4 research outputs found

    Assessment of patient knowledge and awareness of the occurrence of addiction

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    Introduction. Drug treatment and substance abuse treatment centers are mostly involved in the treatment of alcohol or drug addicts. At present, an increasing number of patients depend on several psychoactive substances simultaneously. These people have a phenomenon called mixed addiction.Aim. The aim of the study was an attempt to answer the question about the state of mind of psychiatric hospital patients about the occurrence of addiction.Material and methods. The study included a group of 100 patients in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital's Neuropsychiatric Ward and the SPZOZ Psychiatric Day Ward in Kra艣nik. The survey was conducted between February and August 2017. The author's questionnaire method was fully anonymous.Results. Misuse of psychoactive substances is a serious social problem. The phenomenon of addiction is more common among men living in rural areas, working professionally in the age range of 31 to 40 years. The respondents acknowledge that their knowledge of narcotics is based on their experience and their friends.Conclusion. Respondents are aware of the occurrence of mixed dependency

    How electronic devices affect the sleep of young people: summary of current knowledge

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    Introduction and purpose: The impact of electronic devices on our daily lives is becoming increasingly significant. The contemporary generation of young people is growing up in a world where smartphones, tablets, computers, and other electronic devices are widely available and utilized. Scientists are contemplating the challenges posed by excessive exploitation of electronics on the health of young individuals. The aim of the article is to present the harmful effects of using electronic devices before sleep in young people, considering medical aspects such as sleep disorders and their influence on overall psychophysical health. Summary: Electronic devices negatively affect the sleep of young people by reducing sleep time and delaying the sleep onset phase. The main problem is the use of electronic devices without time limits. In the era of technology, it is significantly important to raise awareness among young people about the importance of sleep hygiene and how blue light emitted by electronic devices affects its quality

    Self-evaluation in patients treated for anorexia nervosa in Lublin province

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    Introduction. Self-esteem, or esteem, towards oneself has a tremendous impact on the various areas of human functioning. However, sometimes ICD-10 eating disorders with anorexia nervosa may adversely affect the perception of one's own body along with its self-evaluation. According to current medical knowledge, these disorders belong to serious mental disorders occurring mainly in young girls and women. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the self-esteem of women treated for anorexia as classified by ICD-10 F 50.1. in medical facilities. Material and methods. The survey included 72 randomly selected women and adolescents of all ages who benefited from medical care and were diagnosed by specialists. The anonymous questionnaire was addressed to women and young girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. Patients were treated at the National Cancer Institute in Kra艣nik, SN ZOZ in Lublin and USD in Lublin. The study was conducted from February to August 2017. Results. The study showed a significantly reduced self-esteem in patients, self-dissatisfaction, loss of sense of life. This disease mainly affects young girls and women up to 30 years of age who live in large cities. Conclusion. Positive was the result that 78% of women perceive anorexia as a disease and can properly indicate its adverse health consequences

    Wp艂yw bakteriofag贸w na aktywacj臋 nab艂onka ludzkich dr贸g oddechowych

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    Bakteriofagi wykazuj膮 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci przeciwzapalne poprzez oddzia艂ywanie na uk艂ad odporno艣ciowy drog膮 obni偶enia poziomu cytokin oraz innych mediator贸w prozapalnych. Nab艂onek dr贸g oddechowych stanowi istotn膮, mechaniczn膮 barier臋 obronn膮 odporno艣ci przeciwzaka藕nej. Odgrywa r贸wnie偶 kluczow膮 rol臋 w kontrolowaniu wielu funkcji dr贸g oddechowych. Jest 藕r贸d艂em cytokin i mediator贸w bior膮cych udzia艂 w procesie zapalnym. W niniejszej pracy wykazano zr贸偶nicowany, zale偶ny od czasu dzia艂ania i st臋偶enia bakteriofag贸w wp艂yw na syntez臋 kwasu 15-HETE, jak r贸wnie偶 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci regeneracyjne nab艂onka oddechowego. Wyniki uzyskane w pracy mog膮 pozwoli膰 na lepsze zrozumienie oddzia艂ywania bakteriofag贸w obecnych w organizmie cz艂owieka na procesy immunologiczne