13 research outputs found

    Ультразвуковой мерцающий артефакт в дифференциальной диагностике кальцинатов молочных желез

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    Research goal: evaluation of the possibility of using an ultrasound twinkling artifact in the detection of breast calcifications as a diagnostic criterion for breast cancer.Material and methods. A targeted ultrasound study using color Doppler mapping was performed to determine the presence of a twinkling artifact in 112 patients who had calcifications detected during X-ray mammography.Results. According to the ultrasound examination, the twinkling artifact was registered only in 10 of the 112 women examined. A pronounced twinkling artifact was registered in 3 patients, the calcifications were single, mainly lobular, with a size of more than 1 mm. In 5 cases, the flicker artifact was determined to be of moderate severity, and the distribution pattern was also dominated by single ones, more than 1 mm. Two patients with grouped calcinates had a weakly expressed twinkling artifact, their dimensions were also more than 1 mm.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate that the Doppler twinkling artifact in the mammary glands occurs only in macrocalcinates (larger than 1 mm) and, mainly, single ones. Modern ultrasound devices do not allow registering a twinkling artifact in calcinates smaller than 1 mm, which indicates that it is impossible to use Doppler color coding to detect microcalcinates as a predictor of breast cancer.Цель исследования: оценка возможности использования ультразвукового мерцающего артефакта в выявлении кальцинатов молочных желез как диагностического критерия рака молочной железы.Материал и методы. Проведено целенаправленное ультразвуковое исследование с применением цветового допплеровского картирования для установления наличия мерцающего артефакта у 112 пациенток, у которых при рентгеновской маммографии были выявлены кальцинаты.Результаты. По данным ультразвукового исследования мерцающий артефакт зарегистрирован только у 10 из 112 обследованных женщин. Выраженный мерцающий артефакт зарегистрирован у 3 пациенток, кальцинаты были единичными, преимущественно дольковыми, размером более 1 мм. В 5 случаях артефакт мерцания определялся средней степени выраженности, по характеру распределения также преобладали единичные, размером более 1 мм. У 2 пациенток с сгруппированными кальцинатами имел место слабовыраженный мерцающий артефакт, размер их был также более 1 мм. При размерах кальцината менее 1 мм мерцающий артефакт удалось зарегистрировать только у 1 (1,5%) пациентки из 65.Выводы. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что допплеровский мерцающий артефакт в молочных железах возникает практически только в макрокальцинатах (размером более 1 мм) и преимущественно единичных. Современные ультразвуковые аппараты не позволяют достоверно регистрировать мерцающий артефакт в кальцинатах размером менее 1 мм, что свидетельствует о невозможности использования цветового допплеровского кодирование для выявления микрокальцинатов как предиктора рака молочной железы


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    Introduction. The prognosis for surgical treatment of locally advanced gastric cancer remains disappointing. Neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy is relatively new and the least researched method of treatment, it is attracting more and more attention, mainly abroad in recent years. The aims of neoadjuvant therapy is the earliest start of systemic therapy, damage of the primary tumor and regional metastases, an increase in the percentage of radical operations, improving treatment outcome. Material and methods. The planning study is a multicenter, randomized clinical phase II trial. Patients of the first (experimental) group will be treated as the followes: neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy (total tumor dose of 46 Gy in 23 fractions with the concurrent modified CapOX scheme) followed by D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients of the second (control) group will be treated with D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy will be carried out under the following schemes (optional for the researchers): CapOX or FOLFOX. Toxicity evaluation of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy will be conducted with NCI CTC Toxicity Scale Version 3.0. The main objectives of the trial are to assess the safety and immediate effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy according to the criteria of the frequency and severity of postoperative complications and mortality, and tumor response. We are planning to include 80 patients with morphologically confirmed gastric cancer сT2–4N1–3, сT3–4N0–3; М0. The proposed trial will be carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration, it has been approved by local ethic committees of the participated institutions. Results. As a result of this multicenter randomized trial it is planned to show the reproducibility of obtained in MRRC and a number of foreign centers results – that is, the safety and high immediate effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. Conclusion. If we reach the goals of the planning trial, the results would allow to reasonably recommend the start of large international phase III trials for the final evaluation of the proposed neoadjuvant treatment as a standard one in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer.Введение. Прогноз при хирургическом лечении местнораспространенного рака желудка остается неутешительным. Неоадъювантная химиолучевая терапия является относительно новым и наименее исследованным методом лечения, привлекающим к себе в последние годы все большее внимание, преимущественно за рубежом. Цели неоадъювантной терапии состоят в максимально раннем начале системной терапии, повреждении первичной опухоли и регионарных метастазов, увеличении процента выполнения радикальных операций, улучшении результатов лечения. Материал и методы. Исследование является многоцентровым рандомизированным клиническим исследованием II фазы. Больным первой (исследуемой) группы будет проведено лечение в составе: неоадъювантная химиолучевая терапия (СОД 46 Гр за 23 фракции на фоне модифицированного режима CapOX) с последующей гастрэктомией D2 и адъювантной химиотерапией. Больным второй (контрольной) группы будет выполнена гастрэктомия D2 и адъювантная химиотерапия. Адъювантная химиотерапия будет проводиться по следующим схемам (на выбор исследователя): САРОX или FOLFOX. Оценка токсичности неоадъювантной химиолучевой терапии и адъювантной химиотерапии будет проводиться с помощью шкалы токсичности NCI CTC, версия 3.0. Основные цели состоят в оценке безопасности и непосредственной эффективности неоадъювантной химиолучевой терапии по критерию частоты и степени выраженности послеоперационных осложнений и летальности, и терапевтического патоморфоза. Планируется включение 80 больных морфологически верифицированным раком желудка сT2–4N1–3, сT3–4N0–3; М0. Исследование выполняется в соответствии с принципами Хельсинкской декларации, оно одобрено локальными этическими комитетами учреждений-соисполнителей. Результаты. В результате проведения данного многоцентрового рандомизированного исследования планируется показать воспроизводимость полученных в МРНЦ и ряде зарубежных Центров результатов – то есть безопасность и высокую непосредственную эффективность неоадъювантной химиолучевой терапии у больных местнораспространенным раком желудка. Заключение. В случае достижения поставленных целей полученные результаты позволят обоснованно рекомендовать проведение крупных международных исследований III фазы для окончательного изучения предложенного метода в качестве стандартного у больных местнораспространенным раком желудка

    Morphological changes of adrenal cortex and medulla during the first 24 hours after acute hemorrhage

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    Experimentally established that during the first day after acute blood loss expressed morphological changes occur in the adrenal cortex and medulla, indicating a high functional stress of the organ


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    Purpose of the study. To study the patterns of forming an MRI picture of a complete pathological morphological response (pCR) of colorectal cancer a er neoadjuvant chemoradia on therapy (NHLT) based on comparisons with the pathomorphological picture. Patients and methods. Among 130 patients with locally advanced colorectal cancer who received a combined treatment with NHL at A. Tsyb MRRC clinic — a Branch of HMRRC of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation within the period 2012–2017 thirteen patients were selected for the study, in whom pCR was achieved, according to the pathological analysis of surgical specimen. MRI was performed on all patients before the NHLT and atier the end (atier 6–10 weeks) of treatment. We analyzed the MRI fi ndings from case histories (prospective assessment) on degree of tumor regression (mrTRG) using a fi ve-point grading scale. Ten of these patients had MRI examinations available for re-review (retrospective assessment), which allowed for a qualitate ve assessment of the signal intensity in T2 mode on a nominal scale, according to which low, medium, moderately elevated and high MR signals were discerned; signal localization was determined relative to the intestinal lumen with conditional selection of the inner and outer layer of the wall, and the outer contour was charactezied (smooth or uneven due to hypointense spicules). The obtained data on the localization of the MR signal of varying intensity were compared with the data of the pathological description of the operating drugs.Results. A prospective MRI assessment of pCR in 77% of cases corresponded to TRG2 and in 92% — y N0. Macroscopically, the pCR in all patients had an appearance of an ulcerative defect of the intestinal wall, to which on T2-WI in 80% of cases corresponded to a moderately elevated MR signal from the inside of the wall, due to necroti c changes and granulations, and in 100% of cases — a low MR signal from the outer layer of the intestinal wall, caused by a more mature connective tissue, the outer contour in 50% of cases was tight due to the desmoplastic reaction; hypo-intensive inclusions corresponded to lime deposits, and “mucous lakes” — inclusions with high signal intensity and clear contours.Conclusion The features of forming MRI picture of the pCR are due to a range of radiation pathomorphosis manifestations, including destructive, regenera ve and infl ammatory processes in the tumor stroma

