25,321,106 research outputs found

    A Brief Analysis Of The Rehabilitation Systems Of Children With Spastic Forms Of Motor Disorders

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    The article briefly analyzes the main studies in the field of overcoming spasticity within the confines of medical and partly pedagogical approaches. It was singled out the range of the main aspects that can be used as a basis for the correction of motor disorders spasmodic forms in children of early and preschool age by means of adaptive physical education from the position of pedagogy, medicine, physiology and neurology in their constituent components. The paper studies the methods of overcoming spasticity suggested by specialists of various profiles containing promising key ideas for further research. Efforts have been made to combine possibilities of medical methods of spastic motor disorders forms rehabilitation with pedagogical capabilities of adaptive physical education. Such an approach can guarantee the complexity of various forms of spastic motor disorders, which can positively affect the construction of an individualized correctional strategy and tactics in further rehabilitation work. Analyzing the literature sources, we did not find a single universal method for the complete or at least prevailing overcoming of spasticity in children and adults


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    The advantages of Flipped SU(5) over conventional Supersymmetric GUTs, like SU(5), are discussed. Recent values of the strong coupling at M_Z, sin-squared theta-Weinberg, g-2 of the muon, and the lower limit on the proton lifetime for the (K+, anti-neutrino) mode point directly to Flipped SU(5) as the simplest way to avoid potential pitfalls. It is shown that "F(lipped)-enomenology" accomodates easily all presently available low-energy data, favoring a rather "light" supersymmetric spectrum while yielding the right amount of Cold Dark Matter and a proton lifetime in the ((e+/muon+), pi-zero) mode which is beyond the present experimental limit yet still possibly accessible to a further round of experiments.Comment: 22 pages; 3 figures and 2 diagrams prepared with feynmf.mf & feynmf.sty; Invited talk given at: 1st Intl. Conf. on String Phenomenology, Oxford, England, July 6-11, 2002, -and- NeSS 2002, Washington D.C., USA, September 19-21, 200

    Moving Five-Branes and Cosmology

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    We discuss low-energy heterotic M-theory with five-branes in four and five dimensions and its application to moving brane cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, based on a talk given at the 1st International Conference on String Phenomenology, Oxford, 6-11 Jul 200

    Surface reheating as a new paradigm

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    In this talk we briefly review the standard idea of reheating and then present a new paradigm of reheating the Universe through surface evaporation.Comment: 4 pages, uses specific style file, talk given at string-phenomenology-02, Oxfor

    S-Branes, Negative Tension Branes and Cosmology

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    A general class of solutions of string background equations is studied and its physical interpretations are presented. These solutions correspond to generalizations of the standard black p-brane solutions to surfaces with curvature k=-1,0. The relation with the recently introduced S-branes is provided. The mass, charge, entropy and Hawking temperature are computed, illustrating the interpretation in terms of negative tension branes. Their cosmological interpretation is discussed as well as their potential instability under small perturbations.Comment: 10 pages. Talks given at: SUSY'02, ``the 10th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions'', DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 17-23 June 2002, and ``The 1st International Conference on String Phenomenology'', Oxford, July 6 - 11, 2002. References adde

    Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in the Giessen coupled-channel model

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    We present a nucleon resonance analysis by simultaneously considering all pion- and photon-induced experimental data on the final states γN\gamma N, πN\pi N, 2πN2\pi N, ηN\eta N, KΛK\Lambda, KΣK\Sigma, and ωN\omega N for energies from the nucleon mass up to s=2\sqrt s = 2 GeV. In this analysis we find strong evidence for various higher lying resonances as, e.g., the P13(1900)P_{13}(1900). The ωN\omega N production mechanism is dominated by large P11(1710)P_{11}(1710) and P13(1900)P_{13}(1900) contributions.Comment: 4 pages, talk given at NSTAR 2002, Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons, Pittsburgh, USA, 9-12 Oct 2002; to be published by World Scientifi

    Study of Generalized Parton Distributions with CLAS

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    The program to study the Generalized Parton Distributions in deeply virtual exclusive processes with CLAS at Jefferson Lab is discussed.Comment: added reference

    Grand unification of flavor by orbifold twisting Z2Z_2 and Z2×Z2′Z_2\times Z_2^\prime

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    The grand unification of flavor(GUF) in extra dimensions is discussed. After reviewing the old GUF, I present a GUF model SU(7) in 5D with the recently popular field theoretic orbifold compactification.Comment: LaTeX file of 6 pages. Talk presented at The 1st International Conference On String Phenomenology, 6-11 July 2002, Oxford, Englan

    Extra matter at low energy

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    Assuming that the Standard Model arises from the E8×E8E_8\times E_8 Heterotic Superstring, we try to solve the discrepancy between the unification scale predicted by this theory (≈gGUT×5.27⋅1017\approx g_{GUT}\times 5.27\cdot 10^{17} GeV) and the value deduced from LEP experiments (≈2⋅1016\approx 2\cdot 10^{16} GeV). This will allow us to predict the presence at low energies of three generations of supersymmetric Higgses and vector-like colour triplets.Comment: Talk given at 1st International Conference on String Phenomenology, Oxford, 6-11 July 2002. 6 pages, 1 figur

    The Cosmological Constant

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    Various contributions to the cosmological constant are discussed and confronted with its recent measurement. We briefly review different scenarious -- and their difficulties -- for a solution of the cosmological constant problem.Comment: Lecture given at the XIV Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model", Bad Honnef, 11-14 March 200
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