6 research outputs found

    [Overactive bladder syndrome: the social and economic perspective]

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    Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) is a highly prevalent condition associated with a significant impairment of patients' Quality of Life (QoL) because of its adverse effects on social, sexual, interpersonal, and professional functions. Cost-of-illness analyses showed the huge economic burden related to OAB for patients, public healthcare systems, and society, secondary to both direct and indirect costs. These types of cost analyses, however, exclude intangible costs related to QoL impairment. Recently, many novel therapies have been introduced, arising the need to apply the modern methodology of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to new therapies in order to evaluate objectively their value in terms of both improvement in length/Quality of Life and costs. By producing information on the clinical, economic, organizational, social and ethical impact of health technologies, HTA has been used worldwide to inform decision makers at different levels in health systems. The HTA approach demonstrated, worldwide, to be a useful approach to increase the level of appropriateness in the use of medical technology and, as a consequence of that, of resources. Health utilities are instruments that allow a measurement of QoL and its integration in the economic evaluation using the Quality-of-life-Adjusted-Life-Years (QALYs) model and cost-utility analysis. The development of suitable instruments for quantifying utility in the specific group of OAB patients is vitally important to extend the application of cost-utility analysis in OAB and to guide healthcare resources allocation for this disorder. Studies are required to define the cost-effectiveness of available pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy options