993 research outputs found

    Sociological approaches as perspectives on and in social work

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    A guide to practical preparation of training courses

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    Er der forskelle i resultaterne fra VISSIM og DanKap?

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    Flere og flere er begyndt at anvende trafiksimuleringsprogrammet VISSIM til kapacitets og fremkommelighedsanalyser, da programmet indeholder en lang række funktionaliteter, som ikke har været tilgængelige i de programmer vi tidligere har anvendt i Danmark. VISSIM er et udenlandsk program, som ikke indeholder en specifik opsætning for danske trafikforhold og –kulturer, hvorfor det vil være ønskeligt at få noget viden omkring de resultater VISSIM beregner i forhold til de resultater DanKap beregner. Til at belyse dette vil der i forsommeren 2004 blive gennemført en systematisk sammenligning af beregninger fra de 2 programmer. Sammenligningen vil blive baseret på fiktive beregningseksempler, som både gennemregnes i DanKap og i VISSIM. Ud over at sammenligne resultaterne for de enkelte beregningseksempler vil der også blive fokuseret på, hvilken indflydelse trafikmængderne har på størrelsen af forskellene i resultaterne. Det skyldes, at der i andre sammenhænge er opsat en hypotese om, at DanKap overvurderer kapacitetsproblemerne, når belastningsgraden kommer over 0,85, hvorimod VISSIMs resultater ligger tættere på virkeligheden

    Differential Expression of hERG1 Channel Isoforms Reproduces Properties of Native IKr and Modulates Cardiac Action Potential Characteristics

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    can be reproduced by differential expression of ERG1a and ERG1b isoforms. Furthermore, the functional consequences of differential expression of ERG1 isoforms were explored as a potential mechanism underlying native heterogeneity of action potential duration (APD) and restitution. can be reproduced in heterologous expression systems by differential expression of ERG1a and ERG1b isoforms. Characterization of the macroscopic kinetics of ERG1 currents demonstrated that these were dependent on the relative abundance of ERG1a and ERG1b. Furthermore, we used a computational model of the ventricular cardiomyocyte to show that both APD and the slope of the restitution curve may be modulated by varying the relative abundance of ERG1a and ERG1b. As the relative abundance of ERG1b was increased, APD was gradually shortened and the slope of the restitution curve was decreased.. Importantly, our results suggest that regional differences in the relative abundance of ERG1 isoforms may represent a potential mechanism underlying the heterogeneity of both APD and APD restitution observed in mammalian hearts
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