2,455 research outputs found

    Evolution of the magnetic field and flows of solar active regions with persistent magnetic bipoles before emergence

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    Magnetic active regions on the Sun are harbingers of space weather events. Understanding the physics of how they form and evolve will improve space weather forecasting. Our aim is to characterise the surface magnetic field and flows for a sample of active regions with persistent magnetic bipoles prior to emergence. We identified 42 emerging active regions (EARs), in the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic Emerging Active Region survey (Schunker et al. 2016), associated with small magnetic bipoles at least one day before the time of emergence. We then identified a contrasting sample of 42 EARs that emerge more abruptly without bipoles before emergence. We computed the supergranulation scale surface flows using helioseismic holography. We averaged the flow maps and magnetic field maps over all active regions in each sample at each time interval from 2 days before emergence to 1 day after. We found that EARs associated with a persistent pre-emergence bipole evolve to be, on average, lower flux active regions than EARs that emerge more abruptly. Further, we found that the EARs that emerge more abruptly do so with a diverging flow of (3±0.6)×106(3\pm 0.6) \times 10^{-6} s1^{-1} on the order of 50-100 ms1^{-1}. Our results suggest that there is a statistical dependence of the surface flow signature throughout the emergence process on the maximum magnetic flux of the active region.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    The influence of year-end bonuses on colorectal cancer screening

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    The objective of the paper is to estimate the effect of physician bonus eligibility on CRC screening while controlling for patient and primary care physician characteristics. The study is retrospective, using a managed care plan’s claims data on fifty-year-old commercially insured patients in the years 2000 and 2001. The data also include links to enrollment and provider files. Multivariate logistic regression models are used to assess the association between CRC screening receipt and physician bonus eligibility. The results indicate that the probability that a patient received a CRC screening was approximately 3 percentage points higher in the year physicians were eligible for a bonus. There were also significant differences according to the gender of both the patient and physician, income, and race.

    Cosmological test of the Yilmaz theory of gravity

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    We test the Yilmaz theory of gravitation by working out the corresponding Friedmann-type equations generated by assuming the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological metrics. In the case that space is flat the theory is consistent only with either a completely empty universe or a negative energy vacuum that decays to produce a constant density of matter. In both cases the total energy remains zero at all times, and in the latter case the acceleration of the expansion is always negative. To obtain a more flexible and potentially more realistic cosmology, the equation of state relating the pressure and energy density of the matter creation process must be different from the vacuum, as for example is the case in the steady-state models of Gold, Bondi, Hoyle and others. The theory does not support the cosmological principle for curved space K =/= 0 cosmological metrics

    Time transfer between the Goddard Optical Research Facility and the U.S. Naval Observatory using 100 picosecond laser pulses

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    A horizontal two-way time comparison link in air between the University of Maryland laser ranging and time transfer equipment at the Goddard Optical Research Facility (GORF) 1.2 m telescope and the Time Services Division of the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) was established. Flat mirrors of 25 cm and 30 cm diameter respectively were placed on top of the Washington Cathedral and on a water tower at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Two optical corner reflectors at the USNO reflect the laser pulses back to the GORF. Light pulses of 100 ps duration and an energy of several hundred microjoules are sent at the rate of 10 pulses per second. The detection at the USNO is by means of an RCA C30902E avalanche photodiode and the timing is accomplished by an HP 5370A computing counter and an HP 1000 computer with respect to a 10 pps pulse train from the Master Clock

    Public Education and the Public Good

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    Bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Diffusion, Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes: Analytical and Numerical Results

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    We formulate dynamical rate equations for physical processes driven by a combination of diffusive growth, size fragmentation and fragment coagulation. Initially, we consider processes where coagulation is absent. In this case we solve the rate equation exactly leading to size distributions of Bessel type which fall off as exp(x3/2)\exp(-x^{3/2}) for large xx-values. Moreover, we provide explicit formulas for the expansion coefficients in terms of Airy functions. Introducing the coagulation term, the full non-linear model is mapped exactly onto a Riccati equation that enables us to derive various asymptotic solutions for the distribution function. In particular, we find a standard exponential decay, exp(x)\exp(-x), for large xx, and observe a crossover from the Bessel function for intermediate values of xx. These findings are checked by numerical simulations and we find perfect agreement between the theoretical predictions and numerical results.Comment: (28 pages, 6 figures, v2+v3 minor corrections