49 research outputs found

    Identifying an undescribed Danckerts atlas

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    Összefoglalás - 1997-ben a szegedi József Attila Tudományegyetem Földrajzi Tanszékeinek Könyvtárában felbukkant egy eddig ismeretlen Danckerts atlasz. A mű pontos leírása és meghatározása során kiderült, hogy ez egy rendkívül ritka, szép és értékes, ám sajnos hiányos, a XVII. század végéről származó munka. A kutatás folyamán felszínre került tények felhívták a figyelmet arra, hogy a mértékadó nemzetközi szakirodalomban is több módosításra szoruló adat és elképzelés található. Summary-In 1997 a heretofore unknown Danckerts atlas has come to light in the Library of Geography Departments of József Attila University (Szeged, Hungary). Scrutiny for identifying the work has resulted in establishing the volume as a remnant of an extremely rare and precious work from the late 17th century. The examination has also drawn attention to the necessary modification of recently accepted notions of the international carto-bibliography concerning the producing and publishing history of the Danckerts atlases

    Objective analysis and ranking of Hungarian cities, with different classification techniques : part 1 : methodology

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    Összefoglalás - A tanulmány célja, hogy a magyarországi városokat és megyéket környezetminőségük és környezeti tudatosságuk szintje alapján osztályozza. Ahhoz, hogy ezt a feladatot megoldjuk, kiszámítottuk a „Green Cities Index", illetve a „Green Counties Index" értékeket, melyek alapján a városokat és a megyéket 7 különböző kategória 19 környezeti indikátora segítségével rangsoroltuk. Ezt követően azt a célt tűztük ki, hogy összehasonlítsuk a különböző clusterező eljárásokat a városok és megyék osztályozásában. Az SPSS szoftver segítségével elvégzett clusteranalízis mind a városokra, mind a megyékre 6-6 homogén csoportot eredményezett. Az R-nyelv segítségével végrehajtott clusteranalízis az agnes, a fanny és a pam algoritmusok felhasználásával történt. Summary - The aim of the study was to rank and classify Hungarian cities and counties according to their environmental quality and level of environmental awareness. To accomplish this task, „Green Cities Index" and „Green Counties Index" were calculated that rank cities and counties on the basis of seven different categories of 19 environmental indicators. Furthermore, our aim was to compare different methods in classifying cities and counties. Cluster analysis using SPSS software resulted in 6 homogenous groups for both the cities and the counties. Clustering with R-language was carried out using algorithms agnes, fanny and pam

    Conditions of ethnic minorities in the South Plain region

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    In the South Plain only a fraction of the German, the Croatian, the Serbian, the Slovakian and the Rumanian ethnical groups abode, and their ratio decreased to 1.6% of the population. However, in Szeged persons of different ethnical units settled down, discovered each other, new ethnical communities were formed, and Slovakian, Serbian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, German, Gypsy, Vietnamese, Greek, Ukrainian, Arabian, Armenian and Latin (Spanish) associations were established. The Russian, the Vietnamese, the Arabian and the Latin are exlex minorities who have no minority rights. Their unions can work only as Hungarian ones. The Gypsy ethnical group, which consists of minorities belonging to Hungarian, Romany and Boyash mother tongue, is the greatest in numbers. Gypsy children do not receive any help for preparation before going to school, therefore such Gypsy classes pass out from school that are incapable of learning and keeping themselve

    Seasonal case studies on the urban temperature cross-section

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    Investigations concentrated on the temporal dynamics of the urban heat island (UHI) during the night in Szeged, Hungary. Task includes the revelation of building and re-building of the UHI along an urban crosssection studying example cases by seasons and the explanation of their features using land-use and meteorological parameters. The UHI formations were rather perfect with the highest values in the city centre and a few hours after sunset However, some assimetry occurs in the isotherms because they are always shifted a bit to the eastern edge of the transect. It can be attributed to the influence of the highest built-up density of this neighbourhood. For example in the case of the summer night using normalized UHI values some interesting features in the profiles emerge. Presumably, the changes in the magnitudes of UHI in the western and eastern suburbs are caused by the cooler rural air transport (first from NW then from E-NE) according to the changed wind direction. The phenomena of the two peaks was observed in the course of the fall measurment and it can be explained only by the temporary decrease of the wind speed

    Classification of the urban heat island patterns

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    The studied city (Szeged, Hungary) is located on a low and flat flood plain with a population of 160,000. Data were collected by mobile measurements in a grid network under different weather conditions between April 2002 and March 2003 in the time of the maximum development of the urban heat island (UHI). Tasks include: (i) Construction of isotherm maps to show the seasonal mean spatial distributions of the UHI intensity applying the standard Kriging procedure, (ii) Classification of individual temperature patterns into generalized types using normalization and cross-correlation. In the studied periods the spatial distribution of UHI intensity fields had a concentric shape with some local irregularities. As a result of the UHI pattern classification using correlation coefficients eight types of the form can be distinguished. The shifts of the forms in comparison with the regular centralized pattern are, presumably, in connection with the prevailing wind directions

    Objective analysis and ranking of Hungarian cities, with different classification techniques : part 2 : analysis

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    Összefoglalás - A tanulmány célja, hogy a magyarországi városokat és megyéket környezetminőségük és környezeti tudatosságuk szintje alapján osztályozza. Bemutatjuk a magyarországi városok és megyek rangsorát azok „Green Cities Index", illetve a „Green Counties Index" értékeinek összevetésével. Az 1. részben (Makr a and Sü- meghy, 2007) bemutatott módszertan szerint a városokat, illetve megyéket eltérő klasszifikációs technikák szerint osztályoztuk, s elemeztük az osztályozás hatékonyságát. Azonban ezek egyike sem adott elfogadható eredményt sem a városokra, sem a megyékre. E három algoritmus paraméterei alapján egyik clusterezési eljárás során sem találtunk elfogadható cluster-szerkezetet. A fanny algoritmus alkalmazásával kapott clusterek - jóllehet gyenge a szerkezetük - kiterjedt és jól körülhatárolható térségeket jeleznek Magyarországon, melyek adott földrajzi objektumokkal jól körülírhatók. Summary - The aim of the study was to rank and classify Hungarian cities and counties according to their environmental quality and level of environmental awareness. The rankings of the Hungarian cities and counties are based on their „Green Cities Index" and „Green Counties Index" values. According to the methodology presented in Part 1 (Makr a and Siimeghy, 2007), cities and counties were grouped with different classification techniques and the efficacy of the classification was analysed. However, these did not give acceptable results for the cities, nor for the counties. According to the parameters of the here-mentioned three algorithms, no reasonable structures were found in any clustering. Clusters received applying the algorithm fanny, though having weak structure, indicate large and definite regions in Hungary, which can well be circumscribed by geographical objects

    Annual mean urban heat island versus 2D surface parameters : modelling, validation and extension

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    Our assumption is that the mean daily maximum heat island of towns situated on a plain can be assessed on the basis of their surface features. Based on temperature and surface cover data from Szeged and Debrecen, the aim of our research is to construct a multiple variable model for estimating the spatial distribution of the mean heat island, the validation of this model and then to extend our results to other towns situated in a similar environment with no temperature measurements available