1,017 research outputs found
On the Consistency of MSGUT Spectra
We show explicitly that, once convention dependent phases are properly
accounted for, the mass spectra evaluated by us in hep-ph\0204097 and
hep-ph\0405074 satisfy the Trace, SU(5) reassembly and Goldstone counting
consistency checks. Furthermore proper phase accounting shows that the
transposition symmetry called "Hermiticity" will be manifest only up to signs
arising from the product of six phase factors which must be reinserted if the
symmetry is to be verified also as regards signs. Thus the claims of
hep-ph/0405300 and hep-ph/0412348 concerning the inconsistency of our results
are completely mistaken. The Chiral multiplet spectra of the two calculations
are equivalent. However our method also gives all gauge and gauge chiral
spectra as well as a MSSM decomposition of all SO(10) MSGUT couplings, for both
tensors and spinors, which are unavailable, even in principle, using the
methods of the above papers.Comment: 9, pages 2 column, revtex
Pinning down the New Minimal Supersymmetric GUT
We show that generic fits of
fermion masses and mixings, using real superpotential couplings but with
complex `Higgs fractions' leading to complex yukawa couplings in the effective
MSSM, \emph{overdetermine}(by one extra constraint) the superpotential
parameters of the New Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT\cite{nmsgut}. Therefore
fits should properly be done by generating the 24 generic fit parameters from
the 23 parameters of the NMSGUT superpotential, given as input.
Each numerical fit then \emph{fully specifies} the parameters of the NMSGUT. An
analysis of all its implications, modulo only the residual uncertainty of
supersymmetry breaking parameters, is now feasible. Thus the NMSGUT offers the
possibility of a confrontation between the scale of gauge unification and the
fit to fermion masses due to their extractable common dependence on the NMSGUT
parameters. If and when `smoking gun' discoveries of Supersymmetry and Proton
decay occur they will find the NMSGUT fully vulnerable to falsification.Comment: Minor changes : (1) Abstract : Phrase "complex Higgs doublet vevs"
made more precise and a conjunction deleted (2)References : Umlauts inserted
in an author nam
MSGUT a la Pati-Salam : from Futility to Precision
We compute the complete gauge and chiral superheavy mass spectrum and
couplings of the Minimal Susy GUT (based on the \bf {210- \oot- 126-10}
irreps as the Higgs system) by decomposing SO(10) labels in terms of Pati Salam
subgroup labels. The spectra are sensitive functions of the single complex
parameter that controls MSGUT symmetry breaking. We scan for the dependence of
the threshold corrections to the Weinberg angle and Unification scale as
functions of this parameter. We find that for generic values of the GUT scale
parameters the modifications are within 10% of the one loop values and can be
much smaller for significant regions of the parameter space. This shows that
contrary to longstanding conjectures, high precision calculations are not
futile but rather necessary and feasible in the MSGUT. The couplings of the
matter supermultiplets are made explicit and used to identify the channels for
exotic () processes and to write down the associated bare
operators (some of both are novel). The mass formulae for all matter fermions
are derived. This sets the stage for a comprehensive RG based phenomenological
analysis of the MSGUT.Comment: Version published in Nuclear Physics B with title changed to :
"SO(10) MSGUT : spectra, couplings and threshold effects". Additional notes
added on consistency checks. Factor of Sqrt 2 in eqns. 78-79 of Journal
version correcte
Charged Topological Solitons in 4+1 Dimensional YMCS Theory
We show that when a Chern-Simons term is added to the action of
() Yang-Mills theory in 5 dimensions the usual self-dual topological
solitons present in the theory necessarily pick up a (topological) electric
charge.Comment: 11p [Replaced version N.B Some minor typos have been corrected and a
note added
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