    Effect of photodynamic therapy with the bacteriochlorophyll a derivative on growth and functional morphology of rat sarcoma M-1

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    Background: In recent years, the method of photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been increasingly used in clinical oncology. Three non-toxic components play a key role in realization of the anti- tumor effect of PDT: a photosensitizer (PS), local irradiation of the tumor with light/laser of a certain wavelength corresponding to the sensitizer absorption peak, and oxygen. The highly reactive biological oxidants formed during photochemical reactions exert a destructive effect on cells and tumor vasculature with subsequent activation of the immune response. Efficiency of PDT is determined by the level of PS accumulation in tumors, as well as by its photophysical parameters and photochemical activity. To create a new PS, natural chlorophylls and their derivatives with intense absorption in the long-wave region of the spectrum are of particular interest.Aim: To study the efficacy and mechanism of PDT action (using a conjugate containing two molecules of dipropoxy-bacteriopurpurinimide with a cystamine residue as a PS) on the growth and functional morphology of transplanted solid connective tissue tumor.Materials and methods: The study was carried out in female white outbred rats with subcutaneously implanted sarcoma M-1. PS was injected to rats of the experimental group intraperitoneally. PDT was performed during the maximal index of tumor/ healthy tissue contrast after the administration of the PS. The criterion of PDT efficacy was a change in the tumor growth/regression coefficient. The research methods included immunohistochemistry for PCNA and CD31, evaluation of mitotic activity and apoptosis of tumor cells, as well as computer analysis of microscopic images.Results: After PDT with the new PS, a 16-fold decrease of growth coefficient of tumor nodes was registered. The photo-induced antitumor effect was shown to be due to destruction of sarcoma M-1 vascular bed, rapid inhibition of proliferative activity and devitalization of tumor cells. At early stages after PDT, destruction of the microvasculature and photo-cytostatic shock of tumor cells with subsequent development of necrosis appears to be caused by direct influence of the light flux on sensitized cellular elements in tumor parenchyma and stroma. Conclusion: The final result of PDT is determined by the sequence of destructive and inflammatory changes in the tumor parenchyma and surrounding tissues, as well as by a proliferative potential of malignant cells surviving after treatment. The surviving tumor cells, which determine the recurrent growth of neoplasms after PDT, are still present, maybe due to an insufficient concentration of the sensitizer in certain weakly vascularized areas of sarcoma M-1


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    Introduction. The prognosis for surgical treatment of locally advanced gastric cancer remains disappointing. Neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy is relatively new and the least researched method of treatment, it is attracting more and more attention, mainly abroad in recent years. The aims of neoadjuvant therapy is the earliest start of systemic therapy, damage of the primary tumor and regional metastases, an increase in the percentage of radical operations, improving treatment outcome. Material and methods. The planning study is a multicenter, randomized clinical phase II trial. Patients of the first (experimental) group will be treated as the followes: neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy (total tumor dose of 46 Gy in 23 fractions with the concurrent modified CapOX scheme) followed by D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients of the second (control) group will be treated with D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy will be carried out under the following schemes (optional for the researchers): CapOX or FOLFOX. Toxicity evaluation of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy will be conducted with NCI CTC Toxicity Scale Version 3.0. The main objectives of the trial are to assess the safety and immediate effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy according to the criteria of the frequency and severity of postoperative complications and mortality, and tumor response. We are planning to include 80 patients with morphologically confirmed gastric cancer сT2–4N1–3, сT3–4N0–3; М0. The proposed trial will be carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration, it has been approved by local ethic committees of the participated institutions. Results. As a result of this multicenter randomized trial it is planned to show the reproducibility of obtained in MRRC and a number of foreign centers results – that is, the safety and high immediate effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. Conclusion. If we reach the goals of the planning trial, the results would allow to reasonably recommend the start of large international phase III trials for the final evaluation of the proposed neoadjuvant treatment as a standard one in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer