-ray edge limit for these two models by solving these integral equations exactly, finding the expected modifications of the DOS exponent in the 1D case but finding no changes in the DOS of the 2D Hall fluid with short-range interaction. We also provide, for the first time, an exact solution of the Nozieres-De Dominicis equation for the 2D electron gas in the lowest Landau level.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    Effects of two dimensional plasmons on the tunneling density of states

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    We show that gapless plasmons lead to a universal (δν(ϵ)/νϵ/EF)(\delta\nu(\epsilon)/\nu\propto |\epsilon|/E_F) correction to the tunneling density of states of a clean two dimensional Coulomb interacting electron gas. We also discuss a counterpart of this effect in the "composite fermion metal" which forms in the presence of a quantizing perpendicular magnetic field corresponding to the half-filled Landau level. We argue that the latter phenomenon might be relevant for deviations from a simple scaling observed by A.Chang et al in the tunneling IVI-V characteristics of Quantum Hall liquids.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, NORDITA repor

    Full counting statistics for noninteracting fermions: Exact finite temperature results and generalized long time approximation

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    Exact numerical results for the full counting statistics (FCS) of a one-dimensional tight-binding model of noninteracting electrons are presented at finite temperatures using an identity recently presented by Abanov and Ivanov. A similar idea is used to derive a new expression for the cumulant generating function for a system consisting of two quasi-one-dimensional leads connected by a quantum dot in the long time limit. This provides a generalization of the Levitov-Lesovik formula for such systems.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, extended introduction, additional comment

    Full counting statistics of a chaotic cavity with asymmetric leads

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    We study the statistics of charge transport in a chaotic cavity attached to external reservoirs by two openings of different size which transmit non-equal number of quantum channels. An exact formula for the cumulant generating function has been derived by means of the Keldysh-Green function technique within the circuit theory of mesoscopic transport. The derived formula determines the full counting statistics of charge transport, i.e., the probability distribution and all-order cumulants of current noise. It is found that, for asymmetric cavities, in contrast to other mesoscopic systems, the third-order cumulant changes the sign at high biases. This effect is attributed to the skewness of the distribution of transmission eigenvalues with respect to forward/backward scattering. For a symmetric cavity we find that the third cumulant approaches a voltage-independent constant proportional to the temperature and the number of quantum channels in the leads.Comment: new section on probability distribution and new references adde

    Full counting statistics of Luttinger liquid conductor

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    Non-equilibrium bosonization technique is used to study current fluctuations of interacting electrons in a single-channel quantum wire representing a Luttinger liquid (LL) conductor. An exact expression for the full counting statistics of the transmitted charge is derived. It is given by Fredholm determinant of the counting operator with a time dependent scattering phase. The result has a form of counting statistics of non-interacting particles with fractional charges, induced by scattering off the boundaries between the LL wire and the non-interacting leads.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Full counting statistics of chiral Luttinger liquids with impurities

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    We study the statistics of charge transfer through an impurity in a chiral Luttinger liquid (realized experimentally as a quantum point contact in a fractional quantum Hall edge state device). Taking advantage of the integrability we present a procedure for obtaining the cumulant generating function of the probability distribution to transfer a fixed amount of charge through the constriction. Using this approach we analyze in detail the behaviour of the third cumulant C_3 as a function of applied voltage, temperature and barrier height. We predict that C_3 can be used to measure the fractional charge at temperatures, which are several orders of magnitude higher than those needed to extract the fractional charge from the measurement of the second cumulant. Moreover, we identify the component of C_3, which carries the information about the fractional charge.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (EPS files

    Reentrant behavior in the superconducting phase-dependent resistance of a disordered 2-dimensional electron gas

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    We have investigated the bias-voltage dependence of the phase-dependent differential resistance of a disordered T-shaped 2-dimensional electron gas coupled to two superconducting terminals. The resistance oscillations first increase upon lowering the energy. For bias voltages below the Thouless energy, the resistance oscillations are suppressed and disappear almost completely at zero bias voltage. We find a qualitative agreement with the calculated reentrant behavior of the resistance and discuss quantitative deviations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Full Counting Statistics in Strongly Interacting Systems: Non-Markovian Effects

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    We present a theory of full counting statistics for electron transport through interacting electron systems with non-Markovian dynamics. We illustrate our approach for transport through a single-level quantum dot and a metallic single-electron transistor to second order in the tunnel-coupling strength, and discuss under which circumstances non-Markovian effects appear in the transport properties.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX; typos added, references adde

    Full Current Statistics in Diffusive Normal-Superconductor Structures

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    We study the current statistics in normal diffusive conductors in contact with a superconductor. Using an extension of the Keldysh Green's function method we are able to find the full distribution of charge transfers for all temperatures and voltages. For the non-Gaussian regime, we show that the equilibrium current fluctuations are enhanced by the presence of the superconductor. We predict an enhancement of the nonequilibrium current noise for temperatures below and voltages of the order of the Thouless energy E_Th=D/L^2. Our calculation fully accounts for the proximity effect in the normal metal and agrees with experimental data. We demonstrate that the calculation of the full current statistics is in fact simpler than a concrete calculation of the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (included

    Electron Interactions in Bilayer Graphene: Marginal Fermi Liquid Behaviour and Zero Bias Anomaly

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    We analyze the many-body properties of bilayer graphene (BLG) at charge neutrality, governed by long range interactions between electrons. Perturbation theory in a large number of flavors is used in which the interactions are described within a random phase approximation, taking account of dynamical screening effect. Crucially, the dynamically screened interaction retains some long range character, resulting in log2\log^2 renormalization of key quantities. We carry out the perturbative renormalization group calculations to one loop order, and find that BLG behaves to leading order as a marginal Fermi liquid. Interactions produce a log squared renormalization of the quasiparticle residue and the interaction vertex function, while all other quantities renormalize only logarithmically. We solve the RG flow equation for the Green function with logarithmic accuracy, and find that the quasiparticle residue flows to zero under RG. At the same time, the gauge invariant quantities, such as the compressibility, remain finite to log2\log^2 order, with subleading logarithmic corrections. The key experimental signature of this marginal Fermi liquid behavior is a strong suppression of the tunneling density of states, which manifests itself as a zero bias anomaly in tunneling experiments in a regime where the compressibility is essentially unchanged from the non-interacting value.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure