1 research outputs found

    Functional and historical drivers of leaf shape evolution in Palms (Arecaceae)

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    This repository contains the supplementary material, data, and scripts associated with the manuscript titled "Plant height predicts leaf shape in palms (Arecaceae)" The figure legends for the supplementary figures are in the word document. The data we used is in the folder data_files except for the CHELSA climate layers which are available online. The notebooks folder contains annotated python notebooks to generate the data matrices from the raw layers, annotate the species traits as well as solving taxonomic incongruences in the GBIF data, run the analyses, and produce the figures. The folder chains contains the figures of the chains from the MCMC GLMMs and a table summary for the estimates. The folder notebooks/Rscripts contain all the R scripts used for running the MCMC GLMMs in a high-performance computing facility. The folder scipts contain two scripts (python and batch) to process the text files resulting from the MCMC GLMM runs.</p