84 research outputs found

    Electron Correlations and Two-Photon States in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules: A Peculiar Role of Geometry

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    We present numerical studies of one- and two-photon excited states ordering in a number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules: coronene, hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene and circumcoronene, all possessing D6hD_{6h} point group symmetry versus ovalene with D2hD_{2h} symmetry, within the Pariser-Parr-Pople model of interacting π\pi-electrons. The calculated energies of the two-photon states as well as their relative two-photon absorption cross-sections within the interacting model are qualitatively different from single-particle descriptions. More remarkably, a peculiar role of molecular geometry is found. The consequence of electron correlations is far stronger for ovalene, where the lowest spin-singlet two-photon state is a quantum superposition of pairs of lowest spin triplet states, as in the linear polyenes. The same is not true for D6hD_{6h} group hydrocarbons. Our work indicates significant covalent character, in valence bond language, of the ground state, the lowest spin triplet state and a few of the lowest two-photon states in D2hD_{2h} ovalene but not in those with D6hD_{6h} symmetry.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Theory of interfacial charge-transfer complex photophysics in π\pi-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends

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    We present a theory of the electronic structure and photophysics of 1:1 blends of derivatives of polyparaphenylenevinylene and fullerenes. Within the same Coulomb-correlated Hamiltonian applied previously to interacting chains of single-component π\pi-conjugated polymers, we find an exciplex state that occurs below the polymer's optical exciton. Weak absorption from the ground state occurs to the exciplex. We explain transient photoinduced absorptions in the blend, observed for both above-gap and below-gap photoexcitations, within our theory. Photoinduced absorptions for above-gap photoexcitation are from the optical exciton as well as the exciplex, while for below-gap photoexcitation induced absorptions are from the exciplex alone. In neither case are free polarons generated in the time scale of the experiment. Importantly, the photophysics of films of single-component π\pi-conjugated polymers and blends can both be understood by extending Mulliken's theory of ground-state charge transfer to the case of excited-state charge transfer.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Subgap Two-Photon States in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Evidence for Strong Electron Correlations

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    Strong electron correlation effects in the photophysics of quasi-one-dimensional π\pi-conjugated organic systems such as polyenes, polyacetylenes, polydiacetylenes, etc., have been extensively studied. Far less is known on correlation effects in two-dimensional π\pi-conjugated systems. Here we present theoretical and experimental evidence for moderate repulsive electron-electron interactions in a number of finite polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules with D6hD_{6h} symmetry. We show that the excited state orderings in these molecules are reversed relative to that expected within one-electron and mean-field theories. Our results reflect similarities as well as differences in the role and magnitude of electron correlation effects in these two-dimensional molecules compared to those in polyenes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Dynamics of Impurity and Valence Bands in GaMnAs within the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation

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    We calculate the density-of-states and the spectral function of GaMnAs within the dynamical mean-field approximation. Our model includes the competing effects of the strong spin-orbit coupling on the J=3/2 GaAs hole bands and the exchange interaction between the magnetic ions and the itinerant holes. We study the quasi-particle and impurity bands in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases for different values of impurity-hole coupling at the Mn doping of x=0.05. By analyzing the anisotropic angular distribution of the impurity band carriers at T=0, we conclude that the carrier polarization is optimal when the carriers move along the direction parallel to the average magnetization.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Triplet excitations in carbon nanostructures

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    We show that the energy differences between the lowest optical singlet exciton and the lowest triplet exciton in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes with diameter 1\sim 1 nm and graphene nanoribbons with widths 2\sim 2 nm are an order of magnitude smaller than in the π\pi-conjugated polymer poly(para-phenylenevinylene). Our calculated energy gaps between the singlet and triplet excitons are in excellent agreement with the measured values in three different nanotubes with diameters close to 1 nm. The spatial extent of the triplet exciton is nearly the same as that of the singlet exciton in wide nanotubes and nanoribbons, in contrast to that in π\pi-conjugated polymers, in which the triplet exciton exhibits strong spatial confinement. Weakly confined behavior of the triplet state begins in nanoribbons with widths as narrow as 2.5 times the graphene unit lattice vector. We discuss possible consequences of the small singlet-triplet energy difference in the carbon nanostructures on device applications.Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Magnetism in semiconductors: A dynamical mean-field study of ferromagnetism in Ga1-xMnxAs

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    We employ the dynamical mean-field approximation to perform a systematic study of magnetism in Ga1-xMnxAs. Our model incorporates the effects of the strong spin-orbit coupling on the J=32 GaAs valence bands and of the exchange interaction between the randomly distributed magnetic ions and the itinerant holes. The ferromagnetic phase transition temperature Tc is obtained for different values of the impurity-hole coupling Jc and of the hole concentration nh at the Mn doping of x=0.05. We also investigate the temperature dependence of the local magnetization and spin polarization of the holes. By comparing our results with those for a single band Hamiltonian, we conclude that the spin-orbit coupling in Ga1-xMnxAs gives rise to frustration in the ferromagnetic order, strengthening recent findings by Zaránd and Jankó [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 047201 (2002)]. © 2005 The American Physical Society

    Evidence for Excimer Photoexcitations in an Ordered {\pi}-Conjugated Polymer Film

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    We report pressure-dependent transient picosecond and continuous-wave photomodulation studies of disordered and ordered films of 2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy) poly(para-phenylenevinylene). Photoinduced absorption (PA) bands in the disordered film exhibit very weak pressure dependence and are assigned to intrachain excitons and polarons. In contrast, the ordered film exhibits two additional transient PA bands in the midinfrared that blueshift dramatically with pressure. Based on high-order configuration interaction calculations we ascribe the PA bands in the ordered film to excimers. Our work brings insight to the exciton binding energy in ordered films versus disordered films and solutions. The reduced exciton binding energy in ordered films is due to new energy states appearing below the continuum band threshold of the single strand.Comment: 5.5 pages, 5 figure