28 research outputs found

    Deoxynivalenol content in italian organic durum wheat: Results of a six-year survey

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination was investigated of Italian durum wheat from organic agriculture. A number of 661 samples from 13 genotypes were collected within the national organic durum wheat network variety trials during the six-year period between 2007–2012 in five different growing areas across Italy (Northern Italy, Marches, Central Apennines, West-Central Italy, Apulia). Mean temperatures and total rainfalls in April, May and June were collected nearby the study sites. Average DON contamination value along the whole study period was 67 μg/kg, and DON was detected only in 36% of the samples. Noteworthy, 95% of the analyzed grain revealed a DON contamination lower than 334 μg/kg. Maximum allowed DON level for unprocessed durum wheat set by European Union (1750 μg/kg) was exceeded only in four samples (0.6%). The highest mean DON values were detected in Northern Italy (175 μg/kg) and Marches (131 μg/kg). The same was for the percentage of positive samples (80% and 58%, respectively). Lower mean values and percentages of contaminated samples were found in West-Central Italy (22 μg/kg and 29%, respectively), Apennines (3 μg/kg and 8%, respectively) and Apulia (2 μg/kg and 7%, respectively). Statistical analysis (Generalized Linear Model, GLZ) was carried out to highlight the effect of factors like cultivation year, growing area and genotype. It revealed a huge effect of year, growing areas and their interaction, while the effect of genotype resulted significantly but quite less than the other main factors. The effect of the year could be explained by climatic data, which suggested an influence of rainfall and temperature at heading on both DON concentration values and percentage of contaminated samples. Results of this study put in evidence a low DON contamination in Italian organic durum wheat

    Preliminary survey on the co-occurrence of DON and T2+HT2 toxins in durum wheat in Italy

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    This study was carried out to determine the co-occurrence of deoxynivalenol (DON) and the sum of T2 and HT2 toxins in durum wheat samples belonging to eight cultivars grown in a national network experimental trials over a three-year period (2011–2013). The effect of several factors (cultivar, year and cultivation area) affecting the occurrence of the two types of mycotoxins and their relationship with several agronomic and grain quality parameters were assayed by statistical analysis (GLZ). The results highlighted the different trend of incidence and contamination rate of the two types of mycotoxins in relation to the cropping year and to the growing examined areas. Year and its interaction with the cultivation area was the most important factor affecting the DON contamination, whereas genotype and its interaction with the year mainly influenced T2+HT2 toxins contamination rate. DON and T2+HT2 contamination levels were not significantly correlated with each other. The evidence that the two types of mycotoxins were differently related with several agronomic and grain quality parameters could be connected to the effects of the respective fungal disease on wheat plant

    L'allevamento della fauna selvatica in Campania.

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    Le leggi regionali valorizzano le risorse naturali ed il territorio attaverso la incentivazione e la creazione di aziende non convenzionali. L'inserimento di attività di allevamento di selvaggina all'interno di aziende agricole e nelle aziende agrituristiche producono una nuova tipologia di attività rurale l'azienda agri-turistica-venatoria. La produzione e la commercailizzazione della selvaggina in loco è autorizzata dall'amministrazione regionale e controllata dalla Provincia. La produzione di fauna selvatica è indirizzata verso specifici settori di mercato quali quello del ripopolamento, quello a scopo ornamentale ed in minima parte per scopo alimentare

    Hybrid film: a case analysis of the sol-gel technology for improved mechanical properties application.

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    The paper deals with the analysis of the mechanical characteristics of hybrid coating obtained through the sol-gel synthesis starting from CH3Si(OCH3)3 and C6H5Si(OCH3)3 with colloidal silica, α-Al2O3, and HNO3 as catalyst. The experimental conditions refer to a not-optimized reaction parameters trying to obtain a greater sensibility on their variations. On the base of the kinetic reaction pathway the surface morphology, analysed by SEM, the hardness, the abrasion, the film porosity and the contact angles, are interpreted. Indeed the temperature appears a relevant parameter in the control of the surface aspect and the mechanical behaviour. The roles of the colloidal silica and of the nanometric α-Al2O3 were analysed. The results demonstrate the strong enclosing of the silica particle in the hybrid polymer network. On the contrary α-Al2O3 decreases the abrasion resistance due to the lack of chemical bonds with the network

    Evolution of Two Acid Steps Sol-Gel Phases by FTIR Technology.

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    Abstract FTIR has been used to follow the evolution of a sol–gel preparation accomplished with two acid/acid steps. The reaction of methyltrimethoxysilane mixed with colloidal silica was taken as an example, aiming at proving the use of IR spectroscopy for the determination of reaction aspects like the kinetic behaviour that is essential for the scale-up of the application. The steps were carried out for 60 min each and samples were taken in each step at variable time intervals. For the spectroscopy analysis the dispersion samples were deposited on a spinning disc of KBr or ZnSe obtaining thin hybrid organic/inorganic films. The signals at 950 cm-1 and 1,000–1,100 cm-1 related to the hydrolysis and condensation reaction, respectively were recorded at variable time and their intensity normalised to the 1,273 cm-1band of Si-CH3 group not involved in the hydrolysis nor condensation reaction. The effects of pH and temperature have been investigated showing that reliable effective data on the reaction extent of SiO2-doped sol–gel dispersions can be obtained by the FTIR spectroscopy. The data have been supported and interpreted also by SEM observations. The reactions degree of the (poly)condensation sharply increases after the addition of more alkoxysilane. Short reaction times can be designed that could be compatible with industrial production

    System for the management of the applications of registration ATC and management of the reciprocity

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    The work represents an innovative model of management for the hunting activity in Campania Region. The potentialities of the on line systems of the hunting activities through the realization of the computer sustem in the hunting years 2003-2004 up to 2005-2006 are the followings: identification of the uses; on-line registration to the different hunting districts; forecast of the days of hunting in the different Provinces and management of reciprocity; updating database; reporting of the effected activities

    Hybrid film: a case analysis of the sol-gel technology for improved mechanical properties application

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    The paper deals with the analysis of the mechanical characteristics of hybrid coating obtained through the sol-gel synthesis starting from CH3Si(OCH3)3 and C6H5Si(OCH3)3 with colloidal silica, α-Al2O3, and HNO3 as catalyst. The experimental conditions refer to a not-optimized reaction parameters trying to obtain a greater sensibility on their variations. On the base of the kinetic reaction pathway the surface morphology, analysed by SEM, the hardness, the abrasion, the film porosity and the contact angles, are interpreted. Indeed the temperature appears a relevant parameter in the control of the surface aspect and the mechanical behaviour. The roles of the colloidal silica and of the nanometric α-Al2O3 were analysed. The results demonstrate the strong enclosing of the silica particle in the hybrid polymer network. On the contrary α-Al2O3 decreases the abrasion resistance due to the lack of chemical bonds with the network


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    Hybrid inorganic-organic coating obtained by the sol gel chemistry is a promising technique for the achievement of homogeneous films with improved mechanical properties. The research developed in the protective optical film sector has been training for many industrial applications e.g. the metal corrosion protection through thin film used like a primer or shop primer deposition. Selecting proper wet-reaction parameters and application, the organic/inorganic precursors and additives to promote adhesion firstly, metal substrates can be thin coated. The deposition can be performed by the usual spray technique, dip-coating, or the more recently developed electrochemistry. Formulations can be studied starting from the chemical and physical aspects to satisfy many different objectives